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1、11常用气象期刊刊名缩写 Meteorological Journal abbreviationsAmerican Scientist Amer SciAnnual Review of Fluid Mechanics Annu Rev Fluid MechApplied Optics Appl OptAtmosphereOcean Atmos OceanAtmospheric Environment Atmos EnvironAtmospheric Research Atmos Res Australian Journal of Agricultural Research Aust J Agr

2、ic Res Australian Meteorological Magazine Aust Meteor Mag Boundary-Layer Meteorology Bound -Layer MeteorBulletin of the American Meteorological Society Bull Amer Meteor SocChemical Engineering Science Chem Eng Sci Climate Dynamics Climate DynClimatic Change Climatic ChangeClimatological Bulletin Cli

3、matol BullCommunications on Pure and Applied Mathematics Commun Pure Appl MathContinental Shelf Research Cont Shelf ResContributions to Atmospheric Physics Contrib Atmos PhysDeep-Sea Research Deep-Sea ResDeutsche Hydrographische Zeitschrift Dtsch Hydrogr ZDynamics of Atmospheres and Oceans Dyn Atmos

4、 OceansEnvironmental Research Environ ResEnvironmental Science and Technology Environ Sci TechnolEos, Transactions, American Geophysical Union (EOS) Eos Trans Amer Geophys UnionEstuarine and Coastal Marine Science Estuarine Coastal Mar SciEurophysics Letters Europhys LettGeophysical Fluid Dynamics G

5、eophys Fluid DynGeophysical Magazine Geophys MagGeophysical Research Letters Geophys Res LettGeophysical and Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics Geophys Astrophys Fluid DynGeophysics GeophysicsIEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation IEEE Trans Antennas PropagIEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote

6、 Sensing IEEE Trans Geosci Remote SensInfrared Physics Infrared PhysInternational Journal of Air and Water Pollution Int J Air Water PollutInternational Journal of Climatology Int J Climatol. International Journal of Remote Sensing Int J Remote Sens.Izvestiya, Academy of Sciences, USSR, Atmospheric

7、Oceanic Phys. Izv Acad Sci USSR Atmos. Ocean PhysJournal de Recherches Atmospheriques J Rech AtmosJournal of Aerosol Science J Aerosol SciJournal of Applied Meteorology J Appl MeteorJournal of Applied Physics J Appl PhysJournal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology J Atmos Ocean TechnolJournal of At

8、mospheric and Terrestrial Physics J Atmos Terr PhysJournal of Climate J Climate22Journal of Climate Meteorology J Climate Meteor Journal of Climate and Applied Meteorology J Climate Appl MeteorJournal of Climatology J ClimatolJournal of Computational Physics J Comput Phys Journal of Fluid Mechanics

9、J Fluid Mech Journal of Geophysical Research J Geophys ResJournal of Glaciology J GlaciolJournal of Hydrology J Hydrol.Journal of Marine Research J Mar ResJournal of Marine Systems J Mar SystJournal of the Meteorological Society of Japan J Meteor Soc JapanJournal of Meteorology J MeteorJournal of Ph

10、ysical Chemistry J Phys ChemJournal of Physical Oceanography J Phys OceanogrJournal of Scientific Instruments J Sci Instrum.Journal of the Aeronautical Sciences J Aeronaut SciJournal of the Atmospheric Sciences J Atmos SciJournal of the Marine Technology Society J Mar Technol Soc.Journal of the Mete

11、orological Society of Japan J Meteor Soc JapanJournal of the Oceanographical Society of Japan J Oceanogr Soc JapanMariners Weather Log Mar Wea LogMeteorological Magazine Meteor MagMeteorological Monographs Meteor MonogrMeteorologische Rundschau Meteor RundschMeteorologische Zeitschrift Meteor ZMeteo

12、rologiya i Gidrologiya Meteor GidrolMeteorology and Atmospheric Physics Meteor Atmos PhysMonthly Weather Review Mon Wea RevNational Weather Digest Natl Wea DigNature NatureNew Zealand Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research New Zealand J Mar Freshwater ResOceanography and Meteorology Oceanogr Mete

13、orPapers in Meteorology and Geophysics Pap Meteor GeophysPapers in Physical Oceanography and Meteorology Pap Phys Oceanogr Meteor.33Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London Philos Trans Roy Soc LondonPhysical Review Phys RevPhysical Review Letters Phys Rev LettPhysics and Chemistry

14、of the Earth B Phys Chem Earth BPhysics of Fluids Phys FluidsPhysikalische Zeitschrift Phys Z.Proceedings of the Royal Society of London Proc Roy Soc LondonPure and Applied Geophysics Pure Appl GeophysQuarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society Quart J Roy Meteor SocRemote Sensing of the E

15、nvironment Remote Sens EnvironReview of Scientific Instruments Rev Sci InstrumReviews of Geophysics Rev GeophysReviews of Geophysics and Space Physics Rev Geophys Space PhysRevista Meteorologica Rev MeteorRevista de Geofisica Rev GeofisScience ScienceScientific American Sci AmerSpace Science Review

16、Space Sci RevStudies in Applied Mathematics Stud Appl MathTellus TellusTheoretical and Applied Climatology Theor Appl ClimatolWater Resources Research Water Resour ResWeather WeatherWeather and Forecasting Wea ForecastingWeatherwise WeatherwiseWorld Meteorological Organization Bulletin WMO BullZeitschrift fr Meteorol


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