英语-成人高考高起点考试真题及参考 答案

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1、2003 年成人高考高起点英年成人高考高起点英语语考考试试真真题题及参考答案及参考答案一、语音知识第 1 题单选 请选择划线部分读音不同的选项( )。A.pieceB.cheekC.dealtD.receive参考答案:C第 2 题单选 请选择划线部分读音不同的选项( )。A.gloveB.stoneC.globeD.spoke参考答案:A第 3 题单选 请选择划线部分读音不同的选项( )。A.flewB.knewC.threwD.grew参考答案:B第 4 题单选 请选择划线部分读音不同的选项( )。A.hotelB.hopelessC.holidayD.honest参考答案:D第 5 题单

2、选 请选择划线部分读音不同的选项( )。A.societyB.preciousC.decisionD.medicine参考答案:B二、词汇与语法知识第 6 题单选 Allen _ any good job since he came to New York City two years ago.A.hasnt foundB.didnt findC.doesnt findD.hadnt found参考答案:A第 7 题单选 “Let me _ you,”said my boss,“you should call me immediately after you arrive at the air

3、port.”A.askB.adviseC.rememberD.remind参考答案:D第 8 题单选 The boys spent the whole morning _ possible answers to the question.A.discussB.and discussingC.discussingD.and discussed参考答案:C第 9 题单选 This village _ to be the place in which Ernest Hemingway,one of the greatest American writers,wrote this story.A.is

4、 believingB.is believedC.believesD.believe参考答案:B第 10 题单选 Its reported that by the end of last month the sale of the company _ by 10%.A.has risenB.had been risingC.had risenD.has been rising参考答案:C第 11 题单选 -How _ will you be able to finish the painting?-In a couple of hours.A.soonB.oftenC.longD.fast参考

5、答案:A第 12 题单选 _ any friends in the city,he felt quite lonely and helpless.A.No to haveB.No havingC.Not to haveD.Not having参考答案:D第 13 题单选 Dr. White was away to the South last month,so he didnt attend the meeting _ in Beijing.A.having heldB.to holdC.to be heldD.held参考答案:D第 14 题单选 _ at his paper over th

6、e weekend,Neil didnt finish it.A.As he worked hardB.Hard as he workedC.How he worked hardD.How hard he worked参考答案:B第 15 题单选 -Are you satisfied with her work,sir?-Not at all. It couldnt be any _.A.betterB.bestC.worseD.worst参考答案:C第 16 题单选 That was _ matter that I had no choice but to talk it over with

7、 my parents.A.a such seriousB.a so seriousC.such serious aD.so serious a参考答案:D第 17 题单选 This disease is second only _ heart attack as a cause of death all over the world.A.toB.ofC.withD.from参考答案:A第 18 题单选 The word is new to us. Youd better _ in the dictionary.A.look at itB.look for itC.look it upD.lo

8、ok it out参考答案:C第 19 题单选 If there is no one _ him with the preparation,he will have to put off the meeting.A.helpB.to helpC.helpsD.helped参考答案:B第 20 题单选 As soon as she _ open the letter,Mrs. White will find out what has happened to her husband.A.tearsB.is tearingC.will tearD.has torn参考答案:A第 21 题单选 _ t

9、he government argees to give extra money,the theatre will have to be closed next month.A.UnlessB.IfC.SinceD.As参考答案:A第 22 题单选 To reduce weight,plastic has taken _ of iron and steel in making boats.A.its placeB.placeC.the placeD.a place参考答案:C第 23 题单选 -Let me help you with your suitcase.-_.A.Youre very

10、 niceB.Yes,youre so helpfulC.No,I can doD.Its very kind of you参考答案:D第 24 题单选 These three English novels are for you. The rest _ for the other students in your class.A.wereB.isC.areD.was参考答案:C第 25 题单选 You _ have seen Jane in her office last Friday;shes been out of town for two weeks.A.couldntB.mustnt

11、C.wouldntD.shouldnt参考答案:A第 26 题单选 Henry never said that he was good at maths,_ he?A.wasB.didC.didntD.wasnt参考答案:B第 27 题单选 The little girl showed the policeman the corner _ she was knocked off her bike.A.andB.whichC.thatD.where参考答案:D第 28 题单选 The snow was so deep that the climbers could not _ to the ca

12、mp.A.get overB.get alongC.get throughD.get around参考答案:C第 29 题单选 In need of money,Bob had to take _ job that was offered to him.A.whateverB.no matter whatC.whicheverD.no matter which参考答案:A第 30 题单选 My friend and I would like to go to the concert,but _ of us has got a ticket.A.bothB.noneC.neitherD.all参

13、考答案:B三、完型填空第 31 题单选 通读下面的短文,掌握其大意。然后,从四个选择项中选出可填入相应空白处的最佳选项。I once went to a town in the north of England on business.It was about 7:30 in the evening when I reached the hotel. The manageress,a strict old lady of about 60,showed me to my room. When I asked her what time dinner was,she said there was

14、 only one sitting at 6:30,and I had 31_it.“Never mind,”I said.“Im not very 32_. Ill just have a drink in the bar(酒吧)and a sandwich.”“Bar!”she 33_her voice.“This is a respectable hotel,young man. If you want 34_,you must go somewhere else.”She spoke 35_a glass of beer was a dangerous drug.I went to a

15、 bar and had some beer and sandwiches and then went to the cinema. At about 11:30 I 36_. Everything was in darkness. I knocked at the door,but nothing happened.The 37_sound was the church clock opposite,which suddenly struck the half-hour with such 38_that it made me jump. 39_a window opened upstairs. The old lady 40_and asked me what was going on. I explained who I was and she let me 41_after ten minuteswait. She was in her nightdress. She told me seriously that guests were 42_to be back in the hotel by 11 oclock.



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