我们祖国的鲜花(flower of our motherland)

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我们祖国的鲜花(flower of our motherland)_第1页
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《我们祖国的鲜花(flower of our motherland)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《我们祖国的鲜花(flower of our motherland)(1页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、我们祖国的鲜花(Flower of our motherland)hildren are regarded as fler f ur therland in ur untr hildren are taen ver gd are f speial las have been issued t prtet the thusands f shls have been set up t ae eduatin available t all hildren the part and the gvernent pa speial attentin t the grth f hildren beause

2、the represent ur bright futurenadas, the ne-hild per fail pli has been pratied all ver the untr s far the pli has been shing psitive effetive it ntrls ppulatin grth, redues the eni burden n fail, and gives parents re tie and energ t l after their hildren as a result, hildren bee healthier in ever aspethever, the pli als has se side effets fr exaple, a nuber f parents have gne t far in raising their hildren the tr t satisf ever deand f their spiled ids, thus turning the int fler in the nurser that annt bear an hardship r diffiultits tie fr us t disuss and stud the prble f eduating the nl hild


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