看电影学英语—Sleepless In Seattle 西雅图夜未眠

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1、Sleepless In Seattle 西雅图夜未眠-Sam: Mommy got sick. sick: 生病的 妈咪病了。 It happened just like that. happen: 发生 突然发病。 There was nothing anybody could do. 医生都束手无策。 It isnt fair. fair: 公平的,公正的 不公平。 Theres no reason. But if we start asking why, well go crazy. reason: 理由,道理 crazy: 疯狂的 毫无道理,但若追问下去,我们会疯掉。 -Female

2、 friend: Five minutes in the microwave. Any one of them. Theyre done. Ready to eat. microwave: 微波炉 ready: 准备好的 微波炉热五分钟就可以吃。 Do you know how to make juice? juice: 果汁 你会榨果汁吗? -Sam: Microwave. Five minutes. 微波炉,五分钟。 -Colleague: Here. My shrink. Call him. shrink: 心理医生 我的心理医生,和他联络。 -Sam: “Loss of Spouse

3、Support Group.“ spouse: 配偶 support: 支持,帮助 丧偶互助会。 Chicago Cancer Family Network. cancer: 癌症 network: 网络,引申为组织 芝加哥癌症家属组织。 Parents Without Partners. Partners Without Parents. partner: 伙伴,配偶 单亲父母,失亲夫妇。 Hug Yourself. Hug a Friend. Hug a Shrink. hug: 拥抱 拥抱自我,拥抱朋友,心理医生。 Or work. Work hard. 工作!Work will sav

4、e you. Work is the only thing that will see you through this. save: 拯救 埋头苦干拯救自我以工作排除哀恸。 Dont mind him. Hes just a guy whos lost his wife. mind: 介意 别生气,他刚丧妻。 -Colleague: What I think we really need is a change. need: 需要 change: 改变,变化 我们应该做个改变。 Good idea. Take a couple of weeks off. Get some sun. Take

5、 Jonah fishing. a couple of: 几个 couple: 数个,几个 fishing: 钓鱼,捕鱼 好啊!休息几周,钓鱼,晒太阳。 -Sam: No, a real change. A new city. 不,要真正的改变,迁居他方。 Someplace where every time I go around a corner I dont think of Maggie. corner: 角落 一个不会让我想到 Maggie 的地方。 -Colleague: Where you gonna go? 哪里? -Sam: I was thinking about Seat

6、tle. 我在想西雅图。 -Female friend: Eventually, in a few months, youll start seeing women. eventually: 最后,终于 数月后你会开始约会,并找到合适对象。 -Husband: Youll meet someone. 你会碰到她的。 -Sam: Right. Move on. Right. Thats what Im gonna do. gonna: 将要,是 going to 的缩写形式 是的,向前看。我正打算这么做。 And then in a few months, boom, Ill be fine.

7、Ill just grow a new heart. boom: 繁荣,急速发展 过几个月我就能长出新的心。 -Husband: Sam, Im sorry. She didnt mean that. mean: 意味着,用意 抱歉,她没那意思。 -Sam: I know. Look, it just doesnt happen twice. 我知道,只是我再也不会恋爱。-Song: You must remember this A kiss is still a kiss A sigh is just a sigh The fundamental things apply As time g

8、oes by And when two lovers wooThey still say, I love you On that you can rely No matter what the future brings As time goes by Moonlight and love songs Never out of date Hearts full of passion Jealousy and hate Woman needs man And man must have his mate That no one can deny Its still the same old st

9、ory A fight for love and glory A case of do or die The world will always welcome lovers As time Goes by-Walter: The tall one with red hair is your cousin Irene. cousin: 堂兄妹,堂姐妹,表姐妹 红发的是你表姐 Irene。 -Annie: Youll recognize her by the disappointed look on her face. recognize: 识别,认出 disappointed: 失望的,沮丧的

10、 她老哭丧着脸。 -Walter: Who was married to Harold who ran off with his secretary. be married to: 和结婚,嫁给某人 marry: 结婚 secretary: 秘书 她老公 Harold 和女秘书跑了。 -Annie: But came back because Irene threatened to put the dog to sleep if he didnt. threaten: 威胁 Irene 威胁要杀狗,他才回来。 -Walter: Your brother Dennis is a professo

11、r at Johns Hopkins. professor: 教授 你哥 Dennis 是大学教授。 -Annie: Hes married to Betsy. 娶了 Betsy。 The most competitive woman in the world. competitive: 竞争的,求胜心切的 什么都爱比的女人。 -Walter: I dont see how Im gonna remember all this. remember: 记得 我看我记不了这些。 -Annie: Oh, well, Walter, you will. 你会的,Walter。-Walter: Your

12、e Uncle Milton lost all of his money 你叔叔赔尽家产 -Annie: And some other peoples. 还害了别人。 -Walter: In a pyramid scheme. pyramid scheme: 金字塔骗局,非法传销 pyramid: 金字塔 scheme: 计划,阴谋 因为老鼠会。 Dont mention the IRS or the federal prison system. mention: 提及,说起 federal: 联邦的 prison: 监狱 system: 系统,制度 别提国税局或监狱。 Your mother

13、s Barbara. Your fathers Cliff. 你妈叫 Barbara,你爸是 Cliff。 -Annie: My father has electric trains. electric: 电的,电动的 我爸收集电动火车。 -Walter: Really? Am I what they had in mind? 我算乘龙快婿吗? -Annie: Oh, Walter, theyre gonna love you. 他们会越看越满意的。 -Barbara: Everybody. 大家注意! Annie has an announcement. announcement: 宣告,通

14、告 Annie 有事要宣布。 -Annie: Walter and I are engaged. engaged: 订婚 Walter 和我订婚了。 -Walter: Thank you. Thank you. 谢谢。 -Annie: Dad, Mom knew. 爸妈知道。 -Betsy: I dont see a ring, Annie. ring: 戒指 我没看到戒指啊。 -Annie: I dont have a ring yet. 还没买呢。 -Dennis: Congratulations. Bless you. Bless you. congratulations: 祝贺 ble

15、ss: 保佑,祝福 祝贺。上帝保佑你。 -Irene: Oh, My goodness. 天哪。 -Cliff: Are You all right? 你还好吧? -Walter: Its nothing.没关系。 -Annie: Maybe its the flowers. maybe: 也许,可能 大概是花。 -Betsy: Well move them. move: 移动,移开 那把花移开。 -Walter: No! Dont touch them! touch: 碰触,触摸 不用。 I feel terrible, sneezing at a time like this. This

16、is a very important moment for me. terrible: 糟糕的,可怕的 sneeze: 打喷嚏 important: 重要的 moment: 时刻 好臭,偏偏这时候打喷嚏,这可是我的关键时刻。 -Annie: Hes allergic to everything. Dont worry about it. allergic: 过敏的 他对什么都过敏,不用担心。 -Harold: Bees. Im allergic to bees. bee: 蜜蜂 我对蜜蜂过敏。 -Irene: Harold is allergic to every type of bee. type:种类 Harold 都过敏,不管哪种蜜蜂。 We always have to carry a hypodermic of adrenaline wherever we go. carry: 拿,运载 hypodermic: 皮下注射 adrenaline: 肾上腺素 我们随身携带副肾


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