2017春冀教版英语七下Unit 8《Lesson 45 Baseball Season》word参考教案

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《2017春冀教版英语七下Unit 8《Lesson 45 Baseball Season》word参考教案》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2017春冀教版英语七下Unit 8《Lesson 45 Baseball Season》word参考教案(3页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Lesson45 参考教案参考教案Teaching goals 教学目标 1. Target language 目标语言 a. 掌握词汇及短语 baseball luckily snack pop if ever root toot shamethe name of my team on weekends take sb. out play against句型1)On weekends, we will often play against other teams.2)My family and friends will come and watch me play.Learn about h

2、ow to tell a sportAbility goals 能力目标 Enable students to know baseball season.3. Learning ability goals 学能目标 Know about baseballTeaching important and difficult points 教学重难点 Teach the student to know about baseball game.Teaching methods 教学方法 Listening and speaking. Teaching aids 教具准备 Audiotape. Teach

3、ing procedures & ways 教学步骤与方式 Step I Greeting and lead-in Greet the students and get them to review what they learned from the former text.T: How many kinds of sports, do you know? S:.T: What kind of sports do you like best?S:.Lead in the new text.1. Listen to the tape and learn about the contents o

4、f lesson forty-five.Listen to the tape and try to finish the exercise 2 from “Lets Do it”.2. Get the students to read the text and finish the exercise 1 from “Lets Do It”.3. Grasp the important phrases and sentences of the text.Phrasesthe name of my team 我们队的名字on weekends 在周末take sb. out 把带出去play ag

5、ainst 与比赛Sentences:1)On weekends, we will often play against other teams.on weekends 在周末例句:On weekends, we often go to the park.play against 与比赛例句:Our team will play against with another team next week.I dont want to play against him, he is too good.2) My family and friends will come and watch me pl

6、ay.watch sb. do sth. 观看某人做或者做了. 强调看到整个过程watch sb. doing sth 观看某人正在做. 强调看到某个动作的瞬间.(正在.)例句:I watched him steal that book. 我看见他偷了那本书。( 强调事实)The girl is watching the the chief stealing something. 那个女孩正在看小偷 偷东西。Grammar:be going to 和 will 的区别:两者均可用来表示将来的意图,但“be going to“结构语义稍强些。例句:They are going to climb

7、the Qomolangma one day.他们准备/想将来某一天去爬珠穆朗玛峰对于事先经过考虑的打算、计划、意图, 应使用 be going to, 而不是 will 结构。例句: What are you going to do next Sunday?下星期天你打算干什么? Im going to go fishing. 我打算去钓鱼。对于未经过考虑的打算,计划,只是临时之意,则用 will 结构,不用 be going to 结构。例句: Where is the telephone book? 电话号码簿在哪儿? Ill go and get it for you. 我去给你拿。在

8、表示即将发生某事时,两者区别意义不大,多可互换。例句:What is going to happen? 就要发生什么事?What will happen? 将要发生什么事?一般说来,be going to 表示较近的将来,而 will 则表示较远的将来。试 比较:例句:It is going to snow tonight. 今晚要下雪。There will be a strong wind in a few days. 几天后将有一场大风。表示不受人的主观意愿影响的单纯将来, 一般只能用 will 结构。例句:Tomorrow will be April Fools Day. 明天是愚人节。

9、在正式的通知(如新闻媒体公布的官方消息,气象预报等)中用 will 结 构。例句:There will be a heavy rain to the south of Huai River. 淮河以南将有 大雨。Finish the exercise 3 from “Lets Do It” .Step III Work in pairs and finish the exercise 4 from “Lets Do It”Homework a. Finish the exercises in Activity book. b. Preview Lesson 46 and write some fun activities you like


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