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1、,Module Five,Healthy Food,Things should be focused on :,Function: talk about healthy food.Grammar: have/has got; some/any; singular form and plural form of Nouns.Vocabulary: orange melon fruit juice milk coke drink carrot onion tomato potato vegetable beef chicken pork meat noodle hamburger ice crea

2、m candy unhealthy fridge healthy favourite,语言技能目标:,1. 能听懂包含食品的对话。2. 能谈论健康食品。3. 能阅读有关健康食品的短文。4.能写出有关食品的短句,掌握 but 的连词功能。,Pronunciation掌握四个元音Culture (Around the world)中西方饮食的差异,Module 5 Healthy food,1. Vocabulary,Presentation show pictures of food,Brainstorm first and then show pictures,rice,bread,meat,

3、cake,hamburger,dumplings,noodles,eggs,milk,water,tea,coffee,juice,coke,bananas,oranges,pears,apples,water melons,strawberry,grapes,fruit,vegetable,meat,food,a glass of beer,some beer,some coke,some milk,some juice,drink,目的: 激活学生已有的知识储备(starter module3 unit3), 激发他们的学习兴趣。方式: 全班活动或小组活动以全班为一个整体,鼓励每个学生积极

4、参与,想到食物单词便可说出,教师将学生们想到的单词写在黑板上,也可鼓励学生拼写。,Brainstorming,分组活动,组员间合作,将想到的食物单词写在一张纸上,分钟后由教师组织全班一同汇总,可由每组的一名学生读出单词,重复单词不再提及。,注意:教师需控制好时间,以分钟为宜。,之后可展示食物图片,重复上一步。,Vocabulary,memorization,利用构词法。,利用分类法。,从已知到,ham+ burger=hamburger water+ melon= watermelon egg+ plant= eggplant straw+ berry= strawberry meat dri

5、nk juice beef rice bread vegetable poster four candy cabbage pear carrot,未知,leek,tomato,pepper,onion,apple,carrot,noodle,pepper,mutton,beer,beef,food,egg,banana,教学中渗透,从个体到,群体,Unit 3 Activity 5,Food,meat,vegetables,fruit,beefchickenpork,onioncarrotpotatotomato,applemelonorange,Food,Drink,healthydrink

6、,favorite drink,favorite food,healthy food,vegetables,meat,fruit,Vocabulary,Review (活动设计),1. hangman game2. distant dictation3. make posters4. one by one5. guessing game,hangman game,1. 分组记分。(竖排,横派,自由组合)2. 教师给出单词的字母数。发令 “开始” 后,各组学生举手,由教师本着公平的原则判断由谁发言。3. 学生回答There is an “a”. 如果单词含A这个字母,则该组得分,反之扣分,同时绞

7、刑架上开始画上小人的头,当小人被画完,该单词的猜词机会就没有了。,cake,b,m,c,c,l,j,g,h,w,distant dictation P38教参,将学生分成小组。2. 每一个小组选一名学生到前面阅读单词,然后迅速返回听写给同组同学,先完成者胜。(可将单词贴在教室的各个角落以显公平)3. 确定核心单词(food name),注意:评判时以小组内写下单词数量最少的同学的单词数为该小组的得分。促使组员间互相帮助,精诚合作。,make posters,学生以小组为单位,搜集有关食物的英语单词,尤其是与生活相关的食物表达法,如: celery (芹菜) cucumber (黄瓜) pea

8、sprouts (豆苗 ) Spicy Bean Curds (麻婆豆腐 ) crisp chicken (香酥鸡) sweet and sour fish (糖醋鱼) pork / lamp chop (猪/羊排骨) roast beef (烤牛肉),one by one,在教师发出“开始”的指令后,第一名学生问第二名学生“What fruit do you like?” 第二名学生须快速答出“I like pears.”接着他问第三名学生同样的问题问题可变换方式“What is your favorite fruit?” “What fruit do you often eat?”回答问题

9、的同学不得重复前面同学提到的食物名称,练习听力,复习单词,句型。,guessing game,1. “what is it?”,教师给出某一食物的英语描述,由学生猜出该食物的名称。,Its a yellow fruit and it tastes sour.,lemon,教师示范后也可将学生分成小组,让每个小组合作至少写出个关于食物的谜语,注意描写出食物的特点:颜色,形状,类别特征。然后由一个成员朗读谜语,其他组同学来猜。,“Who is she/he?”(复习前面所学),学生分组活动,小组合作,以一个人物为参照物(自己,同学,老师,明星),以谜语的形式写出关于这个人的几句话,应包含下面的内容

10、: He is my classmate. He likes dancing best. His favorite color is red. Every morning he eats two eggs.,2.Grammar,have/ has got (Unit3 Activity2),some/any,Noun. singular/plural(Unit3 Activity 3,4 ),have/has用法,一、表示“有” “拥有”的意思时,强调“所属关系”。其主语常为“人或物”。,如:My uncle has got many houses. 我叔叔有许多房子。Mary has got

11、 a new toy 玛莉有一个新玩具。,Have you got any orange?Yes, Ive got some orange.No, I havent got any orange.,I have got some chicken but I havent got any tomatoes.,注意与there be句型的区别:,there be 表示“有”时强调 “某处有某人或某物”,,There is a clock, an eraser and some notebooks in his study.There are some boats in the sea.,“have

12、表示一日三餐的名词”,意为“用餐”。have breakfastlunchsupper吃早饭午饭晚饭。,have, has 其他用法,have表示食品、饮料等名词”,意为“吃;喝”。如:have (some) bread 吃面包,have eggs (for breakfast) (早餐)吃鸡蛋,have coffee 喝咖啡。,“have表示动作的名词”,have a rest 休息一下have a swim 游泳have a drink 喝一点have a look (at ) (朝)看一眼,“have表示某种活动的名词”,意为“进行,举行”,have a class (学生) 上课hav

13、e a birthday party 举行生日聚会,some、any用法,1)两者修饰可数单数名词时,表“某一个;任何一个”; 修饰可数复数名词和不可数名词时,表“一些;有些”。,(2)一般的用法:some用于肯定句;any用于疑问句,否定句或条件句。 I am looking for some pens. Do you have any pens? I do not have any pens.,(3)特殊的用法:,(A) 在期望对方肯定的回答时,问句也用some。 Would you like some coffee?,(B) any表任何或任何一个时,也可用于肯定句。 Come any

14、day you like.,可数名词与不可数名词,不可数名词,不可数名词没有复数形式, 且前边不能用不定冠词a an, 也不能用数词作定语。,作主语时,谓语动词用单数形式。 There is some milk in the bottle.,使用量词短语表示数量。 a piece of advice a cup of tea,Grammar(活动设计),Input (Unit1 Activity 5 listening) Drilling creative drilling information gap role-play,Listen again and underline the cor

15、rect answers,1.Theyve got some juice/ milk.2. They havent got any carrots/ meat.3. Have they got any melons? Yes, they have./ No, they havent .4. Have they got any apples? Yes, they have. / No, they havent .,Listen again and underline the correct answers,1.Theyve got some juice/ milk.2. They havent got any carrots/ meat.3. Have they got any melons? Yes, they have./ No, they havent .4. Have they got any apples? Yes, they have. / No, they havent .,


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