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1、中考短语集锦1.kinds of 各种各样的 2. eitheror或者或者,不是就是 3. neithernor既不也不4. Chinese tea without, anything in it 中国清茶5. take a seat 就坐6. home cooking 家常做法7. be famous for 因 而著名8. on ones way to 在途中9. be sick/ill in hospital 生病住院10. at the end of 在的尽头,在的末尾11. wait for 等待12. in time 及时13. make ones way to往(艰难地)走去1

2、4. just then 正在那时15. first of all 首先,第一16. go wrong 走错路17. be/get lost 迷路18. make a noise 吵闹,喧哗19. get on 上车20. get off 下车21. stand in line 站队22. waiting room 候诊室,候车室23. at the head of在 的前头24. laugh at 嘲笑25. throw about 乱丢,抛散26. in fact 实际上27. at midnight 在半夜28. have a good time=enjoy oneself 玩得愉快29

3、. quarrel with sb. 和某人吵架30. take ones temperature 给某人体温31. have/get a pain in某处疼痛32. have a headache 头痛33. as soon as 一 就34. feel like doing sth. 想要干某事35. stopfrom doing sth. 阻止干某事36. fall asleep 入睡37. again and again 再三地,反复地38. wake up 醒来,叫醒39. instead of 代替40. look over 检查41. take exercise 运动42. h

4、ad better(not) do sth. 最好(不要)干某事43. at the weekend 在周末44. on time 按时45. out of 从向外46. all by oneself 独立,单独47. lots of=a lot of 许多48. no longer/more=notany longer/more 不再49. get back 回来,取回50. sooner or later 迟早51. run away 逃跑52. eat up 吃光,吃完53. run after 追赶54. take sth. with sb. 某人随身带着某物55. take(good

5、) care of=look after(well) (好好)照顾,照料56. think of 考虑到,想起57. keep a diary 坚持写日记58. leave one by oneself 把某人单独留下59. harder and harder 越来越厉害60. turn on 打开(电灯、收音机、煤气等)61. turn off 关agree with sb 同意某人的看法agree on sth 同意某事arrive at/in sp 到达某地ask sb to do sth 叫某人做某事ask sb not to do sth 叫某人不要做某事be busy doing/

6、with sth 忙于做某事be strict in sth 对某事要求严格be strict with sb 对某人要求严格decide to do sth 决定做某事dislike doing sth 不喜欢做某事enjoy doing sth 喜欢做某事find sb do/doing sth 发现某人做某事finish doing sth 完成某事give sb sth 给某人某物give sth to sb 给某人某物have fun doing sth 做很有趣help sb with sth 帮助某人某事help sb (to) do sth 帮助某人做某事its time fo

7、r sth 该做某事了its time for sb to do sth 该某人做某事了its time to do sth 该做某事了like doing/to do sth 喜欢做某事make sb do sth 让某人做某事mind (sb) doing sth 介意(某人)做某事pass sb sth 把某物递给某人pass sth to sb 把某物递给某人practice doing sth 练习做某事remember doing sth 记得做过某事remember to do sth 记得要做某事see sb do/doing sth 看见某人做某事show sb sth 给某

8、人看某物show sth to sb 给某人看某物spend(in) doing sth 花费做某事spendon sth 花费在某物上 start doing sth 开始做某事start to do sth 开始做某事stop doing sth 停止做某事stop to do sth 停下来再做某事talk about sth 谈论某事talk to/with sb 与某人交谈tell sb about sth 告诉某人关于某事tell sb to do sth 告诉某人做某事tell sb not to do sth 告诉某人不要做某事want sth 想要某物want to do s

9、th 想要做某事want sb to do sth 想要某人做某事watch sb do/doing sth 看见某人做某事wish to do sth 希望做某事would like to do sth 想要做某事一、接不定式(而不接动名词)作宾语的 24 个常用动词afford to do sth. 负担得起做某事agree to do sth. 同意做某事arrange to do sth.安排做某事ask to do sth. 要求做某事beg to do sth. 请求做某事care to do sth. 想要做某事choose to do sth. 决定做某事decide to d

10、o sth. 决定做某事demand to do sth. 要求做某事determine to do sth. 决心做某事expect to do sth. 期待做某事fear to do sth. 害怕做某事help to do sth. 帮助做某事hope to do sth. 希望做某事learn to do sth. 学习做某事manage to do sth. 设法做某事offer to do sth. 主动提出做某事plan to do sth. 计划做某事prepare to do sth. 准备做某事pretend to do sth. 假装做某事promise to do s

11、th. 答应做某事refuse to do sth. 拒绝做某事want to do sth. 想要做某事wish to do sth. 希望做某事注:有些不及物动词后习惯上也接不定式,不接动名词:aim to do sth. 打算做某事fail to do sth. 未能做某事long to do sth. 渴望做某事happen to do sth. 碰巧做某事hesitate to do sth. 犹豫做某事struggle to do sth. 努力做某事二、接不定式作宾补的 36 个常用动词advise sb. to do sth. 建议某人做某事allow sb. to do st

12、h. 允许某人做某事ask sb. to do sth.请(叫)某人做某事bear sb. to do sth.忍受某人做某事beg sb. to do sth. 请求某人做某事cause sb. to do sth. 导致某人做某事command sb. to do sth. 命令某人做某事drive sb. to do sth .驱使某人做某事elect sb. to do sth. 选举某人做某事encourage sb. to do sth. 鼓励某人做某事expect sb. to do sth. 期望某人做某事forbid sb. to do sth. 禁止某人做某事force s

13、b. to do sth. 强迫某人做某事get sb. to do sth. 使(要)某人做某事hate sb. to do sth. 讨厌某人做某事help sb. to do sth. 帮助某人做某事intend sb. to do sth. 打算要某人做某事invite sb. to do sth. 邀请某人做某事leave sb. to do sth. 留下某人做某事like sb. to do sth. 喜欢某人做某事mean sb. to do sth. 打算要某人做某事need sb. to do sth. 需要某人做某事oblige sb. to do sth. 迫使某人做某

14、事order sb. to do sth. 命令某人做某事permit sb. to do sth. 允许某人做某事persuade sb. to do sth. 说服某人做某事prefer sb. to do sth. 宁愿某人做某事request sb. to do sth. 要求某人做某事remind sb. to do sth. 提醒某人做某事teach sb. to do sth .教某人做某事tell sb. to do sth. 告诉某人做某事train sb. to do sth. 训练某人做某事trouble sb. to do sth. 麻烦某人做某事want sb. to

15、 do sth. 想要某人做某事warn sb. to do sth. 警告某人做某事wish sb. to do sth. 希望某人做某事三、接动名词(不接不定式)作宾语的 34 个常用动词admit doing sth. 承认做某事 advise doing sth. 建议做某事allow doing sth. 允许做某事 appreciate doing sth. 感激做某事avoid doing sth. 避免做某事 consider doing sth. 考虑做某事delay doing sth. 推迟做某事 deny doing sth. 否认做某事discuss doing sth. 讨论做某事 dislike doing sth. 不喜欢做某事enjoy doing


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