本科毕业设计计算书白马铁矿七号宿舍综合楼 指导老师郭小康

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《本科毕业设计计算书白马铁矿七号宿舍综合楼 指导老师郭小康》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《本科毕业设计计算书白马铁矿七号宿舍综合楼 指导老师郭小康(105页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、攀枝花学院本科毕业设计(论文)白马铁矿七号宿舍综合楼学生姓名: 刘啟钰 学生学号: 200410730026 院(系): 土木工程学院 年级专业: 04 土木工程 指导教师: 郭小康 讲师 李 坤 高工 助理指导教师: 二八年六月攀枝花学院本科毕业设计(论文) 摘要摘 要本设计项目为白马铁矿七号宿舍综合楼,本工程为五层框架结构,一层为功能区,二到五层为住宿区。第一层建筑面积为 965.11,二到五层各层建筑面积均为 849.90,总建筑面积为 4264.41。建筑设计根据任务书和规范的要求,通过查阅各种文献资料,做到符合现代居住和人性化设计的要求;结构设计以结构的功能要求“安全性、适用性、耐久

2、性”为出发点,用手算和电算两种方法进行,再对两种结果进行比较,相互检验,提高结构计算的精确度;施工组织设计以“质量、工期、成本”为目标,结合项目建设特点、具体环境条件、技术经济条件和现场施工条件,研究、完成了施工规划设计方案.关键词 框架,要求,目标,建筑设计,结构设计,攀枝花学院本科毕业设计(论文) AbstractABSTRACTThe design project is the seventh comprehensive dormitory of BaiMa iron mine, its a building of framework ,whose lower one-tier is f

3、unction area and toppe four-storey is comprehensive dormitory .The first floor owns a area of 965.11 square meters and the second to fifth floor without except owens a area of 849.90 square meters ,the total area is 4264.41 square meters.On the basis of requirement of tasks and norms and by means of

4、 consulting various documents ,the architectual design have done to conform withthe requirements of modern office and humanized design .Taking the structures functional requirements, that is Safety , Applicability and Durability as a starting point, the structure design took two methods of hand and

5、computer to count , and then compared the two results and tested mutually to improve the accuracy of structure calculation.On the purpose of the Quality, Time, Cost , combining features of the building project, specific environmental conditions, technical and economic conditions with site conditions

6、, the construction organization design researched and then completed of the construction planning and design program. Keywords Framework, Requirements, Objectives, Architectural design, Structural design,攀枝花学院本科毕业设计(论文) 目录目 录摘 要 .ABSTRACT .1 工程概况 .12 板的设计 .22.1 板荷载的确定 .22.1.1 楼面板的荷载: .22.2 板的内力计算 .32.2.1 楼面板的计算 .32.2.2 双向板配筋计算 .133 次梁的计算 .173.1 正截面计算: .173.1.1 次梁的计算简图: .173.1.2 荷载的确定: .173.1.3 内力计算及钢筋的配置: .173.2 斜截面计算: .184 框架的计算 .194.1 框架计算简图的确定: .194.2 梁柱线刚度计算: .204.2.1 柱线刚度的计算 .204.2.2 梁线刚度的计算 .204.2.3 梁柱相对线刚度 .204.3 荷载的确定: .214.3.1 恒载 .214.3.2 活荷载标准值计算 .234.4 竖向恒荷载


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