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1、 毕业设计(论文) 广州日报经营的特点及其发展探讨摘要自从我国报社实行“事业单位,企业管理”体制改革以后,我国大部分报纸被推入市场,报业竞争日益激烈,报社面临着是否被市场承认的考验和优胜劣汰的生存问题。在这场考验中,广州日报凭改革的东风不断的发展壮大。在改革开放不到二十年的时间里,广州日报从一家地方市委机关报一跃成为我国报业的翘楚。本文作者认为广州日报的营销战略很值得研究,故选择该日报作为研究案例。本论文共有 6 章。第一章简述概述了案例的研究背景。第二章系统地分析了广州日报面临的危机。第三章至第四章是论文的主要部分。作者运用营销战略理论,分别对该报的发展战略与营销战略进行了研究提出了相应的战

2、略措施,并希望该措施具有一定的实操性。关键词:广州日报;报业;营销战略 OPERATING CHARACTERISTICS AND THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE GUANGZHOU DAILY ABSTRACTSince China implemented the newspaper institutions, and enterprise management system, the majority of our newspapers was pushed into the marker, the newspaper competition is becoming incr

3、easingly fierce, the newspaper faced with the test of whether the market will recognize the survival and the survival of the fittest. In this test, the Guangzhou Daily with the momentum of reform has grown and developed continuously.In less than two decades of reform and opening-up period, the Guang

4、zhou Daily reported by an unknown local committee had become Chinese leading newspaper. The author of this article that the Guangzhou Dailys marketing strategy is worthy of study, the choice of case. This paper is divided into six chapters. The first chapter provides a study background. Chapter 2 is

5、 systematic analysis of the crisis faced by the Guangzhou Daily. Chapter 3 to 4 is the main part of paper. Authors use the marketing strategy of theory, respectively, on the newspapers development strategy and marketing strategy for the study of the corresponding strategic measures, and hoped that t

6、he measures of certain duties.Key word: Guangzhou Daily; newspaper; Marketing strategy 目录1 广州日报发展经营的特点 .11.1 率先扩版 .11.2 自办发行 .21.3 人才工程 .21.4 广州日报报业集团的发展 .22 广州日报的危机分析 .42.1 新型媒介带来的危机 .42.1.1 替代品的威胁 .42.1.2 高新技术产品的竞争 .42.2 同城报业带来的威胁 .52.3 美国报纸进入中国所带来的潜在危机 .52.3.1 美国报业进入中国市场的威胁 .52.3.2 与美国报纸相比广州日报的优势

7、和不足 .52.3.3 美国报纸经营带来的启示 .63 广州日报目标市场营销与品牌战略探讨 .73.1 报业战略思想 .73.2 广州日报的目标市场营销分析 .73.2.1 市场细分 .73.2.2 目标市场选择 .83.2.3 市场准确定位 .83.3 广州日报品牌战略 .83.3.1 时间占位战略 .93.3.2 厚报占位战略 .93.3.3 核心识别多层服务 .94 广州日报的营销策略探讨 .114.1 广州日报的营销策略组合(4P 分析) .114.1.1 产品策略(product) .114.1.2 价格策略(Price) .11 4.1.3 分销策略(place) .124.1.4 促销策略(promotion) .125 结束语 .


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