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1、六年级上册六年级上册 第八单元第八单元第第 1 课时课时 教案教案Teaching contents 教学内容教学内容Story time Teaching aims and learning objectives 教学目标教学目标1. 能听懂、会读、会说 Hong Kong, tangyuan, Chinese New Years Eve, Chinese New Years Day, red packet, lion dance, fireworks, firecracker。2. 能听懂、会读、会说日常用语 What are you/they going to do ?、Im/Were

2、going to 。3. 能正确理解并朗读对话内容,在教师的引导和帮助下尝试复述课文内容。4. 能初步运用本课所学的词汇和日常用语谈论春节的习俗。Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty 教学重点和难点教学重点和难点教学重点:能正确理解并朗读对话内容,在教师的引导和帮助下复述课文内容。教学难点:能初步运用本课所学的词汇和日常用语谈论春节的习俗。Teaching procedures 教学过程教学过程Step 1 Lead-in1. Revision T: Hello, boys and girls.S: Hello, Mr/Mis

3、s T: I like taking photos. I have some photos about festivals. What are they about? (用 PPT 展示照片)P1: The Dragon Boat FestivalP2: The Mid-Autumn FestivalP3: The Qingming FestivalP4: The Double Ninth Festival P5: The Spring Festival, and we can call it Chinese New Year, too.S: (跟着老师读 Chinese New Year)

4、2. Free talk T: Which festival do you like?S: I like the Mid-Autumn Festival.T: What do people usually do at the Mid-Autumn Festival?S: They usually watch the moon.T: What do people usually eat at the Mid-Autumn Festival?S: They usually eat moon cakes.(提示:如果学生回答其他节日,老师也以人们做什么和吃什么为话题与学生进行交流。如果学生回答春节,

5、就直接进入下一个新授环节)【设计意图:引出节日话题,复习学生学过的节日名称,与学生谈论喜欢的节日以及节日风俗,为下一步学习进行铺垫。 】Step 2 Presentation1. Show the title of this unitT: Which festival is coming?S: Chinese New Year.T: Right! Today, lets learn Unit 8 Chinese New Year.S: (跟着老师读单元标题)2. Present some new words and phrasesT: What do people usually do at

6、Chinese New Year? (呈现图片)S1: They wear new clothes.S2: They have dinner with their family.S3: They set off fireworks and firecrackers. S4: They perform a lion dance. (学生学习新词 fireworks, firecrackers 和 a lion dance)T: Parents and grandparents will give children special gifts. What are they? (PPT呈现红包的图片

7、)S: Red packets. (学习新词 red packets) T: What do people usually eat at Chinese New Year? (PPT 呈现水饺和汤圆图片)S: Dumplings and tangyuan. (学习新词 tangyuan)3. Present the sentence structureT: Chinese New Year is coming soon. Lets make plans for this festival. First, let me tell you my plan. Im going to buy new

8、clothes for my family. Im going to buy some flowers and some snacks. Im going to have dinner with my family. And Im going to give my son red packets. Im going to eat tangyuan. And Im going to watch fireworks. What are you going to do at Chinese New Year? (PPT呈现句型 What are you going to do at Chinese

9、New Year?和 Im going to )S1: Im going to watch fireworks.S2: Im going to buy new clothes.S3: Im going to eat tangyuan.【设计意图:将话题聚焦到春节上,通过图片、视频等,与学生一起温习春节的风俗习惯,进而教授本课的生词。接着教师与学生谈论春节计划,教授新句型,学生进行适当操练。 】Step 3 Story time1. Know something about Anna T: You are going to watch fireworks, buy new clothes, et

10、c. How about the people in Hong Kong? (PPT 呈现 Hong Kong 的图片)S: (跟着老师读 Hong Kong)T: (PPT 呈现 Anna 照片) Anna lives in Hong Kong. She is Su Hais e-friend. 2. Watch and answerT: Anna wrote an email to Su Hai, and talked about her Chinese New Year. What is she going to do at Chinese New Year? Now lets read

11、 her email. Please answer my questions: When is Chinese New Year? Which four days are mentioned in the email?S: (根据教师提出的问题作答。回答第一个问题时,从教师提供的选项 A. this week B. next week C. next month 中进行选择,并学习新短语 next week;回答第二个问题时,学生说出 tomorrow, Chinese New Years Eve, Chinese New Years Day 和 the second day of Chine

12、se New Year)T: (将图字卡放到黑板上) Now look at these word cards. (学生学习新词 eve)3. Read, underline and say(1) T: Yes, you did a good job. Four days are mentioned in the email. What are Anna and her family going to do tomorrow? Please read and underline the phrases.S: (朗读并划出以下短语) Buy some new clothes and food,

13、make some cakes and tangyuan.T: Now lets check. S: Anna and her family are going to buy some new clothes and food, make some cakes and tangyuan.T: (PPT 呈现句子 Tomorrow, Annas family and Anna are going to Then, in the evening, theyre going to ,并要求学生朗读)(2) T: What are Anna and her family going to do on

14、Chinese New Years Eve? Please read and underline the phrases.S: (朗读并划出以下短语) Have dinner with my grandparents, my aunt and uncle and my cousin, and buy some flowers. T: Now lets check. S: They are going to have dinner with her grandparents, her aunt and uncle and her cousin and buy some flowers.T: (P

15、PT 呈现句子 On Chinese New Years Eve, they are going to Then, theyre going to ,并要求学生朗读)(3) T: What about Chinese New Years Day and the second day of Chinese New Year? Please read and underline the useful phrases on your books. (PPT 呈现:On Chinese New Years Day, Annas parents are going to In the afternoon

16、, theyre going to On the second day of Chinese New Year, theyre going to ) (教师将图字卡放到黑板上)【设计意图:从课文中的人物 Anna 过渡到语篇的学习。先整体感知语篇,了解 Anna 邮件中提到的四天,然后精读课文,获取细节信息。 】4. Look and orderT: Theyre going to do lots of things at Chinese New Year. Please turn to Page 80, look at these pictures and put them into the correct order Now lets check the answer: aebfcd. (完成后,改变图片顺序,让学生再朗读短语)5. Imitate the dialogueT: Please pay attention to the pronunciation a


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