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1、 1 / 15综合教程(一)一、完形填空 (1)and (2)understand (3)about (4)sides (5)what (6)bad (7)nor (8)properly (9)destroy (10)says (11)which (12)stronger (13)behind (14)up (15)While (16)unique (17)dark (18)benefits (19)from (20) rule英译汉 由于殖民地与许多海外地区的大量贸易,所有欧洲重要商业国以及它们在西半球领地的金银铸币在北美东海岸都可以自由交换。由于法律不允许英国货币从英国流向殖民地,相比之下

2、,西班牙的货币更加重要。这些货币在墨西哥城及利马铸造,再进入西班牙殖民地。西班牙币在殖民地被普遍使用,以至于这种硬币最后成为美国货币单位。虽然早在 1652 年马萨诸塞率先铸造低含金量的硬币,但殖民地最后转而印制纸币以补充短缺且不可靠的货币供给。著名人士的期票与签发给英国商人的汇票几个月内就能顺利转手。此外,各个殖民地的财政部门开始在收税前签发期票,同时向城镇官员下达书面命令要求当地店铺履行付款义务,如其他可转让的单据一样,这些票据经背书后可作为货币进行交换。1、随着我国加入世贸组织,国有银行面临的压力越来越大,为了尽快解决资本充足率以及扩大规模,这家大银行打算与其它两家小银行合并。With

3、Chinas successful entry into the WTO, state-owned banks are faced with more and more pressure. The big bank intends to merge with two small banks so as to quickly solve the problem of capital sufficiency and enlarge its scale.2、受全球经济衰退和通货膨胀的影响,这个城市的许多小企业已经破产或者本大公司兼并,导致大量工人面临失业的困境。Because of the rece

4、ssionary effect on global economy and inflation, many small businesses In this city have gone bankrupt or have been swallowed up by giant corporations. It leads to a large number of workers facing unemployment. 3、他没有娶她。他认为尽管怜悯近似于爱,但是是不同的。他希望为爱情而结婚,而不是为了怜悯。He didnt marry her, because he thought that

5、althou gh sympathy was closely akin to love, they were still different. What he hoped was marrying/marriage for love, not for sympathy.4、网络教育似乎是一种极好的教育方式,它能够触及到一大批潜在的学生,而且可以减少传统学校教育所需要的高额的基础设施及人力费用。Web-based training and learning seems to be a perfect way to reach a huge pool of potential students,

6、as well as curtail the high infrastructure and personnel costs of traditional schooling.5、随着这个城镇经济的发展,当地政府打算为老年人建立一所一流的养老院。With the development of this towns economy, local government intends to tailor a first-class nursing home for the needs of the elderly.6、政府撤销对金融市场的管制有利于经济全球化的发展,但同时也给国内经济造成了一些负面

7、影响。The deregulation of financial markets taken by government is very helpful to economical globalization, but, at the same time, it brings some unpleasant influences on domestic economy.7、但愿我的弟弟别再整天玩网络游戏了,否则,他将无法完成学业。I wish my younger brother would desist from playing network games all day, otherwis

8、e he would have to discontinue his study.8、一家店铺开始延长营业时间,同一条街上的其他商店也都跟着做。One shop began to prolong the business hours, and all other shop along the same street followed suit.9、随着 1997 年许多东亚国家经济中出现的戏剧性的货币贬值,这些国家遭受了急剧而且徘徊不去的经济衰退。这种结果违反了贬值使国内生产的商品更便宜而且应当提高产量的观点。Following the dramatic currency depreciati

9、on in many East Asian economies in 1997,there countries suffered sharp and lingering recessions. This outcome runs counter to the notion that depreciations ought to boost output because they make domestically produced goods cheaper.二、完形填空 (1)committing (2)combat (3)issued (4)reduce (5)withdrawal (6)

10、ratified (7)accounted (8)emissions (9)participation (10)implemented (11)reached (12)proceed (13)secure (14)concessions (15)original (16)option (17)pressure (18)unanimous (19)revised (20)greenhouse英译汉 (1) 并非所有地区的气候都会经历同样的气候变暧的情况,有些地区会变得更干更热,然而另外一些地区则会遭遇较冷的天气。全球气候变暖可能产生的预期结果包括极地冰盖融化,海洋沿线被淹没,剧烈的暴风雨,降雨模

11、式的改变,以及现有生态平衡的广泛变化等等。根据目前的模式,据估计在下个世纪中全球海平面将上升 1595 厘米。这足以把世界上三分之一人口的家园淹没。由于像蚊子一样传播疾病的昆虫的栖息地的扩大,传染性疾病也将变得越来越多,许多物种或许将不能适应如此剧烈的气候变化而最终灭绝。(2) 但是,一切都考虑进去了之后,那个长期的真正能够解决环境危机的方法却被所有的领导人忽视了。倘若不去调整我们的经济,我们将只能是绿化垂死的树上的个别叶子。我们的政府,和它的前任们一样,坚持认为持续增长的全球贸易理所当然是一件好事情。因此,政府给予了无数直接或间接的资助。这些资助只能使那些生产远距离出口商品的大公司获益。1、

12、在环境危机问题上,与其拿出一个不怎么样的提案,还不如2 / 15没有提案,因为提案一旦作出,政治家们就回在其后一段时间内把环境问题放在一边。As to the climate crisis, we are better off with a clean slate than a weak proposal. Because once the proposal is made, politicians will close the climate chapter for some time.2、她开始意识到,她的持续的腹痛是由于食用了上周在当地超市贱卖的熏肉引起的。Shes cottoned o

13、n that her constant stomachache was caused by the bacon on offer last week at local market. 3、那位超级明星突然造访一座海滨小城,第二天这则消息在当地报纸的头版显著刊登。That superstar descended on a small coastal town, which splashed across the front page of the local newspaper.4、他立足商界的最后一搏失败了,这似乎令人沮丧,但从长远来看,这也未尝不是一件好事,他可以从中学到很多。It seem

14、ed frustrating that his last-ditch effort to win a place in the business world collapsed. But it was also for the best. From the long term, he could learn a lot.5、父母把自己的爱和关怀无私地给予了孩子。然而,当他们年迈之时,其中一些却只能无奈的独自生活。Parents lavish their love and care on their children. However, when they become old, some of

15、 them are condemned to live alone.6、我国现任的政治领导和他们的前任们一样坚信,在反腐问题上没有退缩。The present political leaders of our country, in line with their predecessors, were wedded to the belief that we should not retreat in the action against corruption.7、多亏了政府的资助和好心人的捐款,那些贫困地区失学的孩子们才得以重返校园。The school dropouts in povert

16、y-stricken areas came back to school by courtesy of the subsidies from government and donations from the kind people.8、在当地政府的有效组织下,洪灾所造成的损失被降到了最低程度。Under the effective organization of the local government, the damage caused by the flood has been watered down to the minimum.9、在经济发展上,超级大国走在了前面,把其他国家远远甩在了后面,但这并不是说,他们在一切问题上都说了算。Superpowers forge ahead in economic development, leaving other countries far behind. But it doesnt necessari


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