(广州版)六年级英语下册教案 Module 1 Unit 2(2)

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1、广州版六年级英语下册教案广州版六年级英语下册教案Unit 2 A Lovely BabyWork with language一、教材内容:一、教材内容:该课时是 Unit 2 的第二课时。通过创设丰富情景,设计操练活动,学生继续熟练地运用一般过去式: waswere. , wasnt/werentv.ed -had -二、教学对象:二、教学对象:在教学中抓住特点,配以图片课件帮助学生加深记忆。加大练习密度、量度,注意将难点分散,特别是注意中下生,应培养他们学习英语的兴趣,增强学习的信心。三、教学目标:三、教学目标:1.语言知识目标: 复习巩固 Unit2 单词。复习句型:waswere. ,

2、wasnt/werentv.ed didnt v.-had -2.语言技能目标:学生能用句型来描述人和事物的变化。3.情感态度:乐于模仿,敢于开口,积极参加课堂活动。 4.学习策略:小组合作学习。四、教学重、难点1.表示变化的单词和句型。2.熟练准确地运用句型来描述变化。3.元音字母的音标学习五、教学过程五、教学过程(一)leading-in Describe Unit2 according to some pictures.(二)Pre-task 小学资源网 1. Read the phonetic symbols in chore.Lets discover the rules.Read

3、the sentences in groups.Discuss and point to the differences:Waswere - amareisPlayedhad - playhave(三) While-task 1. Two pictures of Mr. Webbs houses, we discuss and complete the sentences in groups.2. One pupil each team acts as a reporter.3. Having an interview and introduce the conditions.4. Asses

4、sment in chore.(四) post-task 小学资源网 1. Teacher first makes a sentence with the computer:It was old, but now its new.2. Lets develop the sentences in groups: It lookedhad -, but now it look has -.There waswere -, but now there isare-.3. Oral report.4. Guess the puzzle according to the article and picture.5. Please two good pupils finish what the swan says.(五) Homework1. Draw pictures of your new and old houses. Then talk about them with your parents.2. Exercises of Activity Book


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