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1、智课网 TOEFL备考资料托福TPO词汇题完整汇总考前必刷摘要: 托福TPO词汇题完整汇总 考前必刷!托福词汇题在托福阅读考试中所占比重较大,且重复率较高很多在TPO 中出现的词汇题会在考试中改头换面后出现对于即将要参加考试的童鞋来说,考前刷一遍词汇题对于获取高分是必不可少的。托福 TPO词汇题完整汇总考前必刷! 托福词汇 题在 托福阅读 考试中所占比重较大,且重复率较高很多在TPO中出现的词汇题会在考试中改头换面后出现对于即将要参加考试的童鞋来说,考前刷一遍词汇题对于获取高分是必不可少的。托福TPO词汇题完整汇总内容具体如下:TPO-1GroundwaterParagraph 1: Grou

2、ndwater is the word used to describe water that saturates the ground, filling all the available spaces. By far the most abundant type of groundwater is meteoric water; this is the groundwater that circulatesas part of the water cycle. Ordinary meteoric water is water that has soaked into the ground

3、from the surface, from precipitation (rain and snow) and from lakes and streams. There it remains, sometimes for long periods, beforeemerging at the surface again. At first thought it seems incredible that there can be enough space in the solid ground underfoot to hold all this water. 2. The word in

4、credible in the passage is closest in meaning to confusing comforting unbelievable interestingParagraph 4: In lowland country almost any spot on the ground may overlie what was once the bed of a river that has since become buried by soil; if they are now below the waters upper surface (the water tab

5、le), the gravelsand sands of the former riverbed, and its sandbars, will be saturated with groundwater.7. The word overlie in the passage is closest in meaning to cover change separate surroundParagraph 5: So much for unconsolidated sediments. Consolidated (or cemented) sediments, too, contain milli

6、ons of minute water-holding pores. This is because the gaps among the original grains are often nottotally plugged with cementing chemicals; also, parts of the original grains may become dissolved by percolating groundwater, either while consolidation is taking place or at any time afterwards. The r

7、esult is that sandstone, for example, can be as porous as the loose sand from which it was formed.9. The word plugged in the passage is closetin meaning to washed dragged filled up soaked throughThe Origins of TheaterParagraph 1: In seeking to describe the origins of theater, one must rely primarily

8、 on speculation, since there is little concrete evidence on which to draw. The most widely accepted theory, championed by anthropologists in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, envisions theater as emerging out of myth and ritual. The process perceived by these anthropologists may be

9、summarized briefly. During the early stages of its development, a society becomes aware of forces that appear to influence or control its food supply and well-being. Having little understanding of natural causes, it attributes both desirable and undesirable occurrences to.以上是小编对托福TPO 词汇题完整汇总考前必刷 的详细介绍,托福词汇题不仅帮助大家了解题型同时也能巩固大家之前背诵记忆效果。相关推荐:猴哥托福词汇9000 词组【Excel 版】托福阅读复习必备词汇1200(核心词汇)托福TPO1-30词汇题大全(372组全)相关字搜索: 托福TPO词汇题完整汇总


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