three line break(新三值图)

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《three line break(新三值图)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《three line break(新三值图)(5页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Three Line Break(新三值图)Three Line Break(新三值图)THREE LINE BREAKOverviewThree Line Break charts display a series of vertical boxes (lines) that are based on changes in prices. As with Kagi, Point & Figure, and Renko charts, Three Line Break charts ignore the passage of time.The Three Line Break charting

2、 method is so-named because of the number of lines typically used.Three Line Break charts were first brought to the United States by Steven Nison when he published the book, Beyond Candlesticks.-InterpretationThe following are the basic trading rules for a three-line break chart:Buy when a white lin

3、e emerges after three adjacent black lines (a white turnaround line). Sell when a black line appears after three adjacent white lines (a black turnaround line). Avoid trading in trendless markets where the lines alternate between black and white. An advantage of Three Line Break charts is that there

4、 is no arbitrary fixed reversal amount. It is the price action which gives the indication of a reversal. The disadvantage of Three Line Break charts is that the signals are generated after the new trend is well under way. However, many traders are willing to accept the late signals in exchange for c

5、alling major trends.You can adjust the sensitivity of the reversal criteria by changing the number of lines in the break. For example, short-term traders might use two-line breaks to get more reversals while a longer-term investor might use four-line or even 10-line breaks to reduce the number of re

6、versals. The Three Line Break is the most popular in Japan.Steven Nison recommends using Three Line Break charts in conjunction with candlestick charts. He suggests using the Three Line Break chart to determine the prevailing trend and then using candlestick patterns to time your individual trades.-

7、CalculationLine Break charts are always based on closing prices.The general rules for calculating a Line Break chart are:If the price exceeds the previous lines high price, a new white line is drawn. If the price falls below the previous lines low price, a new black line is drawn. If the price does

8、not rise above nor fall below the previous line, nothing is drawn. In a Three Line Break chart, if rallies are strong enough to display three consecutive lines of the same color, then prices must reverse by the extreme price of the last three lines in order to create a new line:If a rally is powerfu

9、l enough to form three consecutive white lines, then prices must fall below the lowest point of the last three white lines before a new black line is drawn. If a sell-off is powerful enough to form three consecutive black lines, then prices must rise above the highest point of the last three black l

10、ines before a new white line is drawn. -ExampleThe following illustration shows a Three Line Break and a bar chart of Apple Computer.You can see that the number of break lines in a given month depend on the price change during the month. For example, June has many lines because the prices changed si

11、gnificantly whereas November only has two lines because prices were relatively flat.-(from )译文如下:新三值线:新三值线是反映价格变动的一系列竖线,同 Kagi, OX,Renko 图表一样,它忽略了价格变动的时间因素。(译注:这三种图线不记录时间坐标,由价格的变动完全确定图线)。之所以叫新三值线,是因为绘制这种图表时,需采用典型的数字“三” 作为转值的标准。Steven Nison 在其非 K 线判市法 一书中,将新三值线的概念引入到美国。注释:以下为新三值图的基本交易原则:新三值线由黑色转成白线(一

12、根白色转值线)时,做多。新三值线由白色转成黑线(一根黑色转值线)时,做空。在没有趋势的横盘市中不要交易,因为新三值线会反复地转值。新三值线的优点是在判断转势时,去除了主观武断的感情因素。通过发生的价格的真实状态,得出了反转的信号;不利之处是产生转值时,新趋势已经延续了一段时期。不过,许多交易者乐意接受迟缓的信号,以求跟踪主要趋势。交易员可能通过改变线的数量来调整转势标准的敏感度。例如,短线交易者可以采用两线转值来获得更多的反转信号,而长线交易者可以采用四线甚至十线转值来过滤反转信号的数量。新三值图在日本最为流行。Steven Nison 建议将新三值图与 K 线图结合起来判市,采用新三值图判断

13、主流趋势,同时参考带有时间坐标的 K 线形态进行交易。计算:绘制新三值图,通常以收盘价为依据。绘制新三值图的标准通常如下:如果价格超过了前一根线的最高价,则绘制一条新的白线。价格低于前一根线的最低价,则绘制一条新的黑线。价格介于前一根线的最高价与最低价区间内,则不须绘制图线。如果形成的趋势强烈有力,那么,在图表中就会形成连续的同色三值线,只有当价格打破最近的三根新三值线的极端价格时,才能产生新的转值线。具体来讲:如果价格上涨势头强烈有力,在图表上就会形成连续的白色上涨三值线,只有当价格下破最近的三根白色上涨三值线的最低点时,才可以绘制新的黑色下跌三值线;如果下跌趋势持续有力,在图表上就会形成连

14、续的黑色下跌三值线,只有当价格上破最近的三根黑线的最高点时,才可以绘制新的白色上涨三值线。例图:以下是苹果电脑的新三值线和柱线图。你可以发现,新三值线的数量取决于当时的价格变化程度。例如,6 月份产生了多条新三值线,因为 6 月价格变动巨大;而 11 月份只有两根新三值线,这是因为价格波动相对平缓的缘故。国内的文章一、基本概念 TBL 指标 ThreeLineBreak ,中文名为新三价线指标,属于图表型指标,其原 理是若三根 K 线持续上涨(或下跌)创短期新高( 或新低),则发出红色(或黑色) 的 柱状买入(或卖出)信号。与平时常用指标不同的是,该指标在平时盘整时并不 轻易出现信号,是一类在

15、大盘出现明显单边趋势时提议追涨杀跌的指标。它能 有效地去除行情中无关紧要的盘整和波段上升中的震荡回调干扰,更适合于做 较大波段、做大趋势的中长期投资中比较重势的那种投资者。 二、应用法则 1、新三价线由黑色变为红色时,视为买入信号。 2、新三价线由红色变为黑色时,视为卖出信号。 注意:新三价线如果持续上涨,则会由原新三价线向上延伸,下跌亦然。因 此,新三价线不会与 K 线在时间横轴上相对称。 三、实例说明 如次新股(600379)宝光股份的新三价线指标。其上市第三天股价小创新低 ,指标在 9.87 元处有一支小绿柱,投资者暂不买入,而第五个交易日股价在三天 内见新高 10.28 元,三价线即翻红,中线投资者可介入,此后该股震荡上行,虽走 势反复较多,但始终没有出现三天内见新低的 K 线组合。故新三价线或红柱延长 、或再出现红柱,提示投资者可一直持股至最高点。3 月 29 日该股大幅回跌至 14.33 元,出现头部信号,指标提示投资者卖出。此后,该股反弹不断,但新三价 线始终保持绿盘,提示下降通道,直至该股回跌到 10.42 元低点,一直提示投资者 不要买入。6 月 6 日该股重新出现中阳 ,新三



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