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1、Vol. 35 No. 7 July. 2015第 35 卷 第 7 期 2015 年 7 月 中 南 林 业 科 技 大 学 学 报 Journal of Central South University of Forestry 2. Research Institute of Forest Resources Information Techniques, CAF, Beijing 100091, China)Abstract: Based on the material of stem analysis of standard plots of 30-year-old Erythroph

2、leum fordii Oliv plantation, growth regularity of the plantation was studied. The results showed that (1) About the intermediate tree, the fast-growing period of annual increment of DBH was during 7th 25th year, the growth of annual increment of DBH reached the peak in the 15th year, and it has inte

3、rsected with the curve of average growth several times during the 20th 26th year. To the dominant tree, the fast-growing period of annual increment of DBH was during 5th 28th year, the growth of annual increment of DBH reached the peak in the 11th year, the highest value of average growth of DBH was

4、 during the 18th 19h year. (2) To the intermediate tree, the fast growing period of annual increment of tree height was during the 4th 21th year, the average increment of tree high was in the 8th year, the annual increment of tree height reached the peak in the 7th year, then it gradually decreased,

5、 while it has intersected with the curve of average growth of tree height several times during the 8th 21th year. In the dominant tree, the fast growing period of annual increment of tree height was during the 4th 20th year, the average increment of tree high was in the 9th year, the highest annual

6、increment of tree height was in the 4th years, after that it gradually decreased, while it has intersected with the curve of average growth of tree height several times during the 9th 16th year. (3)Both of the intermediate tree and the dominant tree, their fast growth period of volume have been sust

7、aining a long-term, until the 30th year, both of the growth of volume have not reached the quantitative maturity, the growth of individual volume has a great potential. (4)The heartwood initiation age and xylem diameter of the stem were respectively at 12.2 year and 7.73cm. (5)To the intermediate tr

8、ee, the best equations to simulate the growth process of DBH, tree height and volume were the equations of Gompertz, Richards and Richards in respectively, each of the goodness of Adjusted R-squared was more than 0.978691, and the fitting effects were obvious. While to the dominant tree, the best eq

9、uations to were Schumacher, Richards and Richards in respectively.(6) It is a good and 唐继新,等:南亚热带珍稀濒危树种格木生长规律研究38第 7 期长期以来,我国珍优阔叶材基本取自天然林,长期过量的采伐天然林不仅对环境的负面影响日益突出,也使天然林存量资源严重不足1,尤其自天然林保护工程实施后 , 大径级珍优阔叶材供需失衡的结构性矛盾更为凸显,消耗巨额外汇从东南亚、美国、南非等地进口原木,已成近十年大径级原木供给的主要途径。据统计,我国 2010 年原木进口量已达 1.84 亿 m3(其中大径级珍贵用材0.

10、34 亿 m3),原木进口已占全球原木贸易总量的1/32;一些国家考虑到自身的利益和国际环保组织的压力 , 已逐渐限制或禁止原木出口 3,我国木材安全形势日益严峻2。因此,要从根源上解决我国大径级原木供需失衡的结构性矛盾、缓解天然林保护的压力、增加珍优阔叶材的战略储备及提高我国的国际声誉,调整目前用材林的树种结构、加速珍优阔叶材的培育及深化珍优阔叶材的经营技术研究具有重要战略意义。格木 Erythrophleum fordii Oliv. 又名孤坟柴、斗登风、赤叶木 , 属苏木科格木属,是我国二级重点保护的珍稀濒危植物之一4,天然分布于我国广西、广东、福建和台湾省区 , 及越南和老挝等地,为热

11、带典型的珍贵阔叶用材树种,其木材具有材质细腻、防虫驻、耐腐蚀、比重高、坚硬、心边材区分明显等特点,是高档家具和木质工艺品的优质原料5-7。目前已有学者对其进行了种子处理、育苗、造林技术、群落学特征、濒危机制及保护对策、光合作用响应等生物学特性研究8-9, 但有关该树种胸径、 树高、材积、形数的生长规律,尤其是心材的变化规律,目前尚未见报道。本文依据中国林业科学研究院热带林业实验中心(下文简称热林中心)格木试验人工林树干解析的资料 , 对其生长规律进行研究分析 , 旨在为格木大径材的培育、经营、心材的利用、以及目标树最佳培育径级的确定等提供科学的依据。1 样地概况试验样地位于广西凭祥市热林中心白

12、云实验场(22635N,1064801E),属南亚热带季风气候区,干湿季明显,太阳总辐射强,全年日照时数 1 218 1 620 h,年均气温 21.5, 10积温 7 098 ,最热月平均气温 27.2,最冷月平均气温 12.7,极端最低气温 -0.5,年均降雨量1 379.4 mm,年蒸发量 1 370.2 mm。海拔 250 m,属低山丘陵,坡向为西北;土壤为花岗岩发育而成的赤红壤, 土层较厚, 腐殖质层厚度35 cm, (马尾松树种的)立地指数为 20。调查对象为格木试验人工纯林,造林时间 1982 年春,造林苗木为裸根实生苗,造林密度 2 500 株 / hm2,第 7 年透光伐后保

13、留密度 1 800 株 / hm2;林分分别于第 11、16、21、 28 年历经 4 次强度为 30% 35% 的抚育间伐,现林分立木株数密度、郁闭度分别为 390 株 /hm2 和 0.85;林下植被主要有格木幼树、杜茎山 Maesa japonica、玉叶金花 Mussaenda pubuscens、三叉苦Evodia lepta、 大 青 Clerodendrum cyrtophyllum、五 节 芒 Miscanthus floridulus、 金 毛 狗 Cibotium barometz 等。 2 材料与方法2.1 试验材料在 30 年生的格木试验人工纯林(面积 5.0 hm2)

14、中,按坡位、坡向等基本相近处均匀布设5 个 20 m20 m 临时标准地,对标准地乔木层进行每木检尺;由于格木为我国重点保护的珍稀濒危树种,现存资源极少,尤其是面积连片( 1 hm2)30 年生之上的非幼龄人工林,国内仅存热林中心 1 处6。为保护试验林及降低采样破坏,故对格木树种的生长过程研究 , 未按树干解析的常规要求采伐大量解析木,而仅在样地周围按林木生长分级法划分的优势木、中等木和被压木的三个林木等级10中各选取 2 3 株标准木,以 2 m 区分段进行树干解析;5 个标准地林分平均胸径分别为 23.4、23.3、22.1、21.6、21.9cm,总平均胸径为 22.4 cm,5 个标

15、准地林木总的径级(径阶)分布及解析木如表 1 所示。2.2 研究方法2.2.1 数据的采集与处理对经刨光和标记南北直径线的圆盘样品,先用高清扫描仪扫描图像,然后用 Adobe Acrobat 7.0 Professional 软件打开扫描的图像,再用其软件菜单中的“工具 (T)/ 图画标记 (U)/ 线条工具 (L)” new way to measure analytic trees with the distance tool of Adobe Acrobat software, which has the advantages of accurate results, high effi

16、ciency, lowcost and easy retest with the measurement, comparing with the traditional manual measurement method. Key words: Erythrophleum fordii; stem analysis; heartwood; growth regularity; Adobe Acrobat software; Measuring tool39第 35 卷中 南 林 业 科 技 大 学 学 报标记圆盘直径线上各年龄直径对应的端点,最后用其软件菜单中的“工具 (T)/ 测量工具 (M)/ 距离工具 (D)”进行测量。距离测量具体的过程:打开 Adobe Acrobat 7.0 Professional 软件“距离工具(T)”的操作界面,


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