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1、 倒装句倒装语序分为“全部倒装”和“部分倒装”。 在全部倒装的句子中,整个谓语都放在主语的前面; 在部分倒装的句子中,只是谓语中的一部分(如助动词、情态动词或系动词 be 等)放在主 语前面,其余部分仍放在主语后面。 下面将常见的倒装情况分述如下: 一、由 there, here 或 now 等引起,谓语为 come(或 go)的句子,例如:There comes the bus!There goes the bell! 注:如果主语为人称代词,仍用自然语序,例如:There he comes!Here she comes! 四、由 so 引起的,表示前面所说的情况也适用于另一个人(或物)的句

2、子,如:“We must start for the work-site now.” “So must we.”He has been to Beijing, so have I. 注:如果一个句子只是重复前面一句话的意思,尽管 so 用开头,语序也不要倒装,如:- It was cold yesterday. So it was!- Tomorrow will be Monday. So it will. 五、由 neither 或 nor 引起的,表示前面所说的情况也适用于另一个人(或物)的句子,如:- I wont do such a thing. Neither / Nor will

3、I.If you wont go, neither shall I. 六、在 if 引导的非真实条件句中,如有助动词 had, should 或 were 时,可以省略 if,进行倒 装,如:Should anyone call, tell him to wait for me here.Were I ten years younger, I would be able to climb to the top of the hill. 七、在描写情景时,有时为了生动,可以把 out, in, up, down, away 等副词放在主语前,同 时主谓倒装,如:Up flew the red b

4、alloon.Following the roar, out rushed a tiger from among the bushes. 注:如果主语是一个人称代词,谓语仍放在后面,如:Away they went. / Down it flew. 十、only 所修饰的副词、介词短语或状语从句放在句首时,其后面的主语部分要进行倒装, 如:Only in this way can you hope to improve the situation there. Only after he came back was I able to see him. 注:only 修饰主语,仍用自然语序,如

5、:Only socialism can save China. 十一、含有否定意义的副词、连词或短语构成的状语放在句首时,常用倒装语序。 这些词和词组有:not, never, hardly, seldom, little, rarely, scarcely, not until, not onlybut also, neithernor, no soonerthan, hardlywhen , scarcelywhen 等,例如:Never shall I forget the day when I joined the League. Not only did he read the bo

6、ok, but also remembered what he had read.注:上面所说的词和词组如果不在句首,句子不必用倒装语序。另外,not onlybut also 连接两个主语时,不用倒装,如: Not only the students, but also the teacher wishes for a holiday. 十二、当 so(或 such)that结构中的 so 或 such 用于句首时,要采取倒装语序,如:So loudly did he speak that he was heard upstairs. Such was the force of the ex

7、plosion that all the windows were broken. 十三、在下列结构中也常用倒装语序:On a hill in front of them stood a great castle.On the bed lay a sick old man.Under the tree was sitting one of the biggest men I have ever seen.Seated on the ground are a group of young men playing cards.Lying on the floor was a boy aged ab

8、out seventeen. 练习: 1.Only when you have obtained sufficient data _ come to a sound conclusion. A. can you B. you can C. would you D. you would 2._ that this region was so rich in natural resources. A. Little he knew B. Little did he know C. Little he did know D. Little he had known 3.Never again _ p

9、olitical office after his 1928 defeat for the presidency. A. Alfred E.Smith seriously sought B. seriously Alfred E.Smith sought C. when did Alfred E.Smith seriously seek D. did Alfred E.Smith seriously seek 4.Only in recent years _ begun to realize that wild dogs, kept within bounds, often do more g

10、ood than harm. A. people have B. since people have C. have people D. people who have 5.Not until I shouted at the top of my voice _ his head. A. that he turned B. did he turn C. he didnt turn D. he had turned 6._ received law degrees as today. A. Never so women have B. The women arent ever C. Women

11、who have never D. Never have so many women 7. Not only _ about the food, he also refused to pay for it.A. the customer complained B. when the customer complainedC. did the customer complain D. the customer did complain 8. _ that they may eventually reduce the amount of labor needed on construction s

12、ites by 90 percent. A. Such construction robots are clever B. So clever the construction robots are C. So clever are the construction robots D. Such clever construction robots are 9._ do we go for picnics. A. Certainly B. Sometimes C. Seldom D. Once 10.Her answer is not acceptable, and _.A. neither

13、am I B. either is mine C. neither is mine D. mine is neither 11.So fast _ that it is difficult for us to imagine its speed. A. light travel B. travels the light C. do light travel D. does light travel 12.Smith is a good student and studies very hard, _.A. so it is with Mary B. so does Mary C. so is

14、Mary D. neither does Mary 13._ a little more time to think, he might have acted more sensibly. A. If he took B. If he has taken C. Had he taken D. Should he take 14.Beneath our feet _ that our life depends on for food and clothing. A. the earth lay B. the earth lies C. lie the earth D. lies the eart

15、h 15.Our eating habits have changed, _ our way of life, and the fuel we need for our bodies is also different.A. so is B. as has C. which has D. the same is 16._ the beginning of the 19th century did scientists know that all matter is made up of atoms. A. At B. By C. Up to D. Not until 17.Hardly _ he got out of the court _ the reporters raised a lot of questions to him.A. had when B. hadthan C. didwhen D. hasthan 1


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