仁爱版八上《Topic 2 I am sure there are no UFOs》word学案

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1、UnitUnit 4 4 TopicTopic 2 2EnjoyEnjoy thethe songsong The showIm just a little bit caught in the middle life is a maze and love is a riddle.I dont know where to go cant do it alone Ive tried but I dont know why. Slow it down make it stop or else my heart is going to pop. Cause its too much yeah its

2、a lot to be something Im not. Im a fool out of love cause I just cant get enough. Im just a little bit caught in the middle life is a maze and love is a riddle.I dont know where to go cant do it alone Ive tride but I dont know why.Im just a little girl lost in the moment. Im so scared but I dont sho

3、w it.I cant figure it out its bringing me down I know Ive got to let it go and just enjoy the show.The sun is hot in the sky just like a giant spot light. The people fol-low the signs and sicronise in time.Its just nobody knows they got to take it to the show.I want my money back just enjoy the show

4、.名词名词信息塞子按压机器人气球物,宾语把塞 住科学家外星人动词动词介词介词情况,形势例子,榜样出现朝,向,对 于机器词典修理形容词形容词卡车新闻界 出版社醒来,叫醒真实的盘子按钮,纽扣下载人造的行星词组词组取代把错当寻求,需要醒来例如在花费注意查找以开始写信给接通电源 插上插头SectionSection A A一一. 写出下列动词的过去式写出下列动词的过去式1. tell- 2. go- 3. invent- 4. appear- 5. take-6. save-7. repair-8. lift-9. carry- 10. mend-11. make- 12. lose-13. work

5、-14. pay-15. think-16. have-二二. 在文中找到并划出下列短语在文中找到并划出下列短语1.一些关于机器人的事情_ 2.科技中心_ 3.上周末_4.发明第一个机器人_ 5.一些像机器人的东西_ 6.代替人类的地位_ /_7.艰难而乏味的工作_ 8.许多危险的工作_ 9.更快更好_ 10.很有把握_11.挽救处在危险中的人_ 12.修机器_ 13. 修路_14.搬运重物_ 15.举起卡车部件_ 16.捕鱼_17.使人类失业_ 18.很多种工作_ 19.更难的工作_20.使人类变懒_ 21.不计报酬工作_ 22.20 年后_三三. 读读 1a, 回答问题回答问题1. Whe

6、n did Kangkang go to the Science Center? _2. Did anything like a robot appear before 1921? _3. What kind of work can robots do for humans? _四四. 在文中找到下列句子并翻译总结在文中找到下列句子并翻译总结1. Could you tell me something about robots? Sure. 译_思考:思考:something 为什么没有换成 anything? (详细介绍见 Unit2 Topic3 Section A 一定要看哦!)2. R

7、obots can take the place of humans to do hard or boring work in some situations. 译_They can also do lots of dangerous work instead of humans.译_点拨:点拨:take the place of sb.= take ones place 取代,代替 instead of 代替区别区别: take the place of sb 是_词词组,而 instead of是_词词组 用法:用法:take the place of sb to do sth. = do

8、 sth instead of sb.巩固:巩固:a. Robots can take the place of humans to do hard or boring work in some situations.(同义句)(同义句)Robots can _ _ _ _ _ in some situations _ _ _.b.They can also do lots of dangerous work instead of humans. (写出同义句)(同义句)(同义句)They can also _ _ _ _ _ _ _ hard or boring work in some s

9、ituations. c.他将代替你做那份工作。He will _ _ _ _ _ _ _ the job. / He will _ _ _ _ _ you.3. mend roads 译:_ repair the machine 译:_区别区别: mend 与 repair 都有“修理,修补”的含义,mend 一般用于衣服,鞋袜等小东西,偶尔也用于道路,门窗等;而 repair 则用于建筑,堤坝,机器,车辆等,两者不能互换。巩固巩固:a. 这件衣服太旧了,不能修补。 The shirt is _ old _ _.b. 谁把电脑修好了? Who _ the computer?4. Robots

10、 will make humans lose their jobs. 译:_区别区别: job 与 work - job 是_名词,work 是_名词,此外 work 还可作_词惯用语:惯用语:lose ones job_ do a good job_ at work_ My car doesnt work._点拨:点拨:(1) make sb do sth. 使某人做某事 (2) make sb./sth. + adj.使某人/某物处于某种状态。巩固:巩固:(1). 我昨天让他站了一小时。I _ him _ for _ _ yesterday.(2 ). 他所做的使我很高兴。 _ he di

11、d _ me _.5. Robots can work without pay. 译:_点拨:点拨:pay - 报酬 (名词); 付钱 (动词) pay for- 为付款总结总结: 有关“花费”的动词有:spend / pay / cost a. 人人 spend 时间时间/钱钱 (in)doing sth - 花费时间/钱做某事on sth - 在某物上花费时间/钱b. 人人 pay 钱钱 for 物物 - 为某物付多少钱c. 物物 cost 人人钱钱 - 某物花费某人多少钱练习练习: 那台电脑花了我 5000 元。 a._b._c._6. Do you think you will have a robot in 20 years? 译_点拨:点拨: in 20 years - 20 年以后 ( 未来的 ) 对比:对比: after 20 years - _ ( 过去了的 )“in一段时间”表示多长时间以后,与将来时连用;而“after一段时间”表示过去的时间,与过去时连用。链接:链接: twotwo daysdays agoa


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