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1、陆城中学九年级英语中考冲刺卷 II. 知识运用A)单项填空 从 A、B、C 三个选项中选择一个最佳答案填空。( )21. _ Blacks are going to the park. Why dont we go for _ walk, too?A. A; an B. An; / C. The; a ( )22. Dont lose _ in computer games, boys.A. yourself B. yourselves C. himself ( )23. The question is simple. _ can answer it.A. Someone B. Anybody

2、 C. Nobody ( )24. Ill leave _ Beijing my dads car.A. on; in B. for; by C. for; in ( )25. After having a cup of tea, he asked for _.A. two more B. two another C. more than two ( )26. You will be late _ you hurry up.A. after B. when C. unless ( )27. The stones are so heavy. How _ they _ to the top of

3、the building without modern machines?A. do; lift B. did; lift C. were; lifted ( )28. He is so poor that he has no house _.A. to live B. living C. to live in( )29. _ of the water _ polluted. We must try to protect our environment.A. Two third; are B. Two third; is C. Two thirds; is ( )30. The first t

4、hing _ I should do is to work out a study plan for the next term.A. which B. that C. what B)完形填空 通读短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题 A、B、C 三个选项中选出一个最佳答案。In many peoples eyes, middle school students are happy and carefree(无忧无虑). But is it the truth? And what 31 students happy or unhappy? To find out the answers, Li Jia

5、hui, a student in Pinggu No. 3 Middle School, Beijing, spent six months 32 students sense(感受) of happiness last year. The 33 girl made a survey with questions such as “ Are you feeling happy?” and “What makes you unhappy?” After studying the answers from 284 students, Li learned that_34 40 percent(百

6、分之)of the students feel unhappy, and the 35 from studies is the main reason for their unhappiness. “More than 50 percent said they were under pressure and 70 percent 36 get enough sleep,” Li said. “It shows that middle school students are not as happy 37 people think. They worry a lot, and they can

7、get angry easily.” Li also said that over 90 percent say their happiness has 38 to do with how much money they have. Instead, they care about their relationships(关系)with friends, teachers and parents. “Students always feel better when they get _39 well with each other,” Li said. After her survey, Li

8、 listed _40 tips that may make students happier, such as: Treat(对待) yourself better, be kind and polite to your friends and relatives, and try new things.( )31. A. helps B. wants C. makes ( )32. A. to study B. studying C. study D. studied( )33. A. 15 years old B. 15-years-old C. 15-year-old ( )34. A

9、. about B. than C. below ( )35. A. pressure B. difficulties C. knowledge ( )36. A. didnt B. hadnt C. did ( )37. A. as B. and C. like ( )38. A. something B. nothing C. anything ( )39. A. along B. up C. off ( )40. A. any B. a number of C. much III. 阅读技能A)判断 阅读一段短文,判断所给句子是否符合短文内容。符合的写(T) ,不符合的写(F)。Lucy

10、 and Jane were good friends and spent most of their time together. They were both very old and they worried about their health. Most of the time, they talked about health. They worried about their food. Was it clean? Would it give them pains in the stomach? They worried about pollution in the air. W

11、ould it give them pains in the chests and throats? They worried about being hurt in a car accident, killed in an air-plane crash, and so on. All they could think about was being ill or hurt.One day they went on a train journey together. “Well need some food, ” Lucy said. “Well buy some bananas,” Jan

12、e said. “They are good to eat and always clean. And so they bought two bananas to eat on the train. It was not long before they were hungry. Lucy took out the bananas and give one to Jane. Then she peeled the skin of her banana and took a large bite of it. At that moment the train went into a tunnel

13、(隧道). Everything went black. “Dont eat your bananas,” Lucy shouted at Jane. “Mine has made me go blind!”( )41. Lucy and Jane were very young.( )42. Lucy and Jane usually talked about health.( )43. They hardly ever thought about being ill or hurt.( )44. They traveled together by train one day.( )45.

14、The banana made Lucy go blind.B)选择 阅 读 下 列 图 表 , 从 每 题 所 给 的 A、 B、 C 三 个 选 项 中 , 选 出 最 佳 选 项 回 答 问 题 或 完 成 句 子 。We pick up your children at school and give them a safe place to play, do homework, and learn after schoolExperienced Teachers Lunch & Snacks Toys & BooksAges 6 to 12Our Programs:*Language

15、s *Math *Computer *MusicOpen 11:00 a. mto 7:00 p. m,Monto Fri26 Market Road,Star City( between First Street and Second Street,next to the Flower Market)TEL:87654321( )46. What cant children learn in Little Rabbit?A. Art. B. Music. C. Computer. ( )47. Mrs. Green can send her daughter Lucy to Little Rabbit except _.A6:00 p.m. on Friday B. 7:00 a.m. on Wednesday C. 11:00 a.m. on Tuesday ( )48. Little Rabbit will be open for _ in a week.A. 4 hours B. 8 hours


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