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1、1高级阅读与写作(高级阅读与写作(2)复习指导)复习指导 Types of testing questions in the final exam: Section I Vocabulary (30 points in all, 1 point each) Part A fill in blanks with given words Part B Multiple choice questions: Replace the underlined word in each of the given sentences by choosing one appropriate answer from

2、 the 4 choices marked A, B, C. Section II Grammar (30 points in all) Part A Be able to use coordinating conjunctions (refer to P. 28-30), subordinating conjunctions (refer to P. 125-126; 153-155; 207-209), or adverbial conjunctions (refer to P. 56-59) to combine pairs of sentences. For the summary o

3、f conjunctions, please refer to P. 248- 250 Part B Be able to identify certain grammatical problems such as run-on and comma splice in given sentences (refer to P. 60-61). Section III Reading Comprehension (20 points in all, 4 points each) Read a passage related in psychology and answer 5 questions

4、(mainly test students ability of guessing new words) Section IV Writing (20 points) Write an essay with a given title ( 100 words)Section I 词汇词汇清洁剂, 去垢剂 Detergent (line 1) 人类学家 Anthropologist (line 1) 销售人员 Marketing people (line 23) 民族优越感 Ethnocentrism (line 5) 跨国公司 Multinational enterprise 习惯, 风俗 C

5、ustom (line 40) 礼貌;礼节 Manner (line 40) 物质文化; 企业(生产)文化 Material Culture (P. 19) _ _传播海报 Travel poster (line 6) 小口地喝; 吸吮, 啜 Sip (line 10) = suck在我的想象中 In my minds eye (line 15) 木材, 木料 Timber (line 16) 腐烂的, 变质的 Rotten (line 24) 伪装的(鳄鱼的)眼泪 Imaginary tears (line 38) 可怕地; 令人不快的 Dreadful (line 40) 筋疲力尽的 Ex

6、hausted (line 40) 保险箱 Safe (line 49) 可食用的 Edible (line 51) 舔 Lick (line 50) _ _计划经济体制 Command economic system 市场经济体制 Market economic system 游牧的 Nomadic (line 24) 收集者 Gatherer (line 24) 干涉, 干预 Intervene = interfere 一瞥;扫视 Glance (line 2) 雕刻 Sculpture (line 2) 批评家, 评论家 Critic (line 15) 异教徒 Pagan (line

7、24) _ _佛教 Buddhism (line 10) 基督教 Christianity (line 10) 女神 Goddess (line 13)菩萨 Bodhisattva (line 38) 妒忌 Jealousy (line 22) 崇拜, 敬拜 Worship (line 27) 佛 Buddha (line 34) 沉思, 冥想 Meditation (line 35) 涅盘, 极乐世界, 天堂 Nirvana (line 40) 具体的, 有形的 Concrete (line 59) _ _风俗画 Genre (line 6) 宫庭女子 Court ladies (line

8、8) 盛大的,重大的 Grand (line 9) 淡而柔和的色彩 Pastel (line 12) 原稿;手稿 Manuscript (line 14) 小屋 Hut (line 20) = Small house 斗蓬, 宽大外衣 Cloak (line 24) 印象派画家 Impressionist painter (line 28) 微风 Breeze (line 31) 和风 Warm breeze _ _化妆品 Cosmetics (line 14) 巧妙的,优雅的, 整洁的 Neat (line 17) 凉鞋, 檀香, 便鞋 Sandal (line 23) 牧师 Priest

9、(line 41) 法老王(古埃及君主称号)Pharaoh 高地, 高原 Plateau 愚弄, 捣鬼, 搞恶作剧 Hanky-panky 墓地, 公墓 Cemetery 考古学家 Archaeologist 垃圾堆 Dump Skeleton (人或动物的) 骨骼 流行的, 时髦的 Vogue _ _正在流行 In vogue 诨号, 绰号, 昵称 Nickname (因疾病、意外事故等的) 伤亡 Take a Toll 夺去, 使遭受死亡 Take a Toll 脊骨 Spine 一夫一妻的 Monogamous 挖掘, 发掘 Excavation 登基 Ascend the throne

10、 工匠, 技工 Artisan 悬崖之边或面 Cliffside (由风吹积而成的) 沙丘 Dune 工头,领班 Foremen 通道; 坑道 Shaft 监督; 工头 Overseer 丑行,丑闻 Scandal _2_直系亲属 Immediate family (line 11) 暂时, 一度 For a time (line 24) 永远, 来世 Eternity (line 27) 竭尽全力 Go to great lengths (line 28) 肖像, 人像 Portrait (line 36) 与.绝交, 结束 Break with (line 70) _ _渐近结束, 临终

11、Come to a close (line 84) 逼真的 Lifelike (line 90) 嬉戏的;顽皮的, 好玩的 Playful (line 93) 继承者, 接任者 Successor (line 101) _ _清醒的,明白的 Lucid 限制, 约束 Restriction (line 20) 谈话, 交谈 Converse with (line 23) 诱导 Induction (line 35) 通路, 访问, 入门, 接近 Access (line 44) 床头柜 Nightstand (line 51) = bedstand 在.之前, 先于 Precede (line

12、 60) _ _ 治愈, 医治 Heal (line 5) 中间人(物); 媒介 Intermediary (line 17)敌意不友好的情感, 憎恶, 恶意 ill will (line 32) 精神(心灵)世界 Spirit world (line 37) 幻觉 Vision (line 53) 寻找;追求 Quest (line 56) 寻梦 Vision quest 平原 Flatland (line 64) = plain _ _震动的, 摇晃的 Shaky (line 6) 碰撞, 坠落, 坠毁 Crash (line 7) 被困住 Get stuck (line 8) 满足感 a

13、 sense of fulfillment (line 12) 攻击; 侵略, 侵犯 Aggression (line 14) 假装, 伪装, 掩饰 Disguise (line 22) 轴, 杆状物; 通道 Shaft (line 25) 治疗学家;治疗专家 Therapist (line 27) 神经细胞 Nerve cell (line 45) 神经冲动 Nerve impulse (line 47) (脑)皮层, 皮质 Cortex 理解;懂;明白 Make sense of (line 48) 修订, 校订, 修正 Revise (line 56) 施加影响于 Impose on (line 60) 觉醒状态的生活 Waking life (line 66) 捷径 Royal road (line 84) = short cut = crosscut通往潜意识的捷径 Royal road to the unconscious _



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