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1、不喜欢现在的工作问你这 6 个问题要是不喜欢你现在的工作,那就问问你这 6 个问题6 Questions To Ask Yourself If Youre Unhappy With Your WorkWe spend a lot of our time and energy on our work. As a society, our jobs are one of the most important things in our lives. They provide for us, and theyre also a great source of fulfillment and happ

2、iness for those who enjoy their work. For those who dont, however, work can be a chore. However, that doesnt mean its time to quit. You might still be able to get enjoyment out of your job. If youve been finding yourself unhappy with your job lately, consider asking yourself the following seven ques

3、tions.我们都投入了大量的时间和精力。在现代社会,工作都是生活中的一件大事。工作能给我们的有很多,对于那些很喜欢自己工作的人来说会很有成就感和幸福感。但是对于那些不喜欢自己工作的人来说,工作就算得上是个苦差事。但是那也不是说就该放任自流。你还是能好好享受生活的,要是你近期发现你自己并不喜欢你的工作,那就问问自己以下的这6 个问题。1.Are you experiencing issues in other areas of your life?在生活的其他方面还遇到了哪些问题吗?If youre having health trouble, if a relationship isnt g

4、oing well, or youre stressed because of something totally unrelated to work, it might be that youre carrying your problems around with you. Its best to get these issues sorted out before you jump to conclusions about how you feel about your work. It is possible that your job will be enjoyable again

5、once you sort everything else out.如果你是身体不好,感情上有问题或者是因为完全与工作无关的一些其他事情产生了很大的压力,那可能就是因为你身上背负了太多的问题。最好就是在下结论之前好好把这些问题理一理。整理好以后,享受工作也还是有可能的。2.What short-term steps can you take?下一步有什么打算?Before doing something drastic like quitting, think about what you can do right now to make your job better for you. If

6、 you find something that you find will help you immediately, youre more likely to slowly come around to enjoying your work. In any case, you wont probably feel better about your work until you find a more enjoyable alternative.在决定放弃之前,想想现在你还能做些什么才能让你的工作情况有所好转。要是你发现了一些马上就会对工作有帮助的,大部分情况下还是放慢脚步,好好享受你的工

7、作。除非你找到了一份更好的工作,否则在任何情况下你可能都不可能感觉良好。3.Can you remove yourself?你能将工作和情感分开吗?If you can keep your effort at work and your feelings separated, it might be for the best. You should still continue to do your best, but dont get too disappointed if something goes wrong with your work. While its good to be e

8、motionally invested in your job, too much emotional involvement can lead to stress and anxiety. Try pulling back a bit.如果你能在工作上不遗余力,又能将工作和情感分开,那就最好不过。你应该继续做好,但是如果工作中出了差错也不要对自己太失望。在工作中投入一定的感情是件好事,但是投入的感情太多反而会增加压力,变得焦虑。试着少一点感情在工作中。4.Can you talk to someone at work?在工作中能否交流?It can be incredibly helpful

9、 to have someone to talk to about your problems. Not only do you get to express your ideas out loud, but you can also get some great advice along the way. It may be that your coworker knows exactly how you feel and went through the same thing recently. Or, maybe your boss understands and is able to

10、give you a new project that you enjoy. It all depends on your work and your relationships.能和别人谈论自己的问题对你来说是很有好处的。你不仅大声的表达出了你的意见,你还能一直接收到别人给你的意见。你的搭档可以很清楚的知道你的感受,也可以给你讲讲他遇到这些情况的时候是如何应付的。或者你的老板了解之后还能给你一个你很喜欢的任务。这都是取决于你的工作,你和他们之间的关系。5.What are your career goals?你的职业目标是什么?Are you set up to achieve them a

11、t your current job, or can you see them slipping away? If your future plans are getting derailed by your work, it might be time to rethink things.目前你是否就现在的这份工作给自己订立了目标,或者只是任其发展?如果你将来的打算是关于工作的,那你可能是需要重新思考这些时期了。6.What were your initial expectations for this job?关于这份工作,你最初的期望是什么?A temporary gig just to

12、 get a salary might not be very fulfilling. And thats okay. You certainly wouldnt be the first person to take a job simply because you needed the money. However, if this job is something that you initially hoped to do for a long time, you might still be able to make it enjoyable again. Try to remember what attracted you to the job in the first place. It might help you regain that fulfillment.短期的目标只是为了工资,也许没有成就感,但是也还好。你肯定不是第一个为了钱才工作的人。但是如果这份工作是你想要长期干下去的工作,也许还是得要你再次喜欢才行。记住这份工作当初吸引你的是什么,那也许能再次帮你找到成就感。


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