高考英语总复习—Section 2 代词

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《高考英语总复习—Section 2 代词》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《高考英语总复习—Section 2 代词(18页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Section 2 代 词 1(2016浙江高考)In many ways ,the education system in the US is not very different from _ in the UK. 2(2016浙江高考)My mother and father were united in their way of raising children,but it mostly fell to my mother to actually carry _ out. 3(2016 天津高考)I hate _ when she calls me at workIm always

2、too busy to carry on a conversation with her. 4(2016四川高考)The female hormones also protect the body in another way.They help the body defend_ against some kinds of infections. 5(2016四川高考)Some think that a womans body cells have a tendency to age more slowly than a mans._ think that a mans body cells

3、have a tendency to age more quickly. 6(2016北京高考)For the first time ,I feel good about _(me)because Im doing something,not because someone told me I was doing good. 1(2015浙江高考)How would you like _ if you were watching your favorite TV program and someone came into the room and just shut it off withou

4、t asking you? 2(2015重庆高考)The meeting will be held in September, but _ knows the date for sure. 3(2015陕西高考)To warm himself, the sailor sat in front of the fire rubbing one bare foot against the _ 4(2015四川高考)Niki is always full of ideas, but _ is useful to my knowledge. 5(2015天津高考)The quality of educa

5、tion in this small school is better than _ in some larger schools.6(2015福建高考)The research group produced two reports based on the survey, but _ contained any useful suggestions. 7(2014四川高考)Shed lived in London and Manchester,but she liked _ and moved to Cambridge. 8(2014浙江高考)An average of just 18.75

6、 cm of rain fell last year,making _ the driest year since California became a state in 1850. 9(2014重庆高考)A smile costs _,but gives much. 10(2014大纲卷) Whos that at the door? _ is the milkman. 11(2014山东高考)Susan made_ clear to me that she wished to make a new life for herself. 12(2014大纲卷)I think Mrs.Star

7、k could be _ between 50 and 60 years of age. 13(2014福建高考)In some countries ,people eat with chopsticks ,while in _,knives and forks. 14(2014江苏高考)Good families are much to all their members,but _ to none. 15(2014安徽高考)You can ask anyone for help._ here is willing to lend you a hand. 16(2014陕西高考)Id app

8、reciate _ if you could let me know in advance whether or not you will come. 17(2014江西高考)When shall I call ,in the morning or afternoon? _Ill be in all day. 1(2016安徽师大附中模拟)Lend me some more money,will you? Sorry,Ive got _ at hand myself.You know the iPhone 6 cost me all I had just now. 2(2016河南十校联考)H

9、ave you finished your report?No,Ill finish it in _ ten minutes. 3(2016四川省成都二模)Which tie would you prefer,the black tie or the red one,Sir? Ill take _ to have a change sometimes. 4(2016浙江六校联考)Do you often talk with your friends on the telephone or mobile phone? _ .I like using WeChat. 5(2016湖南十三校联考一)

10、I just choose a simpler lifestyle, _ where I can ride my bike all over and do not have to make a great living to survive. 6(2016安徽江南十校联考)The doors here are really _ ,all made of good wood like mahogany. 7(2016山东临沂质检)Tom told me that he needed a chair and that soon he found _ . 8(2016长春一调)Which of th

11、e white shirts appeals to you most? _ .I prefer a yellow one. 9(2016南京一模)By 2025 ,when the number of consumers worldwide has reached 4.2 billion,people with high income will be,for the first time,more than _ struggling to meet basic needs. 10(2016山东师大附中五模)Lei Feng is a hero, _ ,I think,that will be

12、remembered by Chinese forever. 11(2016陕西西北工大附高六模)How old can you guess your new English teacher is? Its hard to say.But I guess him to be _ between 35 and 40. 12(2016浙江高考最后冲刺卷) Excuse me,but could you please stop! Such an argument is not getting you _ . 13(2016吉林延边质量检测)My apartment is being decorate

13、d,so I have to rent _ until it has been finished. 14(2016四川成都外国语学校月考)The pronunciation of the speakers living in London is judged to be more native than _ of the speakers from Liverpool.15(2016成都一诊)We live in a world in which only the strongest can make _ to the top. 16(2016北京海淀区一模)With the loss of

14、her husband in the earthquake,the two children mean _ to the young mother. 17(2016四川泸县九中一诊)Many people agree that there has never been a more splendid opening ceremony than _ of the Beijing Olympic Games in history. 18(2016福建漳州七校联考二)We agreed to accept _ they thought was the best tourist guide. 19(2

15、016江西余江二模)My boss made _ clear that one in three of us will have to leave next month. 20(2016陕西西工大第五次适应性训练)Its a lovely day,isnt it? Yes.I love _ when the weather is like this.Why dont we sit outside and have our lunch? 21(2016山东潍坊一模)The customer didnt choose _ of the coats and went away without loo


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