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2、生了。1根据考古学家在古墓中的发现,在两千多年前就已经有了北京犬。而据考证,护门神“麒麟” ,就是该犬的化身。仔细观察, “麒麟”的造型与现在的北京犬外形真的有神似之处。北京犬起源于中国,从秦始皇时代延续到清王朝,北京犬一直作为皇宫的玩赏犬,在历代王朝中备受恩宠,视为京巴犬京巴犬珍宝。古代的北京犬只允许在宫廷内繁殖,供皇亲国戚、朝廷大臣官吏玩赏,可谓是名副其实的保持着皇家血统的狗。历代皇宫都是用北京犬长长的被毛来代替西藏牦牛的毛做成的拂尘,为佛像驱赶飞虫。由于长期深禁宫廷环境之中,是北京犬保持了难能可贵的纯正血统,同时也带上几分高雅神秘的贵族色彩。北京犬最早的起源时间无从考证,最早的记载是从

3、8 世纪的唐代开始的。这种古老的犬从有记载开始就一直只允许皇族饲养,如果民间有人敢私自养此种犬就会被判刑。据史料记载,唐代就有人因偷运北京犬而被判刑的事例,唐代皇帝驾崩会用此犬陪葬,以保驾皇帝能共同重返来生。在宋鹰版京巴犬鹰版京巴犬代时,该犬被称为罗红犬或罗江犬。在元代,它们被称为金丝犬。在明、清两朝代,人们又称呼它们为牡丹犬。慈禧太后非常宠爱这种狗。当时,为了显示皇权的尊严,除了皇宫和王公大臣可以饲养北京犬外,一般平民仍不许养,否则要受到严厉的惩罚。而且,北京犬的独享尊荣还不止于此,宫吏们对北京犬的宠爱到了必须“随身携带”的程度,出门时就把它放在宽大的衣袖内。所以,北京犬又被称作“袖犬” 。

4、数百年来,宦官负起保留北京犬血统纯正的责任,制定了严格的育种标准。所以,一直到21 世纪的前期,北京犬和它们祖先的容貌特征并没有太大的差异。那究竟是什么原因让北京犬“滚落民间”呢?19 世纪中叶以前,北京犬还鲜为西方人士所知。20 世纪初年几次殃及北京的战争使得这些深宫贵犬流落民间甚至流传海外。1861 年,英法联军攻入北京,在昔日的皇家禁地,他们看到了一个令人惊异的景象:高贵的格格在深宫中自尽身亡,5 只北京犬陪在她身边。虽然主人已死,而这 5 只狗依然忠心耿耿地守护着它们的女主人。尊纳将军(General Dunne)将这 5 只北京犬当做“战利品”带回了英国,并将其中一只命名为京巴脸部近

5、照京巴脸部近照路提(Looty)的狗献给了维多利亚女王,女王命名为“滑稽犬”并非常喜爱。此犬因从北京带到英国,被称为北京犬。这只犬一直活到 1872 年,著名画家艾得温.蓝(Sir Edwin Landseer)曾专门以路提为主题创作了一幅名画。从此,憨态可掬、乖巧玲珑的北京犬以其特有的风姿和对主人的忠诚倾倒了西方爱犬人士,逐渐风靡世界。与北京犬在国外的风光无限相比,国内的那些流落民间的北京犬却没有那么幸运,由于连年的战乱,失去了作为一个独立观赏犬种而生存的可能,在社会动荡中泯灭无踪。Pekingese dog myths and legendsAboutEagle version Pekin

6、gese dogsEagle version Pekingese dogsBeijing dogs numerous myths and legends. The dogs appearance and legendary Tibetan auspicious lion dogs is quite similar. The auspicious lion dog is an eagle and a lions body and a herald in Chinese mythology. Auspicious lion dogs life experience is amazing, just

7、 hatched Kitty Hawk on the hands of the people, it will slowly grow into an auspicious lion dogs.When Buddhism was introduced to China from India, the myths about dogs in Beijing began integration with the legend of the Buddha, , the Buddha below the knee behaved tame lion into a smaller dog. The my

8、th is given a smaller size dog magic skills by dogs, it can be a lion by the Lions to become a dog. This transfiguration behavior depends entirely on its owner in need of protection or need companionship.Of course, the origin of the dogs in Beijing is quite closely related to Buddhism. In order to l

9、et the dog looks like a lion, monks would pick the smallest group of dog hair fluffy dog cultivate Beijing dog was born. 1According to the archaeologists found in the tombs, Beijing dog has been more than two thousand years ago. According to research, care goalkeeper unicorn, is the embodiment of th

10、e dogs. Careful observation, the shape of the unicorn really have similarities with the Beijing dog shape.Beijing dogs originated in China, Qin Shi Huang era until the Qing Dynasty, Beijing dogs have been enjoying the dog as the palace, much grace dynasties deemedPekingese dogsPekingese dogsTreasure

11、s. Ancient dogs allowed in the palace breeding for royal court minister officials and appreciation, can be described as truly kept the dog of the royal blood.Ancient imperial palace in Beijing dog long coat instead of a Tibetan yak hair made whisk statues to drive away insects. The deep forbidden pa

12、lace environment due to the long, dogs in Beijing maintained a commendable pedigree, but also to bring the sort of elegant and mysterious aristocratic color.Beijing dog difficult to trace the earliest origins of time, the earliest record is from the beginning of the 8th century Tang Dynasty. This ol

13、d dog from the beginning of recorded has been only allow royal breeding, If someone folk dare to privately raise such dogs will be sentenced. According to historical records, the Tang Dynasty was sentenced for smuggling of Beijing dogs instances, the Tang Dynasty emperor Jiabeng will use this dog bu

14、ried with the dead, to escort the emperor common return to the afterlife.In SongEagle version Pekingese dogsEagle version Pekingese dogsGenerations, the dog is called a the Luo dog or Luo Jiang dogs. In the Yuan Dynasty, they are called Watkins dogs. In the Ming and Qing dynasties, people call them

15、for Peony dogs. Empress Dowager Cixi very pet this dog. ,At that time, in order to show the dignity of imperial power, in addition to the Royal Palace and the kings and ministers are allowed to keep the dogs outside Beijing still not allowed to raise the general civilian population, otherwise, it sh

16、ould be severely punished. The Beijing dog exclusive honor more than that, Palace officials have pet dogs of Beijing must carry the degree to go and put it in the wide sleeves. Beijing dog called sleeve dogs.For centuries, the eunuch assume the responsibilities reserved Beijing dog pedigree pure, has developed strict breeding standards. So, until the early 21st century, Beijing dogs and their ancestors of facial features and is not much diffe


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