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1、1非谓语动词(二)非谓语动词(二) 教案教案一、教学目标一、教学目标1、非谓语动词的重点考点; 2、非谓语动词的易错考点。二、教学重难点二、教学重难点1、教学重点:非谓语动词的重点考点;2、教学难点:非谓语动词的易错考点。三、教学过程三、教学过程(一)问题排行榜(Hit the charts)1、非谓语动词的重点考点都有哪些? 2、非谓语动词都有哪些易错考点?(二)攻克难点(Overcome difficulties)1、非谓语动词的重点考点都有哪些? 高考考点聚焦:1.非谓语动词做状语2.非谓语动词做定语考点一. 非谓语动词的逻辑主语_ around the fire, the touris

2、ts danced with the local people. (2011辽宁卷 30)A. Gather B. To gatherC. Gathering D. To be gathering1. Its adj. for / of sb. to do sth.句型中的不定式的逻辑主语2为“sb.” 。2. 非谓语动词作状语时,他们的逻辑主语一般就是句子的主语。当非谓语动词的动作由句子主语发出时,非谓语动词用主动形式;当非谓语动词的动作是句子主语所承受时,用过去分词或不定式、动词的ing 形式的被动形式。3. “代词主格或名词的普通格 非谓语动词”构成独立主格结构。非谓语动词的逻辑主语为代

3、词或名词。4动名词复合结构由“物主代词或名词所有格动名词”构成独立主格结构。这种结构既可用作主语,也可用作宾语,但作宾语时,还可用代词宾格或名词普通格动名词结构。5不定式的复合结构:for sb. to do sth.。考点二.独立成分作状语_you the truth, I feel like _ to bed now.A. Telling; going B. To tell; going C. Telling; to go D. To tell; to go 非谓语动词作独立成分的有: judging by/ from, provided/ providing, given, to be

4、true, to tell you the truth 等。考点三.非谓语动词的时态例 1:Claire had her luggage _ an hour before her plane left. (2011陕西卷 14)A. check B. checking C. to check D. checked例 2:The next thing he saw was smoke _ from behind the house. (2011新课标卷 27)A. rose B. rising C. to rise D. risen动词不定式一般表示在谓语动作之后的事情,要表示发生在谓语动词所表

5、示的动作之前的事情,须用不定式的完成式;动词的ing 形式一般表示与谓语动词动作同时进行的动作,若要表示发生在谓语动词所表示的动作之前的事情,须用动词的ing 形式的完成式。考点四.非谓语动词的句法功能1. 作主语、表语: 动名词表示一般性、经常性的动作。不定式表示一次性的动作。动名词、不定式作主语常用 it 作其形式主语,但 no use, no good 作表语时,真正主语常用动名词。32. 作宾语: (1)有些动词只跟动名词作宾语常用的这类动词有: mind, finish, enjoy, excuse, imagine, keep, practice, suggest, miss, c

6、onsider, prevent, appreciate, advise, avoid, allow, admit, delay, escape, permit, forbid 等。(2)有些动词只跟不定式作宾语常用的这类动词有: want, wish, hope, expect, agree, decide, learn, pretend, ask, promise, plan, refuse, beg, demand, manage, offer, prepare, claim, struggle 等。(3)remember, forget, regret 后接动名词和不定式的区别:后接动

7、名词表示先于谓语动词的动作;后接不定式表示后于谓语动词的动作。(4)want, need, require 和 deserve 后接动名词和不定式的用法:当它们后面所接的动词与句子的主语是动宾关系时,用动名词的主动式或不定式的被动式。(5)在 try, stop, mean, go on, cant help 后,用动名词和不定式所表达的含义不同,要注意:try doing sth. 试着做某事try to do sth. 尽力做某事stop doing sth. 停止做某事stop to do sth. 停下来做另一件不同的事mean doing sth. 意味着做某事mean to do

8、sth. 打算做某事go on doing sth. 继续做刚做的事go on to do sth. 继续做另一件事cant help doing sth. 情不自禁做某事cant help (to) do sth. 不能帮助做某事3. 作宾语补足语: 例 1: Michael put up a picture of Yao Ming beside the bed to keep himself _ of his own dreams.(2011重庆卷 33)A. reminding B. to remindC. reminded D. remind例 2: Even the best wri

9、ters sometimes find themselves _ for words. (2011浙江卷 14)A. lose B. lost 4C. to lose D. having lost熟悉并掌握哪些动词或短语如 advise, allow, like, wish, want, help 等须接不定式作宾语补足语;哪些动词或短语如 find, suggest, lead to 等可接动词的ing 形式作宾语补足语;哪些动词或短语如 feel, see, watch, hear, have 等既可接动词的ing 形式又可接过去分词作宾语补足语;何时用主动形式作宾语补足语,何时用被动形式

10、或过去分词作宾语补足语,一般由非谓语动词与宾语的关系确定。4. 作定语: 例 1:On receiving a phone call from his wife _ she had a fall, Mr. Gordon immediately rushed home from his office.(2011江西卷 32)A. says B. said C. saying D. to say例 2:Tsinghua University, _ in 1911, is home to a great number of outstanding figures. (2011福建卷 23)A. fo

11、und B. founding C. founded D. to be founded(1)注意非谓语动词的形式,不定式作定语一般用主动式,只有当不定式的逻辑主语不是句子的主语或宾语时,才用被动式;现在分词作定语表示主动意义,动作正在进行;过去分词一般表示被动、完成含义。(2) 非谓语动词的位置:非谓语动词短语作定语时,都要放在所修饰的词之后;单个的动词的ing 形式或过去分词作定语时,一般放在所修饰的词之前。不及物动词的不定式作定语,与修饰的名词构成动宾关系时,不及物动词后面的介词不能丢。5. 不定式与现在分词作结果状语的区别: 不定式、现在分词都能表示结果,其区别是:不定式一般表示出乎意料

12、的结果,不定式前常用 only 修饰;而动词的ing 形式表示自然或必然的结果。More highways have been built in China, _ it much easier for people to travel from one place to another. (2011陕西卷 20) A. making B. made C. to make D. having made考点五.不定式 to 的省略1. 动词 see, watch, hear, feel, notice, observe, look at, listen to, let, have, make 接不

13、定式作宾补时,不定式的 to 须省略,但句子变为被动5语态时,不定式的 to 不能省略。2. why, would rather, had better, may as well, cannot (help / choose) but 等后须跟省 to 的不定式。3. 介词 but, except 等前若有行为动词 do, 其后常用省 to 的不定式作宾语;若没有行为动词 do, 则用带 to 的不定式。4. 不定式作表语时,若主语中有行为动词 do 的某一形式时,不定式的 to可有可无。例 1: It was a pity that the famous painter died _ his

14、 painting unfinished. A. of B. fromC. out D. with例 2:With his mother _ him, he is getting on well with his work. A. help B. to helpC. helping D. helped考点六. with 复合结构在句中一般作状语和定语,常见形式有:1 “with+名词/代词+介词短语” 。The man was walking on the street, with a book under his arm. 2. “with+名词/代词+形容词” 。He likes to sleep with the door open.3. “with+名词/代词+副词” 。The square looks more beautiful with all the lights on. 4. “with+名词/代词+名词”


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