book3 unit 4 reading

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1、1Book3 Unit4 Astronomy:the science of the stars Period 2 Warming up and reading 导学案教学目标:1. 了解地球上的生命起源和进化过程2. 学生能够通过文章的阅读,学习本单元重点词汇、短语的用法。3. 能够通过阅读,训练阅读技巧比如快速寻找文章细节信息(scanning) 、归纳和总结(summarizing)4. 通过课文的学习学生能引起对天文知识的兴趣,并能够在今后的生活学习中发扬科学探索精神课前自主学习Task 1 写出下列单词的汉语意思(借助单词表或者词典)1. planet solar system2. c

2、ircle around3. astronomy astronomer4. religion origin5. atom theory6. carbon carbon dioxide7. nitrogen oxygen 8. vapour atmosphere9. acid chain reaction10. shellfish reptile 11. amphibian mammal Task 2 写出太阳系中八大星系的英文和汉语名称,并在课本25页上将他们的名称和行星连线。_ _ _ _2_ _Task 3 思考:Each religion and culture has its own

3、ideas about how life began on earth. What do you know? 在不同宗教文化背景下,人类起源的故事有不同版本。你知道哪些?(中国神话故事?西方神话故事?)Task 4 预习课文,查词典,标注生词和短语。课中探究学习Task 1 Skim the passage and match the main idea of each paragraph. Para 1 A. The formation of the earth Para 2 B. The importance of water for lifePara 3 C. A widely acce

4、pted theory about the formation of the universePara 4 D. The arrival of humans and their impact on the earth Para 5 E. The development of plants and animals on the earthTask2 Detailed reading : This text can mainly divided into two stagesStage 1 (Para 1-3) Read the passage and find the clue of the d

5、evelopment of the earth思考:Why is water so important for the beginning of life?Stage 2 (Para4-5) Read the passage and find the clue of the development of life.1. after the “big bang”, _2. the dust settled into _3. it exploded with _4. they were in time to produce the _5. as the earth cooled down,_31.

6、思考:Why did the plants grow before the animals came?Task 3 Post-reading 1. Put the following sentences into correct order.1. Insect and amphibians appeared. 2. Dinosaurs appeared.3. The earth became a solid ball. 4. Small plants grew on the water.5. Reptiles appeared. 6. Plants beg

7、an to grow on dry land.7. The earth was a cloud of dust. 8. Water appeared on the earth.9. Shellfish and other fish appeared. 10. The universe began with a “Big Bang”11. Clever animals with hands and feet appeared. 12. Mammals appearedThe rights order of the development of life: 2. Retell the textAf

8、ter the “Big Bang”, the earth was just a cloud of dust. It exploded with the fire and rock, which 1._ produced water vapour and all kinds of gases and formed the earths 2._.As the earth 3._, water began to appear on its surface. Water staying on The development of lifePlants Animals4the earth allowe

9、d the earth to 4._harmful gases into the oceans and seas. That made it possible for life to develop.Later small plants began to grow. They 5._and filled the oceans and seas with oxygen, which encouraged the development of early shellfish and all sorts of fish.Later the first green plants appeared on

10、 land, followed by land animals. When dinosaurs disappeared, mammals became more important. They gave 6._to their babies.Small clever animals, now spread all over the earth. But they are not taking good care of the earth. The earth may become 7._hot for the lives to live on, because they are putting

11、 too much carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, which 8._heat 9._escaping from the earth into space. Whether life will continue will 10._ whether this problem can be solved.课后巩固与练习Task 1 在文中找出相应的词汇并加强记忆astronomy,system ,religion , theory, atom, billion, globe, violent, carbon, atmosphere, unlike, fund

12、amental, harmful, acid, chain, multiply, oxygen, exist, thus, dioxide, puzzle, biology, biologist, gravity, satellite, gentle, physicist, climate, crash, spaceship, pull, float, mass Task 2 找出下列短语并翻译成汉语1. according to 2. in all directions3. settle into4. in time5. cool down6. allow sb. to do7. on th

13、e surface of8. fill sth. with sth.9. lay egg10. give birth to11. in ones turn12. prevent sth. from doing13. as a result of14. depend onTask 3 Translate following sentences.1. What it was to become was uncertain until between 4.5 and 3.8 billion years ago when the dust settled into a solid globe. 2. The earth became so violent that it was not clear whether the shape would last or not. 3. It was not immediately obvious that water was to be fundamental to the development of life. (para. 3) 4. What many scientists believe is that the continued presence of water al



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