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1、英国发明能检测乳癌的英国发明能检测乳癌的“智能胸罩智能胸罩”apans turned-t-shpping bag brasn, a bra, universall used t prvide supprt and frt t the breasts, ight ffer health benefits, fr sientists at the universit f bltn are develping a bra that an detet if the persn earing it is suffering fr earl-stage breast anerexperts ring n

2、the sart bra sa that it ill be able t spt aner befre a tur an develp and spreadprfessr elias sires, inventr f the bra, h rs in the entre fr researh and innvatin at the universit f bltn, als lais that the undergarent ill be able t assess the effetiveness f an breast aner treatent its earer is undergi

3、ngit uld eit t arnings, audible r visual r bth if the arning persists, u uld see a speialist, disver nes quted sires, as saingthe sart bra rs b using a irave antennae sste, hih an easil be ven int fabri the antennae pi up an abnral teperature hanges in the breast tissue, hih are lined t breast aner

4、ellsnduting plers in the fabri uld transit the signals t a sall puter hip that uld filter the infratin speialized sftare uld assess the infratin and sund an alar if nditins indiated the liel presene f anerus ellssires said that an effiient a t use the bra uld be t ear it hile plugged int a per suppl fr a fe inutes during diagnsisthis is a trul innvative idea t use se prett advaned eletrnis fr the detetin f breast aner, said brian arth, diretr f tehnitex farada, anhester, uthe lifesaving undergarent ill be anufatured ithin the next t ears



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