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1、Unit2 补充练习一、语法填空题: 1. All the people in the world want to live _(peace). All the people in the world want to live peacefully. 2. He waved _ us as the train started slowly. He waved _to_ us as the train started slowly. 3._(person), I think he is dishonest, but many people trust him. Personally, I thi

2、nk he is dishonest, but many people trust him. 4.One horse is not equal to _(pull) the heavy cart. One horse is not equal to pulling the heavy cart. 5. It _ (agree) that the boss would sign the contract next Monday morning. It was agreed that the boss would sign the contract next Monday morning. 6.M

3、artin Luther King fought _ the rights of black people in the USA. Martin Luther King fought for the rights of black people in the USA. 7. _(fortune),he was not hurt in the car accident. Fortunately, he was not hurt in the car accident. 8.He has rich experience _ teaching He has rich experience in te

4、aching. 9We should do more to take care of the _(disable). We should do more to take care of the disabled. 10.I got involved _ the quarrel between Jim and Tom. I got involved in the quarrel between Jim and Tom. 11.At that time all of us were young graduates full of energy and were keen _ music. At t

5、hat time all of us were young graduates full of energy and were keen on music. 12. All roads lead _ Rome All roads lead to Rome 二、根据中文意思翻译下列句子。 1.英吉利海峡将法国和英国隔开。 The English Channel separates France from England. 2.数百万人参加了这次罢工。 Millions of people took part in the strike. 3. 她满脸笑容地进了屋。 She came into t

6、he room with a big smile on her face. 4.中华人民共和国于 1949 年 10 月 1 日成立。 The Peoples Republic of China was founded on October 1st, 1949. 5.妇女在为平等权利而斗争。 Women are struggling for equal rights.= Women are struggling to get equal rights. 6.让我样尽力帮助他克服这些困难吧。 Lets try our best to help him pull through these dif

7、ficulties. 7.她表现出对弹钢琴的兴趣。 She expressed an interest in playing the piano. 8.去年他因偷盗而坐牢。Last year he went to prison for stealing. 9.他晋升为新工厂的经理。 He was promoted manager of the new workshop. 10. 两位参赛者为了在一百米跨栏中赢得第一名而相互竞争着。 The two competitors are competing against/ with each other for the first place in

8、the 100-metre hurdles. 11.他又迟到了,正如预料的那样。 He came late again, as was expected. 12.那次地震使得许多人无家可归。(leave, homeless) The earthquake left many people homeless. 13.我会用电脑,但是一谈到修理,我就一窍不通。 I can use a computer, but when it comes to repairing them, I know nothing. 14.我对自己的学习能力非常自信。 I have confidence in my ability of learning.


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