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1、5B Module 1 Using my five sensesUnit 1 What a mess! Period OneContents 5BM1U1 Look and learn (P3)Aims1. 能掌握新单词 notebook, brush, paints, crayon, school bag, tape, glue 的发音与含义;2. 能运用句型 Whose is this/ are they?来询问他人的职业,并能做出正确回答;3. 能使用正确的形容词性物主代词来表达物品的归属;4. 初步感知 ai, ay 的发音/ei/。Teaching aids PPT, tape re

2、cording, etc.Teaching procedureSteps Teachers activities Students activities PurposePre-task preparation1. The chant “Whose puppy is this?”2. Look and review1) Watch the flash “Whose puppy is this”.2) Try to read this chant.1) Watch the flash of “4BM1U2 Look and say.”2) Answer the Qs.回顾 4BM1U2 一课,并配

3、以朗朗上口的儿歌,帮助学生尽快回忆与本课相关的句型。While-task procedure1. Teach “school bag.”2.Teach the new words1) Teach: notebook2) Teach: crayon3) Teach: brush4) Teach: paints1) Learn the new word school bag.2) Try to describe your own bag.Listening: Where is Peters new school bag?1) Learn the word “notebook”.2) Review

4、the other kinds of books.3) Pair work: make a mini-dialogue.4) Read and fill in the blanks.1) Learn the sound : ay /ei/2) Watch the flash: crayons.3) Think and read.1) Get to know two meanings of brush.2) Know more about the other kinds of brush.1) Learn the sound: ai /ei/.2) Listen and enjoy the so

5、ng I love to paint.新授单词部分:以一个简短的故事串联。回顾以前学习过的各种书本,新旧知结合。初步语音渗透,为后面的课时做铺垫。一词多义,拓展学生词汇量。歌曲演唱,引起学生学习兴趣。诗歌朗诵,串联新5)Teach: tape & glue1) Learn the new words.2) Read a poem.词,激发学生学习兴趣。Post-task activities1. Review the pattern.2. A passage.Pair work: -Whose is this/ are they?-Its / Theyre 1) Read the passag

6、e.2) Answer the Qs.3) To know: Keep the room clean and tidy.旧句型回顾,为第二课时的物主代词学习铺垫。对本课小故事的文章阅读,提升学生综合能力。Homework 1. Listen to P3 and follow the tape.(听 P3,并跟读单词)2.Copy the words on P3.(抄写 P3 上的单词)3. Preview the text on P2.(预习 P2 上的课文)回家作业,对单词的听读写跟进。板书设计Module 1 Unit 1 What a mess!Words: school bagnote

7、bookcrayonbrushpaintstape glue- Whose is this / are they?- Its / Theyre 教学反思Period TwoContents 5BM1U1 Look and say & Think and write & Listen and enjoy (P2, P3, P5)Aims1. 能掌握名词性物主代词 mine/ yours/ his/ hers/ ours/ theirs 的发音与含义;2. 能掌握句型 Whose ? Its / Theyre mine/ yours/ his/ hers/ ours/ theirs;3. 了解如何

8、整洁地堆放物品的位置;4. 教育学生做一个讲卫生,爱干净的孩子。Teaching aids PPT, pictures, tape recording, etc.Teaching procedureSteps Teachers activitiesStudents activities PurposePre-task preparation1. Quick response2. Review the pattern.Watch carefully and tell the others what is missing very quickly.Pair work:-Whose is this/

9、 are they?-Its / Theyre 快速反应,复习上一课时中的主要单词。句型,为本课句型铺垫。3. Match and say Do the exercises on workbook P7 Task A.1) Match the things to the right person.2) Make a dialogue with partners.练习册中的任务练习,巩固所学。While-task procedure1. Lead in the story.2. Teach the first part of text.3. Teach the second part of te

10、xt.Learn the text.1) Learn: What a mess!2) Some Qs:Whose school bag is this?Whose note book is that?Whose picture books are these?Whose storybooks are these?3) Watch the flash of Look and say.4) Answer the Qs.1) Learn: mine & yours.2) Learn the sound: i_e /ai/.3) To know: mine= my4) Change the sente

11、nces.5) Read a chant.1) Listen to the recording again.2) To know: his/ hers.3) Listen and enjoy a song.4) Rewrite the sentences.5) Finish the exercise on workbook P2 section B.6) Look and say.7) Read a chant.8) Make a new chant.引入本课故事,首先整体感知,再分块学习。问题导引,让学生带着问题去看动画,以此检验他们对故事内容的理解。名词性物主代词的学习,提前渗透本单元音标

12、。改变句型,让学生了解名词性物主代词和形容词性物主代词的转换。歌曲演唱,儿歌朗读,同桌对话等帮主学生更好地巩固对名词性物主代词的掌握。Post-task activities1. Teach: Listen and enjoy.2. Review and exercises.1) Watch the flash of Listen and enjoy.2) Try to read the chant.1) Read and review the whole text.2) Look and say.3) Finish the exercises on workbook P4 section E

13、.本单元儿歌的学习,建立在新授内容之上,学生掌握起来就比较快。结合练习册内容,对不同的内容进行检验。Homework 1. Listen to P2 and follow the tape.(听 P2,并跟读课文)2. Copy the words on P2.(抄写 P2 上的单词)3. Finish workbook P4 Part F Look, read and complete.(完成练习册 P4“看图读一读,填空完成对话 ”)回家作业,加强对对话内容和新句型的巩固和使用。板Module 1 Unit 1 What a mess!What a mess! 教书设计A: Whose ?

14、 B: Its / Theyre mine/ yours/ his/ hers/ ours/ theirs.学反思Period ThreeContents 5BM1U1 Say and act (P4)Aims1. 能掌握新词组 tidy up 的发音与含义,并能正确融入句型中进行使用;2. 复习句型 Whose ? Its / Theyre mine/ yours/ his/ hers/ ours/ theirs 的使用;3. 能运用祈使句给予正确的指令;4. 了解如何整洁地堆放物品的位置;5. 教育学生做一个讲卫生,爱干净的孩子。Teaching aids PPT, video, etc.

15、Teaching procedureSteps Teachers activities Students activities PurposePre-task preparation1. Listen and enjoy.2. Exercises.1) Read the chant together.2) Make a new chant.1) Finish the exercises on workbook P2 section A.2) Review and say.儿歌复习并让学生尝试改编。结合练习册对前两课时内容进行听力和口头的复习检验。While-task procedure1. L

16、ead in the story.2. Teach: tidy up.3. Teach the dialogue.1) Listen to the beginning of the story.2) Answer the Qs.Where are Sally and Peter?Where is the ball?Whats on the sofa?What do they want to do?1) Learn: tidy up2) Read a chant.1) Watch the flash of Say and act.2) Pic. 1: Think and complete.3) Pic. 2: Answer the Qs.4) Pic. 3: Make the dialogue according to the key words.带着问题来阅读故事,提升学生的听力和阅读能力。词组学习,结合儿歌,帮助巩固发音记忆。故事



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