在门口等候(waiting at the door)

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《在门口等候(waiting at the door)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《在门口等候(waiting at the door)(2页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、在门口等候(Waiting at the Door)grandther beae a id in 1970 shrtl after that, e ent t the anial shelter t pi ut a pupp t eep her pan granda deided n a little terrier that had a reddish-brn spt abve eah ee beause f these spts, the dg as prptl naed penngranda and penn quil beae ver attahed t eah ther, but t

2、hat attahent gre uh strnger abut three ears later hen granda had a stre granda uld n lnger r, s hen she ae he fr the hspital, she and penn ere nstant paninsafter her stre, it beae a real prble fr granda t let penn in and ut beause the dr as at the btt f a flight f stairs s a ehanis using a rpe and p

3、ulle as installed fr the ba dr t a handle at the tp f the stairs granda ust had t pull the handle t pen and lse the dr if the stre as ut f penns favrite dg fd, granda uld ae ne f us penn brned beef ith died ptates in it i an reeber teasing grandther that she lved that dg better than she lved her fai

4、las the ears passed, granda and penn beae inseparable grandas ld huse uld be filled t the bri ith peple, but if granda ent t tae her nap, penn aled alng beside her and staed b her side until she ae as penn aged, she uld n lnger up up n the bed t la next t granda, s she laid n the rug beside the bed

5、if granda ent int the bathr, penn uld hbble alng beside her, ait utside the dr and apan her ba t the bed r hair granda never ent anhere ithut her faithful panin b her sidethe tie ae hen bth grandther and penns health ere failing fast penn uldnt get arund ver ell, and granda had been hspitalized seve

6、ral ties unle and i lived ith granda, s penn as never left alne, even hen granda as in the hspital during these ties, penn sat at the ind ling ut fr the ar bringing granda he and uld exitedl ait at the dr hen granda ae thrugh it eah heing as a grand reunin beteen the tn hristas da in 198, granda as

7、again taen t the hspital penn, as usual, sat athing ut the ind fr the ar bringing granda he t rnings later hen the dg e up, she uldnt see t r ut the stiffness in her hips as she usuall did the sae rning, she began having seizures at age fifteen, e ne it as tie ther and aunt t her t the veterinarian

8、and staed ith her until the endn the big dilea as hether t tell granda hile she as still in the hspital r ait the deisin as ade t tell her hile she as in the hspital beause hen e pulled up at the huse, the first thing granda uld l fr as her belved penn athing ut the ind and then happil greeting her

9、at the dr granda shed se tears but said she ne that it had t be dne s penn uldnt sufferthat night hile still in the hspital, granda had a assive heart atta the dtrs frantiall red n her but uld nt revive her after fifteen ears f lving paninship, granda and penn passed aa ithin a fe hurs f eah ther gd had it all red ut penn as aiting at dr hen granda ae he



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