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1、毕业设计(论文)I摘 要随着时代的进步、互联网的高速发展,人与人之间的交流也在技术进步的基础上发生着日新月异的变化。Blog(博客)是继 Email、BBS、ICQ 之后出现的第四种网络交流方式,它的出现改变了人们生活、工作和学习的方式。近几年,博客在国内以势不可挡之势高速发展,它可以作为人们分享文章、照片和思想的绝佳平台。博客已成为新兴的网络媒介,并延伸至销售、商业推广等主流应用。Blog 的前台就是一个简单的网页,它一般都是由内容简单、更新频繁的文章所构成。这些发布的文章通常都是按照年份和日期倒序排列。Blog 的内容根据目的的不同可以分为很多种,常见的有行业新闻、个人思想和作品集锦等内容

2、的博客。琴院博客管理系统的开发目的是建立一个以 PHP 与 MySQL 为基础,使用 apache 服务器,基于 Windows 操作系统,功能简单、结构灵活而且轻量、内容精致的管理系统。该系统主要包括用户注册登录和注销模块、文章模块、评论模块、站内搜索、标签模块、主题模块、归档模块等,各个模块都利用了模板处理系统,这样可以使逻辑控制代码与结构代码分开,使得代码更容易维护和重用。由于 web2.0 的兴起,本博客系统在用户体验方面也做了充分的工作,用到了 Ajax 技术,做到了不用刷新也能更新页面的人性化功能等。该博客系统综合了目前其它相关博客的技术,基于校园沟通基础上设计实现的,具有功能强大

3、、操作简单、界面清新、运行快捷、维护简单等优点。关键词:PHP,Mysql,Apache,博客,Ajax。毕业设计(论文)IIAbstractWith the progress of era, the rapid development of Internet, the communication between people is also on the basis of technological progress changing with changing.A blog is the fourth kind of network communication, after the Ema

4、il,BBS, ICQ,it changed the way people live, work and study.In recent years, blog in the domestic development at high speed,it can be used as a good platform for people to share articles, photographs, and ideas.Blog has become an emerging Internet media, and extends to the sales, business promotion a

5、nd other mainstream applications.Blog at the front desk is a simple web page, it is generally by the content simple, frequently updated posts.These articles are usually released in accordance with the date and year arranged in reverse chronological order.The content of the Blog according to differen

6、t purpose can be divided into a lot of kinds, such as industry news, personal ideas and works of the content such as blogs.Qindao blog management system development goal is to create a based on PHP and MySQL, using apache server, based on the Windows operating system, functionality is simple, flexib

7、le and lightweight structure, elaborate content management system.This system mainly include user login and logout registration module, articles module, comments module, on-site search module, tag module , theme file module and so on, every module using the template processing system, this can make

8、logical control code and structure separately, makes the code easier to maintain and reuse.Due to the rise of the web, this blog system in terms of user experience has done a good work, use the Ajax technology, and do not refresh the humanized function can also update the page.The blog system integr

9、ated the current related technology, based on the campus communication to design, has the powerful function, easy operation, interface and pure and fresh, fast operation and simple maintenance etc.Keywords: PHP, Mysql, Apache, blogs, Ajax.毕业设计(论文)III目 录1 绪 论 .11.1 研究背景、目的和意义 .11.2 国内外研究现状 .21.3 主要使用开发工具 .21.3.1 NetBeans.21.3.2 Navicat .21.3.3 其他使用工具及技术 .22 系统分析 .32.1 可行性分析 .32.1.1 经济可行性 .32.1.2 技术可行性 .32.2 需求分析 .42.2.1 性能需求 .42.2.2 功能需求 .42.3 用例分析 .52.3.1 确定系统参与者 .52.3.2 游客用户用例 .62.3.3 注册用户用例 .72.3.4 系统管理员用例 .


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