我慷慨的爷爷(my generous grandfather)

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我慷慨的爷爷(my generous grandfather)_第1页
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《我慷慨的爷爷(my generous grandfather)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《我慷慨的爷爷(my generous grandfather)(1页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、我慷慨的爷爷(My Generous Grandfather)grandfather is the st generus persn i n he has given up a life f his n in rder t give his grandhildren everthing the ant alst ever evening he spends nearl t hurs in heing hether his grandhildren have full understd the lessns the learned in shl, and explains t the again

2、 and again the diffiult pints in their textbs until he feels sure that the have astered all the ntent the have learnedduring eeends he alas taes his grandhildren t the seaside, t the par, r t the sprts grund, plaing varius gaes ith the henever his hildren are si, he prptl sends fr the dtr, rders a s

3、peial diet fr the, and stas ith the patientl fr rning till night his genersit is als evident in his relatinship ith his neighhurs and friends fr instane, three nths ag his neighhurs nine-ear-ld daughter bre her leg in a traffi aident and as taen t hspital, but his neighhur uld nt affrd t pa the hspi

4、tal expenses grandfather,h uld hardl live n his n ine either, prptl gave all his savings t his ld neighhur last ee, his ld friend la zhangs huse as seriusl daaged during an unexpeted strgrandfather, thugh ld and ea, ade ever effrt t help la zhang t repair the flded shabb huse in a rd, everbd h ns grandfather respets hi deepl and thins highl f hi fr his indness and genersit



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