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1、锌合金指挥盒体压铸模设计Zinc alloy command box body pressure molding design院 系:机械系专 业/班 级:机械设计制造及其自动化 0703 班学 号:220072725学 生 姓 名:毕夺指 导 教 师:潘思伟(高级讲师)2011 年 6 月密级:内部毕业设计 (论文)指导教师审阅意见题目:锌合金指挥盒体压铸模设计 评语:指导教师: (签字) 时 间:毕业设计 (论文)评阅教师审阅意见评语:指导教师: (签字) 时 间:题目:锌合金指挥盒体压铸模设计毕业设计(论文)答辩成绩评定机械设计制造及其自动化专业毕业设计(论文)第 答辩委员会于 2011

2、 年 6 月 日审阅了 0703 班级 毕夺学生的毕业设计(论文) ,听取了该生的报告,并进行了答辩。设计(论文)题目: 锌合金指挥盒体压铸模设计 设计(论文)说明书共 页,设计图纸 张。毕业设计(论文)答辩委员会意见:经答辩委员会无记名投票表决,通过 同学本科毕业设计(论文)答辩。根据学校相关规定,经答辩委员会认定,该生的毕业设计(论文)成绩为 。机械设计制造及其自动化 专业毕业设计(论文)答辩委员会主任委员 年 月 日 I摘要本文介绍了锌合金指挥盒体压铸模设计的全部过程及压铸工艺参数的设计依据,通过全面的分析和精确的计算,设计出一套可用于生产实践的压铸模,从中得出设计方法对今后其它类型件的


4、相比,它具有尺寸精度高,强度高,表面粗糙硬度高,能压铸复杂的薄壁零件,同时,生产率极高,可以省略大量的机加工。本文分析了锌合金指挥盒体在设计过程中的工艺性和工艺方案,同时也阐述了在设计时应注意的一些原则性问题。在整个设计过程中以性能为中心,以降低成本为导向,以简化结构为基点,体现了原则性与灵活性的完美结合。关键词:压铸模;工艺参数;工艺性IIAbstractIn this article, I dewell on all process of die-casting mold of command box with the Zinc alloy and choose its process v

5、ariable. I design a set of paractical die-casting mold, through precious calculation and repeated reflection .Moreover ,the design way can guide other types of die-casting mold design in future. The characteristic of this die-casting model is that draw out the cores in four oppsition directions and

6、the system of moulding adopt point of pouring channels, in the designing of that it requires the second separate model, it is a complicated structure. I can confirm the project by analysing part drewing. First, I can confirm the system of moulding and let flooding, and separate interface. In the cou

7、rse of this I consider the problem of avoiding the bug of casting product and improving the quality of casting. From the several projects I select the best one. Afterword I count the dimension of model sheet and core, in order to design the structure of die-casting, and then design the institution o

8、f detrusion and diaplasis. After these work completing, I design the technic require of this die-casting, general assemble and apart included.At present, the mould design especially die-casting die in the design of modern manufacturing industry plays a more and more important role is high benefit, h

9、igh benefit, die-casting, promising casting method, in the high-tech continuously push down will further expand its, die-casting application, in the development of national economy will play more and more important role. Compared with other methods, which has high dimension accuracy, high strength,

10、rough surface hardness, can die casting complex thin-walled parts, meanwhile, productivity high, can omit a lot of machining. The paper analyses the technics and the technic object of the die-casting model of command box with the Zinc alloy, at the same time the paper talks some principle problem of

11、 design, the designing according as economize meteiral and debase cost and on the safe side.At this same time, this paper expatiate some attentived principle questions during the design. During the design process, that the capability looked as the center ,the laigh cost looked as the direction indic

12、ator and the sample construct looked as the basic point, tieing the principle with the flexibility perfectly.IIIKey Words: die-casting mold ;process variable;state of technics目 录摘要 .IABSTRACT .II前 言 .1第 1 章 压铸模设计概述 .31.1 设计压铸模的基本要求 .31.2 压铸模设计应包括的主要内容 .3第 2 章 铸件的工艺分析 .42.1 压铸锌合金应具备的基本要求 .42.2 压铸件结构上的要求 .42.2.1 壁厚 .42.2.2 孔 .


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