英语原版绘本图书 Phonics系列-拼读类精美绘本--the_thing_on_the_wing

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1、A Short Vowel SoundS Book with ConSonAnt digrAphSBrian P. Cleary illustrations by Jason MiskiMinsThis Page Left Blank IntentionallyJ Millbrook Press/MinneapolisBrian P. Clearyillustrations by Jason MiskiminsConsultant: Alice M. MadayPh.D. in Early Childhood Education with a Focus in Literacy Assista

2、nt Professor, Retired Department of Curriculum and Instruction University of MinnesotaA Short vowel SoundS book with ConSonAnt digrAphSText copyright 2009 by Brian P. Cleary Illustrations copyright 2009 by Lerner Publishing Group, Inc.All rights reserved. International copyright secured. No part of

3、this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any meanselectronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwisewithout the prior written permission of Lerner Publishing Group, Inc., except for the inclusion of brief quotations in an acknowledged rev

4、iew.Millbrook Press A division of Lerner Publishing Group, Inc. 241 First Avenue North Minneapolis, MN 55401 U.S.A.Website address: Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication DataCleary, Brian P., 1959The thing on the wing can sing : a short vowel sounds book with consonant digraphs / by Brian P.

5、 Cleary ; illustrations by Jason Miskimins ; consultant: Alice M. Maday.p. cm. (Sounds like reading)ISBN: 9780822576396 (lib. bdg. : alk. paper) 1. English languageVowelsJuvenile literature. 2. English language ConsonantsJuvenile literature. 3. English languagePhoneticsJuvenile literature. 4. Readin

6、gPhonetic methodJuvenile literature. I. Miskimins, Jason, ill. II. Maday, Alice M. III. Title. PE1157.C57 2009428.13dc22 2008012771Manufactured in the United States of America 1 2 3 4 5 6 BP 14 13 12 11 10 09 to Mrs. Somlai, my fourth-grade teacher in richfield, Minnesota, and to Mrs. Simoneau, my (

7、second) fourth-grade teacher in rocky river, ohio b.p.C.eISBN-13: 978-0-7613-5198-6Look for me to help you find the words that sound alike!Dear Parents and Educators,As a former adult literacy coach and the father of three children, I know that learning to read isnt always easy. Thats why I develope

8、d Sounds Like Readinga series that uses a combination of devices to help children learn to read. This book is the fifth in the Sounds Like Reading series. It uses rhyme, repetition, illustration, and phonics to introduce young readers to short vowel sounds and consonant digraphs letter combinations

9、that come together to create a new sound. These include combinations such as ch, sh, and th. Ive chosen to use a broad, inclusive definition of digraphs in this book, so youll also see combinations such as kn, ng, and ck.Starting on page 4, youll see three rhyming words on each left-hand page. These

10、 words are part of the sentence on the facing page. They all feature short vowels and consonant digraphs. As the book progresses, the sentences become more challenging. These sentences contain a “discovery” wordan extra rhyming word in addition to those that appear on the left. Toward the end of the

11、 book, the sentences contain two discovery words. Children will delight in the increased confidence that finding and decoding these words will bring. Theyll also enjoy looking for the mouse that appears throughout the book. The mouse asks readers to look for words that sound alike.The bridge to lite

12、racy is one of the most important we will ever cross. It is my hope that the Sounds Like Reading series will help young readers to hop, gallop, and skip from one side to the other!Sincerely, Brian P. ClearychinshinthinCan you find three words that sound alike?4His chin and his shin are thin.knock ro

13、ck clock6Knock on the rock by the clock.Can you find three words that sound alike?thingwingsing8The thing on the wing can sing.Can you find three words that sound alike?trashashsash10The trash by the sash was filled with ash.Can you find three words that sound alike?witchditchitch12The witch in the

14、ditch began to itch.Can you find three words that sound alike?longsongwrong14The long song was all wrong.Can you find three words that sound alike?batchpatchlatchCan you find the word that sounds like batch, patch, and latch?16Snatch the batch from the patch by the latch.tackblackrackCan you find th

15、e word that sounds like tack, black, and rack?18The tack is back on the black rack.duckstuckmuck20Chuck and the duck are stuck in the muck.Can you find the word that sounds like duck, stuck, and muck?speckwreckdeck22Check the speck by the wreck on the deck.Can you find the word that sounds like spec

16、k, wreck, and deck?whipchipshipCan you find the word that sounds like whip, chip, and ship?24A whip and a chip are at the tip of the ship.snacksackstack26Pack the snack in a sack from the stack.Can you find the word that sounds like snack, sack, and stack?bunchmunchpunch Can you find two words that sound like bunch, mun



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