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1、常考的英语词汇对照1. fellow countryman 同胞2. the Chinese Communist Party in Berlin 中国共产党在柏林的党组织3. the Grand Canal 大运河4. VIP=very important person 大人物5. Industrial Revolution 工业革命6. grammar school 中等学校7. cottage industry 家庭手工业8. Royal Society 皇家学会9. long drive 长征10. wild west 西部荒原11. the Civil War 内战12. the Re

2、volution of 1911 辛亥革命13. the Nile Delta 尼罗河三角洲14. the Nile Valley 尼罗河河谷15. summer resort 避暑胜地16. mean temperature 平均气温17. the Imperial Palace 皇宫18. the Palace Museum 故宫博物院19. the Imperial Ancestral Temple 太庙20. Chinas most important historical sites 全国重点保护文物21. the Meridian Gate 午门22. the Outer Pala

3、ce 外朝23. the Inner Court 内廷24. the Golden Water Bridge 金水桥25. the Gate of Supreme Harmony 太和门26. the Hall of Supreme Harmony 太和殿27. the Hall of Complete Harmony 中和殿28. the Hall of Preserving Harmony 保和殿29. the business section 商业区30. parklands 公园区31. sovereign nations 主权国家32. per capita GNP 人均国民生产总值

4、33. two way trade 双向贸易34. bilateral trade 双边贸易35. labour intensive industries 劳动密集型产业36. joint venture 合资企业37. economic growth 经济增长38. trading nation 贸易国39. the Pacific region 太平洋地区40. net income 净收入41. international trade and investment 国际贸易和投资42. international community 国际社会43. foreign exchange de

5、aling 外汇交易44. major economy 经济的大国45. the European Union 欧盟46. the World Trade Organization 世界贸易组织47. the net import 净进口量48. Valentines day 情人节49. the British Museum 大英博物馆50. country history 郡志51. animal oil 动物油52. vegetable oil 植物油53. mineral oil 矿物油54. the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea 联合国海洋法

6、公约55. Environmental Law 环境保护法56. contracting states 缔约国57. Universal Copyright Convention 世界版权公约58. come into force 生效59. diplomatic relations 外交关系60. BCCI 国际商业信贷银行61. Let a bundred schools of thought contend 百家争鸣62. man of letters 文学家63. the rules of literature 文学规律64. literary circles 文学界65. flowe

7、ry language 花言巧语66. glory-seeking 欺世盗名67. deaf mute 聋哑人68. sign language 手势69. the Reform Movement of 1898 戊戌变法70. the May 4th Movement 五四运动71. united front 统一战线72. communist intellectual 共产主义的知识分子73. right wing 右翼74. literature for the common people 平民文学75. the urban intelligentsia 市民阶级的知识分子76. the

8、 May 30th Movement in 1925 五卅运动77. the Northern Expedition 北伐战争78. the Northern Warlord government 北洋军阀政府79. the Pairs Peace Conference 巴黎和会80. Defend our sovereignty, punish the traitors! 内政国权,外惩国贼!81. Abolish the Twenty-One Demands! 废除二十一条!82. the imperial garden 御花园83. the White Dagoba 白塔84. the

9、Nine-Dragon Screen 九龙壁85. Five-Year Plan 五年计划86. economic reform 经济改革87. the open policy 对外开放政策88. inward investment 引进外资89. self-sufficiency 自己自足90. self-reliance 自力更生91. the yield per unit area 单位面积产量92. cultivated land 耕地93. inland waters 内陆水域94. aquatic products 水产品95. intensification 集约化96. ani

10、mal by-products 畜产品97. knowledge economy 知识经济98. new high 新高99. new low 新低100. commercial and financial ties 贸易与金融关系101. statistics 统计数字102. Childrens Literature 儿童文学103. A frog at bottom of a well 井底之蛙104. the patron saint of actors 祖师爷105. a drowned rat 落汤鸡106. freshwater resources 淡水资源107. sustai

11、nable development 可持续发展108. regenerate marine energy resources 海洋可再生资源109. continental shelves 大陆架110. exclusive economic zones 专属经济区111. fishing grounds 渔场112. tourist,scenic and recreational spots 旅游娱乐景观资源113. the National Peoples Congress 全国人民代表大会114. the Law of the Peoples Republic of China on C

12、hinese-Foreign Equity Joint Ventures 中华人民共和国中外合资经营企业法115. economic cooperation and technological exchange 经济合作和技术交流116. the principle of equality and mutual benefit 平等互利原则117. lawful rights and interests 合法权益118. department in charge of industry and commerce administration 工商行政主管部门119. limited liabi

13、lity company 有限责任公司120. registered capital 注册资本121. board of directors 董事会122. the chairman and the vice-chairman 董事长和副董事长123. the budget for revenues and expenditure 收支预算124. the ventures development plans 企业发展规划125. proposals for production and business operations 生产经营活动方案126. the distribution for

14、 profits 利润分配127. the plans concerning manpower and wages 劳动工资计划128. the termination of business 停业129. gross profit 毛利润130. income tax 所得税131. reserve fund 储备基金132. venture expansion fund 企业发展基金133. tax reductions or exemptions 减税或免税134. regulations on foreign exchange control 外汇管理条例135. insurance company 保险公司136. Bank of China 中国银行137. individual income tax 个人所得税138. breach the contract 违反合同139. enter into force 生效140. equity joint venture 合营企业141. the state agency for foreign exchange control 国家外汇管理机关142. Sino-American relations; China-U.S.relatio



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