(陕旅版)六年级英语下册教案 Lesson 6(1)

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1、(陕旅版)六年级英语下册教案(陕旅版)六年级英语下册教案 Lesson 6 I want a CD.本课主要谈论的是买东西的话题,侧重于谈论买音像用品 CD 等等从而展开这个话题,买什么 CD,关于流行歌,还是民族乐,中文的还是外语的,是谁唱的,多少钱,等等。教学目标:1. 准确理解并且能熟练在生活中运用对话中的基本句型。Can I help you?Yes, please.Which do you like better, or ?I like better.How much is it?Its 2. 理解会说会用会写以下单词:A pop song, a tape, a CD, foreig

2、n, cheap, folk music.教学重点难点分析:听,说,读,写以上的四会单词。理解会说会用关于在商店买东西的常用句型。课前准备:教师用 CAI 课件准备一些不同类型,不同风格的音乐,以盒 CD, 磁带和录音机。教学过程:1.热身(Warming up)教师通过展示两个手偶(顾客和售货员)之间的对话来引出本课所要学习的内容。A: Can I help you?B: Yes. I want a CD about folk music.A: Weve got many CDs about folk songs.B: Its great. Can I have a look?A: Whic

3、h do you like better, foreign ones or Chinese ones?B: I like foreign folk songs better.A: Oh, I see. What about this one? Its about the songs by the famous folk singer John Deavor.B: Wonderful! I love it. How much is it?A: Its 70 yuan.B: Wow, its too expensive, but I ll take it. Here you are.A: Than

4、k you.2.新课展示(New Presentation)这节课我们将学习怎样去商店买东西,怎样和售货员进行交谈,怎样询问价钱。本课我们将重点学习如何在音像制品店买 CD,如何挑选 CD,例如摇滚的,古典的,中国的,外国的等等。当我们进入商店,和售货员打完招呼以后,一般情况下售货员会问: Can I help you? 如果我们想要买东西,想要获得帮助时,我们可以说: Yes, I want 如果我们只是想随便看一看,我们就可以说:No,Thanks.教师将这组句子写在黑板上,向同学们展示。Can I help you?Yes, please. No, thanks.教师向学生展示几个例子:

5、 Can I help you? Yes, I want a tape.(出示实物,tape, 磁带)教师在教授这个单词时,要注意对学生的纠音,字母 a 的发音是双元音 | ei |, 要求学生发音时嘴形舌位要到位,流畅响亮。 Can I help you? Yes, I want a CD. (出示图片,CD,光碟)教师和学生之间进行互动练习,或者生生之间进行互动。S1: Can I help you?S2: Yes, I want a pair of shoes.S3: Can I help you?S4: Yes, I want some flowers.教师向学生出示一盒音乐 CD,与

6、学生进行引导对话T:So which is your favorite CD? 你最喜欢什么 CD?S1: My favourite CD is about film.S2:My favourite CD is about music.教师用 CAI 来向学生展示不同风格和类型的音乐。展示中文歌曲 This is Chinese music.展示英文歌曲 This is foreign music.展示流行音乐 This is pop music.展示古典音乐 This is classical music.与学生之间进行互动练习T: What kind of music is your fa

7、vourite? 那你喜欢什么类型的音乐?S I like classical music.T:What kind of music is your favourite?S: My favourite music is pop music. 但是我最喜欢摇滚音乐。T: What kind of music is your favourite?S: My favourite music is Chinese music.T: What kind of music is your favourite?S: My favourite music is foreign music.A:如果我们挑选完了

8、要购买的物品付钱时,询问价钱时,我们可以说 How much is it? How much are they? 在中国,钱的单位是 yuan, 所以我们可以说 Its 70 yuan.我们还有其他价格单位。例如 Its 70 dollars. Its 70 pounds.我们可以用两个形容词来形容价格, expensivecheap.(出示图片 expensive 昂贵的)(出示图片 cheap 便宜的)所以我们可以说This bag is so expensive.This CD is so cheap.3. 小结 本节课我们主要学习如何在商店里买东西,特别是买音乐 CD,要求学生不但要掌

9、握关于在商店里和售货员之间的一般对话,还要对音乐的不同类型,不同风格有所了解。4. 巩固练习教师引导学生用刚才所学的句型进行口语交际练习。模拟在商店买东西的场景,顾客和售货员之间的对话。5. 听课文录音学习课文Listen to the tape and then answer the questions. (播放课文录音)A: What does Li Shan want?B: She wants a CD about songs.A: What kind of music does she like?B: She likes pop music.A: How mach is that CD

10、?B: Its 68 yuan.6. Do the exercise of Lets practise ()(1) A: Can I help you?B: Yes. I want a CD.A: Look at this one. Its about folk music.B: Wonderful! Ill love it. Ill take it.(2) A: Can I help you?B: Yes. I want a VCD.A: Look at this one. Its about a foreign film.B: Great! Ill take it.(3) A: Can I

11、 help you?B: Yes. I want some tapes.A: Look at them. They are about English lessons.B: Wonderful! I like them. I will take them.7. Do the exercise of Lets practise ()(1) A: Can I help you?B: Yes. I want a tape about folk music.A: How about this one? Its popular.B: How much is it?A: Its 7 yuan.B: Oh!

12、 Its very cheap. Ill take it.(2) A: Can I help you?B: Yes. I want a VCD about a Chinese film.A: How about this one? Its popular.B: How much is it?A: Its 48 yuan.B: Oh! Its not cheap, but Ill take it.(3) A: Can I help you?B: Yes. I want a radio.A: How about this one? Its very popular.B: How much is it?A:Its 180 yuan.Oh! Its very expensive. But I will take it.


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