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1、中学生科普英语趣味阅读I. 生物篇 Biomes(I) Vocabulary (not including those at the end of the article)Para 11. ecosystem 生态系统2. interact with 与相互作用How does he interact with his kids? 他和孩子是怎么交流的?Para 23. distinctive 独特的4. thrive 兴旺,繁荣,成功e.g. The real estate business is thriving. 房地产生意兴隆。Para 35. marine 海的,海生的,海产的6.

2、coral reef 珊瑚礁7. regulate 管理,控制;调整,调节e.g. Private schools regulate the bahaviour of students. 私立学校规范学生行为。regulation n. 规章,规则;调整8. habitat 栖息地,产地9. diverse 不同的,多种多样的Para 610. mate (with)(鸟、兽)交配11. whisker (一根)须,似须物(II) Notes to sentencesPara 2Each biome has a distinctive combination of life forms tha

3、t can thrive in its particular conditions. 每个生物群系有独特的、在其特殊情况下欣欣向荣的生命形态组合。Tundra(I) Vocabulary (not including those at the end of the article)Para 212. moss 苔藓,泥沼13. permafrost 永久冻土层Para 314. musk oxen 牛15. arctic hare 北极兔16. snow owl 雪鹰 17. lemming 旅鼠Para 418. altitude 高度,海拔Para 519. kea 肉食大鹦鹉Para 6

4、20. vegetation 植被 (II) Notes to sentencesPara 4The lower areas do not have permafrost, and soils are generally more suited to plants.低洼地区没有永久冻土层,而且土壤也更适合植物生长。Forest Biomes(I) Vocabulary (not including those at the end of the article)Para 11. approximately 大约,近似地Para 122. emergent 出现的,紧急的 (学过 emerge;

5、 emergency)3. exotic 外来的,异国的Para 144. gorilla 大猩猩5. abundant 丰富的,充裕的(II) Notes to the sentences Para 2The forests are home to evergreen trees. 森林是常青树的生息地。Para 3As a result, the needles are dark in color, so they absorb what little light falls on their surface.结果,针叶的颜色变黑,他们吸收了照在表面上的那一点点光线。Para 7New l

6、eaves capture the enrgy of the sun and sprout quickly before the tall trees grow too thick to let sun reach them.新绿的树叶吸收了太阳的能量并在高大树木长得太茂密而无法让阳光照到他们之前迅速开花。Grassland and Desert Biomies(I) Vocabulary (not including those at the end of the article)Para 31. tramping - tramp 践踏;步行2. creeping stems 匍匐茎Para

7、 43. the Arabian Peninsula 阿拉伯半岛4. the Asian subcontinent 亚洲次大陆Para 65. evaporate 蒸发;失去水分Marine and Freshwater Biomes(I) Vocabulary (not including those at the end of the article)Para 31. breach 突破Para 42. ferocious-looking 看起来凶猛的Para 63. cling (to rocks) 紧贴;附着 4. trout 鳟鱼Para 75. algae 水藻,海藻 6. gli

8、de 滑行;滑翔;溜走(II) Notes to sentencesPara 4Deep-sea fish typically have big mouths, long sharp teeth, and stomachs that stretch to swallow prey whole. 深海鱼典型的特点是:大嘴巴、长尖牙,胃大得足以把猎物整个吞下。II. 哺乳动物篇 Adaptable Mammals(I) VocabularyVocabulary Chinese meanings Additional Notes1.dominant 显性的,占优势的 dominance2.diver

9、sified 各种的,多样化的 diversify v.3.class n.种类,阶级 vt. 分类,把分等级 adj.极好的4.vertebrate 脊椎动物(的)5.surrounding 周围的(事物)6.casing 套,盒,包装 case 把装箱7.shrew 鼩鼱,鼠的近亲;泼妇8.texture 质地,结构,肌理9. by far 用于比较级、最高级,表程度Hes by far the tallest in our class. 10.versatile 万能的,多才多艺的11.damp 潮湿(的) v.使潮湿,使沮丧,抑制12.limb 翼,翅膀,肢,臂13.walk on a

10、ll fours 爬行14.propel 驱使,推动 (注意双写 l)15.hind adj.后部的 n.雌鹿16.primate 灵长动物的17.locomotion 移动,运动18.swing through 荡过(II)Notes to difficult sentences1. If the total number of species for the major animal groups are compared , mammals, with about 4000 species, are last.如果与主要的动物群的物种数量相比,哺乳动物只有 4000种,位居最后。2. F

11、inally,there are humans, whose very dominance is based partly on their ability to walk on hind limbs alone.最后,就有了人类,而人类的绝对优势一定程度上在于他们单独依靠后肢行走的能力。(Edited by Shao Chongwen)Diet and home for mammalsI. Vocabularybe tied to 束缚于.trunk 象鼻nectar 花蜜omnivore 杂食动物grub 蛆,幼虫hash 严厉的,严酷的herbivore 食草动物get at 接近,到达

12、 sedentary 定栖的predator 捕食者burrow (兔,狐)的洞穴beaver 海狸lodge 林中小屋hoof 蹄子antelope 羚羊II. Notes to difficult sentences1. Species that are not closely tied to one food source or method of eating have the best chance for continued survival and adaptation.那些不受食物来源和捕食方法束缚的物种往往最能持久地适应与幸存下来。2. It varies in design

13、 from a single hole to a complicated network of underground tunnels.这些地洞构造上从简单的洞到复杂的地下“隧道”网络各不相同。(Edited by Shao Chongwen)Social organizationI. Vocabularyhierarchy 层级,等级制度submissive 顺从的,柔顺的rank 排列,分等instinct 本能herd 兽群comparatively 比较地,相当地baboon 狒狒troop 组,群,军队nursing mother 奶妈remainder 剩余的人,余数encount

14、er 遭遇,邂逅,遇到maneuver 调遣procession 队伍II. Notes to difficult sentences1. Groups of mammals that do not seem to maintain any particular order when feeding or moving about are, in fact, highly organized.哺乳动物群落看似在进食与移动时不保持特别次序,事实上他们是非常有组织性的。2. This arrangement is to be adopted to make sure that if a preda

15、tor threatens a member of the troop from any direction, it will first have to encounter the strongest members: adult males.采用这个安排是为了确保当天敌从任何一个方位威胁到群落中的成员时,它将首先遭遇最强的群落成员:成年雄性猩猩。(Edited by Shao Chongwen; supervised by Spring)ElephantsI. Vocabulary savanna 热带(稀树)草原herbivorous 食草的grinding 磨molar 臼齿的 mol

16、ar teethtusk 长牙nostril 鼻孔log 木材with ease 熟练地,不费力地gestation 怀孕期liter 公升in charge 主管,负责trumpet 发出喇叭的声音charge at 冲击,猛攻(By Shao Chongwen)III. 现代技术篇 Technology Used in Medical Field1.Vocabularyparallel V.与.平行 n.平行线astonishing 使.惊讶 astonishing=amazingvaccine N.疫苗,牛痘疫苗 vaccinationeradicate 根除,消灭smallpox 天花wipe 擦,消除,涂上 wipe out 消灭indigenous 本土的,土著的malaria 疟疾detect 察觉,发现radiology 放射学skeletal 骨骼的tissue 组织


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