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1、gratuitous paid,earned 20gratuitous deserved, justified, warranted, justifiable, merited, 20gratuitous based, well-founded 20daft judicious, prudent,wise,far-seeing 12lassitudevim, effervescence, ebullience,liveliness,alacrity,vitality,animation,verve 11reticentloquacious,communicative ,voluble,effu

2、sive, frank, talkative,fluent, glib ,prolix, 11abet impede,hinder ,stymie,thwart 10banalityoriginality,singularity 非凡 ,freshness,ingenuity, ingeniousness, original 10inexorable relenting 温和的,flexible 10obdurate easily swayed, tractable, pliant, toward 10rude=ignorant learned, experienced 10rude=robu

3、st, weak 10rude粗糙 finished, refined,well-developedhigly developed, sophisticated 10abate intensify,strengthen, promote, augment 8decrepit sound, robust, vigorous, sturdy, hale, firm 8deleterious beneficial,salutary, salubrious, wholesome, benignant 8exonerateincriminate, blame,censure,sentence, cond

4、emn, prosecute, inculpate ,indict 8formulaic innovative,improvised 8hubris humbleness, self-effacement, subservience, self-doubt,self-abasement 8lugubrious merry, sunny, cheerful, jovial, facetious, exultant, uplifting 8mendacious frank, candid,veracious, truthful, authentic ,honesty, 8taciturn talk

5、ative, garrulous, loquacious, effusive 8thwart assist, abet, support, aid, aid effectively, enable,implement 8transitoriness persistence, perpetuation, perpetuity,perpetuate 8aggrieve conciliate, mollify, appease ,gratify ,energize, inspire, 7callow mature 7deplore 谴责 accolade, extol, commend, appla

6、ud, laud 7elemental tangential 浮浅的 , compound, incidental 非主要的;偶然的 7excise 切除 implant, embed 7furtive unhidden , overt (=open), candid, forthright 7furtive above board/brassy 厚脸皮的/candid/forthright/open/sublime/shamelessly boldgalling appeasement, mollifying 7gossamer weighty, ponderous, substantial

7、,opaque,strong 7lavish austere, stark 荒凉的, thrifty, ECONOMICAL 7metaphorical literal 7mollify provoke, vex, nettle, madden, rankle,denounce 7outmoded 过时的;废弃的current, usable, acceptable, in style 时髦的,futuristic,practical, pragmatic 7phlegmatic sprightly, lively, spirited, vivacious, vivid, unsettled

8、7torporzeal, animation, alert, ardor, ebullience, extreme excitability, vigilant, vivacity 7tractablewillful, obdurate, headstrong ,unruly, inflexible, obstinate, uncooperative 7truculentnice, peaceful, civilized, agreeable, obedient, submissivegenial, gentle, pacific, placid,cooperative 7acumen obt

9、useness 愚蠢;迟钝,lack of discernment, 6adamantflexible, vacillating 犹豫的, vacillant 犹豫不绝的, easily swayed , pliant, tractable, toward 温顺的,pliable 6artless urbane, cunning,duplicity,deceit, guile 6benignantnoxious, toxic, vicious,harsh 苛刻的;刺耳的, relentless 无情的, malevolent 6contravene uphold 6countenancecon

10、demn, forbid, refuse to approve, regard with disfavor, refuse to tolerate 6deficiency surplus, repletion 6dispassionate 不带偏见的 partial, biased, prejudiced ,partisan 6dispassionate 冷静 fervent, intemperate ebullient somber, torpid,reticent, impassive, lethargic 6embolden deaden, discourage, bring down,

11、 dishearten, dampen, subdue 6emboldenintimidate,frustrate,abash 使困窘, faze 使狼狈, cow, appall 使胆寒, daunt, boggle 犹豫, thwart 6emboldenembolden abash/ appall/ boggle/ cow/ daunt/ faze/ thwart使大胆 使不安/使胆寒/使惊奇犹豫/吓唬/ 使胆怯/使狼狈扰乱 /阻挠enfranchise subjugate, enfetter, dis-empower,resubject 使再臣服 6ephemeral eternal,

12、 lasting,enduring 6epicenter peripheral, periphery 外围,sheath 外壳 6fastness unsecured place 要塞 6fastness deliberate action 放荡 6flagging vivacious, thriving, vibrant 振动的;鲜明的;活泼的 6folly sagacity 6fretful displaying equanimity,comforting,equanimous 6lofty ignoble, mean ,sordid, casting down, ignominious,

13、 despicable 6moment triviality , unimportance 6ostracize include, embrace, welcome, accept ,invite to join 6probityduplicity, shiftiness, crookedness,impertinence 鲁莽的 pertinence 相关的 6quixotic pragmatic,practical 6raucous 喧闹而无序的 restrained , mellifluous ,subdued,placid 6scrutiny cursory inspection, e

14、xamine cursorily 6slovenly natty , dapper 6travail laze ,frolic, loaf, dawdle,ease 6accoladereprobation , castigation 惩罚,reproof , censure, swearword,derogate 贬损 ,denunciation,excoriating remark 批判 5amble march rapidly, step quickly,scurry 急赶 5artlessness urbanity, calculating=scheming, sophisticati

15、on,colorfulness 5askew straight 5assuage HEIGHTENED, exacerbate, intensify, vex, incite, chaff, gall 5bedecked unadorned 5belligerent peaceful, disposed of peace, conciliatory, tranquil, benign, amiable 5betray be faithful, be loyal, 5betray keep secret,conceal 5bilious cheerful, difficult to provok

16、e, amiable,lackadaisical 5calamitous 不幸的 felicific,felicitous 5capitulate stand firm, resist, oppose 5circumspect audacious,foolhardy, impetuous, imprudent , simplicity ,indiscreet 5cultivate inhibit growth on ,cause to wither,neglect 5dab coat thoroughly 轻擦:涂上 5debilitate give energy, invigorate, fortify 5dormant vigorous, energetic,active, dynamic, attentive, conscious 5ductile 有延展性的 unyielding,incompliant,unbending 5efface bring to prom



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