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1、高三英语学法指导与语法难点高三英语学法指导与语法难点 (五五) 撰 稿:李俊和 编 审:毕 勤 责 编:隋 瑜 一、英语词汇学习中的几个注意事项一、英语词汇学习中的几个注意事项语言最小最基础的单位是词汇。词汇掌握得扎实准确,又会灵活运用,使用语 言的能力就强。高考要考察的词汇与课本所学的词汇并非完全一致。高考词汇表共 约 2000 个单词和 500 个左右词组。备战高考应把主要精力放在高考词汇表上,记 一些课外单词对高考意义不大。以下是学习单词的一些建议:1.学习单词,不但要记住拼写,还要注意基本用法。比如说 hope 一词,就要 知道常见用法是 hope to do,hope + that

2、clause,lose hope,I hope so 等等,还要知 道不能用于 hope sb to do sth 这一结构,以及不说 I dont hope so,但常说 I hope not。2.词不离句,句不离文。不要孤立地学习单词,要结合句子和文章理解,记忆, 复习单词。所以,不断地听说读写英语其实是学习单词的最好的办法。3.按单词用法分类记忆。如其后只跟 doing 的动词:enjoy, mind, practice, finish, consider, give up 等。又如不及物动词:lie, die, fall, talk, arrive, stand, sleep, loo

3、k, cheer, hurry, sit.4.把名词分成若干类记忆。如:动物:ant, bird, cat, donkey ,frog, panda.职业:teacher, worker, student, ballplayer, athlete。食品:burger, rice, chicken, fish, soup, potato.交通工具:car, bus, taxi, plane, ship, bicycle。建筑物:building, statue, hotel, stadium, hall。地名:Australia, Britain, China, Denmark, Egypt,

4、France。 5.按词类记忆如,介词:in, on, above, under, after, at, upon, through, by, across.连词:since, when, while, before, though, if, as, where, because, even if.6.按拼写记忆如以 o 结尾的词:potato, tomato, piano, zoo, hero, zero, kilo, volcano, bamboo.又如含 ght 的词:thought, taught, light, bright, tight, right, caught, sought

5、, night, fight.7.按前后缀记忆如以 ion 结尾的词:examination, imagination, conclusion, passion, discussion, 如以 th 为开头的词:thank, thin, think, threat, the, then, than, throat, thought, 又如以 less 结尾的词:wordless, nevertheless, hopeless, voiceless, harmless, needless, powerless, careless 8. 以动词为核心记词组。如 take out, take in,

6、 take on, take part in 等。9以副词为核心记忆词组。 如 break out, come out , find out , look out 等。 二、语法知识易错点二、语法知识易错点1. 情态动词表推测反意疑问句。还原成原来的时态,再反问。如: It must have rained last night, didnt it?He must have waited for you for a long time, hasnt he?He must be waiting for you outside, isnt he?2. 反意疑问句。1) Let us, will y

7、ou?2) Lets, shall we?3) 祈使句的反意疑问句用 will you。1) 宾语从句反意疑问句原则上反主句,但是如果主语是 I,则反从句。如:He said you were a good student, didnt he?I think you are right, arent you?2) 带有否定前后缀的句子还是肯定句;带有否定副词的句子在句中是否定句。 如:He dislikes you, doesnt he?He never likes you, does he?误:You feed the bird, dont you?正:You feed the bird,

8、will you?3. 现在分词。1) doing 表主动,表进行;The boiling water hurts me badly.2) being done 表被动,表进行;The question being discussed now was raised by me.3) having done 表主动,表完成;Having washed his feet, he went to bed.4) having been done 表被动,表完成。Having been washed, his feet are clean now.误:The building built will be

9、 our library. Its very noisy now.正:The building being built will be our library. Its very noisy now.4. 动词不定式。1) to do 表目的,表将来;He seems to know this.2) to be doing 表进行He pretended to be listening attentively.3) to be done 表目的,表被动; The room is to be cleaned tomorrow.4) to have done 表过去,表完成;Im sorry to

10、 have given you so much trouble.5) to have been done 表完成,表被动;The boy is said to have been sent to the hospital.6) to have been doing 表示某一动作从过去延续到现在还要延续到将来 She is said to have been working on this problem for many hours.误:The question discussed tomorrow is raised by me.正:The question to be discussed

11、tomorrow is raised by me.5. 动词不定式几点注意。1) teach, know, learn 后接 how + to doI dont know how to do it.2) 有 do 无 toI can do nothing but sleep.There is nothing I can do but sleep.3) why not do4) 否定式 not to do5) 不定式复合结构It is important for us to learn English well.但当表语表示不定式的逻辑主语的特征属性时要用 of如:good, kind, nic

12、e, clever, silly, stupid, foolish, right, wrong, rude,impolite,carelessIt is very kind of you to help me.= You are kind to help me.6) 作独立成份:To tell you the truth, Im almost freezing.To cut/ make a long story short, 7) 为避免重复,口语中常可省去与前边动词重复的动词原形,但是 to 要留下。-Would you like to go to the films with me?-Id

13、 like to.8) 两个或两个以上的不定式并列在一起时,第一个不定式带 to,后面的不定 式往往省去 to。I wish to finish my task and (to) get away.但表对照,不能省 toIt is better to laugh than to cry.9) It is for you to decide.It is to be decided by you.10) He is said to have been rich.It is said that he has been rich.6. 过去分词。done 表被动,表完成。The question di

14、scussed yesterday was raised by me.误:The thief was brought in with his hand being tied behind.正:The thief was brought in with his hand tied behind.7. 分词在句中做成分。1) 表语The news is exciting.Im excited.2) 宾补I see him playing near the river.3) 定语The machine run by the old worker is the most advanced here.4

15、) 时间状语Seeing from the top of the mountain, I found the city small.5) 原因状语Being shy, the girl dare not speak to others. 6) 方式,伴随状语He came into the classroom, holding a book in his hand.7) 条件状语Given more time, we could do it better.8) 结果状语He dropped the plate, breaking it into pieces.9) 程度状语The weathe

16、r is boiling hot.误:I found a box contained a lot of gold.正:I found a box containing a lot of gold.8. 分词的独立成分。compared to, compared with, judging from, judging by, considering, generally speaking, according to, etc.Compared with Japan, China has a large population.Generally speaking, it is worth doing.误:Judged from his expression, he is quite happy.正:Judging from his expression, he is quite happy.9. 动名词在句中的成分。1) 主语Fighting broke out between the south and the north.



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