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1、变化中的英语-课程辅导(3) English in a Changing World Unit Five and Unit Six Trading is an essential human activity that has a long history. It is necessary to all except the most undeveloped societies. And language is involved when people trade because they have to talk or communicate in making trade deals. A

2、s we can see, this provides people a powerful motivation to use language and sometimes we see language use at its most inventive and creative degree. In trading, the most effective and convenient means of communication is a language understood and used by both buyers and sellers. If the 2 parties sh

3、are a common language, then trading would be easy. And, as we all know that, English is currently the most commonly used language of international deals between Asian and other countries though this situation may change in the future. As far as trading is concerned, itd be helpful to take a look at

4、a trade deal. The purchasing of something is called a deal or transaction. That something (sold or bought) is called commodity. To make a deal happen, we need a commodity, a seller, a buyer, a currency, a market and a means of communication. And people communicate by using a language. Then what do p

5、eople do if they have no common language for trading purposes? They use ungrammatical English which is termed as Pidgin or a deviant of English. There are different Pidgins used in different places in the world. Pidgins are languages for a very narrow range of purposes - those have to do with coasta

6、l trade. They develop wherever traders want to do business with who, they do not share a common language and where there is no lingua franca (通用语,混合语) for them to use. Most Pidgins are mixtures of Asian or African languages and those of major European trading nations (e.g. Spain, France, Germany the

7、y change rapidly and they were quickly learned by those who needed them. When trading stopped, they were discarded and soon forgotten. There must have been many pidgins of which we have no record. Pidgins are makeshift languages and evidence of human inventiveness. They have low prestige. Pidgins ch

8、ange rapidly and dont last long. They are unstable. But the pidgin becomes a useful language rapidly. It is useful for certain group of users. Contact between different languages produces another language which is related to both, and different from either. The resulting language is called a creole.

9、 And the process of this is called creolization. Now we know that pidgins and creoles are alike in some way. They are both the result of languages in contact and used for trading purposes. They are different in important ways: creoles are the only language for some users or the language of a speech

10、community. An English-based creole is Black English. We already covered in the former chapters about Black slaves being captured and shipped to America. They picked up some English just enough to survive. This is important for women as they taught their children a creole which was different from Sta

11、ndard English. Black English is also called Black English Vernacular (BEV) or Ebonic. It is no longer a creole but a variety of English with some creole features. How does a creole differ from Standard English, then? Creoles use a writing system. We will take a look at the example of an English-base

12、d creole used in Hawaii. e.g. He lazy, as why he no like play. We can understand the sentence without trouble. Could a creole/pidgin be used as a national language? The answer is affirmative to a creole and negative to a pidgin. A pidgin is restricted to buying and selling or to the giving and takin

13、g of orders while a creole is a language that can serve as a national language. A good case in point is Papua New Guinea. The new country adopted a creole named Tok Pisin as its national language. When learning about the differences between a creole and a pidgin we need to keep in mind that: 1.A pid

14、gin has only some of the language functions. However, a creole may do. 2.Pidgins and creoles are both mixed languages - usually mixtures of languages belonging to different families. 3.By saying that English has some creolized features, we mean some varieties of English include some, but not all the

15、 features of a creole.4.Speakers of varieties of English that have creolised features sometimes have difficulties in an English using educational system because of the differences between their mother tongue and the Standard English used in schools. 5.Tok Pisin is a creole, with English and German v

16、ocabulary, currently in use as a national language. Now, lets turn our eyes back to trade. How is todays international trade different from that across the barriers of language that has gone on for centuries in the past? We may find that something has not changed: 1.There are still buyers and sellers. 2.There are still commodities. 3.There has still to be some sort of currency exchange. 4.There has to be some means of transferring ow


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