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1、測 試 報 告TEST REPORT产品名称PRODUCT NAME产品型号MODEL NO产品名牌POWER RATING产品安规SAFETY APPR UL859测试项目TEST ITEM煲机测试 Normal Temperature Tests (Full Motor Speed) (Clause 37.5)测试设备INSTRUMENT测试时间TEST TIME测试室温ROOM TEMP一 测试方法(Test Method):1. 条件 Condition:a) 器具工作在额定功率下 Operated at rated wattage;b) 温度板对准出风口 1 英寸 The therm

2、ocouple grid is centered 1inch in front of the air outlet;c) 运行到稳定 Operated continuously until steady;d) 控制器件及风向设置到最严重状态 The adjustable controls and the air direction set for the most severe;2. 要求 Requirement:a) 在正常温度测试时任何温度控制器件不应该动作 During normal temperature test, no thermal device shall operateb)

3、测试最高五点温度值,并记录在下表 The five highest grid temperatures are to be recorded and filled in the table as follow。c) 最高五点平均温升不超过 100 The average of the five max grid temperature shall not be greater than 100;3. 备注 Note::如果器具带配件,则要测试带配件和不带配件两种情况 If any attachment(s), the test shall be conducted with and witho

4、ut these/this attachment(s) respectively.二 测试结果(Test Result):Thermocouple Location温度点数据 DataFive maximum grid temperature最高五点 样板 Sample 1# 样板 Sample 2# 样板 Sample 3#T1T2T3T4T5Average Temperature 平均温度Ambient 环境温度Temperature rise 温升结论(Conclusion )测试Test By审核Audit BBy核准Appr 日期Date測 試 報 告TEST REPORT产品名称P

5、RODUCT NAME产品型号MODEL NO产品名牌POWER RATING产品安规SAFETY APPR测试项目TEST ITEM 电气强度测试 Dielectric Withstand Test测试设备INSTRUMENT测试时间TEST TIME测试室温ROOM TEMP一 测试方法(Test Method):1) 测试前先用测试板检查仪器是否功能完好(A quick check is to be done prior to testing by a test device to ensure the tester functions rightly) ;2) 用金属导电纸裹住,施加电

6、压为 1000 伏(Wrapped in conductive metal foil and to be subjected to a dielectric potential of 1000V) ;3) 60Hz 电压由零逐渐升高到 1000V(The 60Hz potential is to be increased gradually from zero to 1000V) ;4) 测试电压施加在带电部件和金属纸之间;被测产品置于 ON 位(The test potential is to be applied betweem live parts and the metallic fo

7、il) 。二要求(Requirement):不应当有电气击穿发生(There shall not be dielectric breakdown)注 Mark: 有置露的非带电金属部件时测试时不用金属导电纸电压加在带电部件和置露的非带电金属部件之间 The test voltage is to be directly applied between the exposed dead-metal parts and the live parts for an appliance having these dead parts. The metal foil may not be used her

8、e三 测试结果(Test Result):结论(Conclusion )测试Test By审核Audit BBy核准Appr 日期Date測 試 報 告TEST REPORT产品名称PRODUCT NAME产品型号MODEL NO产品名牌POWER RATING产品安规SAFETY APPRUL85939.3.5测试项目TEST ITEM 跌落测试 Floor Drop Test测试设备INSTRUMENT测试时间TEST TIME测试室温ROOM TEMP一 测试条件 Test Conditions:1. 需要三块样板 Three samples are to be in need;2. 额

9、定功率,设置到最大档位 Energized at rated wattage and set to maximum intended speed;3. 置露的不带电金属体与地之间接 3A 保险丝 A 3A fuse are connected between the exposed dead-metal and earth ground。二 测试方法:1. 在运行中,将样板从 36in(914mm)的高度下跌到软木表面 3 次,并使得每次跌落时的撞击点不同 While operating, the samples are to be dropped three times from a hei

10、ght of 36 inches(914mm) onto a hardwood surface so that the point of impact is different for each of t he drops;2. 跌落之后做如下测试 After the drops, the following tests are to be conducted:(A) 输入 Input test(B) 正常温测试 (煲机) Normal temperature (Full motor speed) test(C) 绝缘耐压测试 Dielectric withstand test二 要求(Req

11、uirement):1 上述三个测试不应该失败;輸入電流與正常測試時所得值相差不能超過10% The three above-mentioned tests shall not fail; The input current shall not differ from those obtained from normal input test by more than 10%;2 关节针不能碰触到任何非绝缘带电部件 The articulate probe shall not contact any unisulated live parts;3 3A 保险丝完好 The 3A fuse sh

12、all remain intact;三 测试结果(Test Result):结论(Conclusion )测试Test By审核Audit BBy核准Appr 日期Date測 試 報 告TEST REPORT产品名称PRODUCT NAME产品型号MODEL NO产品名牌POWER RATING产品安规SAFETY APPRUL85937.6测试项目TEST ITEM非正常温控器短路测试Bypass Temperature Control Abnormal Operation Test测试设备INSTRUMENT测试时间TEST TIME测试室温ROOM TEMP一测试条件与方法(Method

13、 and Conditions): 样板工作在最不利状态;发热系统电路和马达电路分离;内部马达独立供电;样板外接模拟马达负载Operated in the most severe condition; The heater and motor circuits are to be separated; The internal motor is to be powered with a separate source of supply; The sample is provided with an equivalent dummy motor load 温度控制器(跳挚)短路 The tem

14、perature control (thermostat) shunted; 马达速度逐渐减少到温度限制器(热断路器)动作 The motor speed is to be reduced gradually until the temperature limiting control (thermal cutoff) operates; 所有外露的不带电金属通过 3A 保险丝接地 All exposed dead-metal parts is to be connected to earth ground through a 3A fuse;二要求(Requirement):4 除了马达减速

15、的要求之外,还要满足以下条件 In addition to the requirements same as in Motor Slowdown Test, the following results shall be produced;5 关节针不能碰触到任何非绝缘带电部件 The articulated probe cannot come in contact with any uninsulated live parts;6 不能有除热断路器以外的元件烧断 There shall be no component burnout other than the thermal cutoff;

16、7 试验后样板做电气强度测试 Following this test, each sample is to be subjected to the Dielectric Withstand Test三 测试结果(Test Result):结论(Conclusion )测试Test By审核Audit BBy核准Appr 日期Date測 試 報 告TEST REPORT产品名称PRODUCT NAME产品型号MODEL NO产品名牌POWER RATING产品安规SAFETY APPRUL85939.测试项目TEST ITEM非正常阻出风测试(一)Restricted Air Outlet Abnormal Operation Test测试设备INSTRUMENT测试时间TEST TIME测试室温ROOM TEMP一 测试方法 Test Method:1. 需要三个样板;以 110%额定功率工作在最不利状态 Three samples



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