7b 英语知识点(自整理)

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1、7B 英语知识点(U1U8)初一(5)班 张沐7B 英语知识点(自整理) U1 初一(5)班 张沐17B Unit 1 Dream homes 知识点【词形转换】wood n. wooden adj. child n. children pron.quiet adj.quietly adv. quite adv. 相当地 quiet adj. 安静的print v. printer n. worry v. 担心 worried adj.担心的littlelessleast many/much moremostown(adj./v.) owner (n.) Britain n. 不列颠 Brit

2、ish adj. 不列颠的 France n. 法国 French n. 法语 adj.法国的Japan n.日本 Japanese n. adj.日本的Russia n. 俄罗斯 Russian n. 俄语、俄罗斯人 adj.俄罗斯的【词汇】1. 国家、人民、语言Country People(pl.) LanguageChina Chinese ChineseThe UK the English/ Englishmen EnglishThe USA Americans EnglishRussia Russians RussianFrance the French/ Frenchmen Fre

3、nchAustralia Australians EnglishCanada Canadians English / FrenchJapan Japanese Japanese2. capitalThe capital of the USA is Washington D.C.the capital of e.g. Nanjing is the capital of Jiangsu Province.The capital of China is Beijing.3. own(adj.自己的/v.拥有) owner (n.)主人I have my own bedroom. = I have a

4、 bedroom of my own.e.g. I see with my own eyes.Whos the owner of this pen?= Who owns this pen?4. fun n. 乐趣,不可数名词I always have fun with my dog there.Its great fun.5. most7B 英语知识点(自整理) U1 初一(5)班 张沐2(1) most名词; adj. “大多数的” : most homes Most girl students like wearing skirts. (2)most of + the / (形)物主代词(

5、his/ their) / 指示代词(these/ those) + pl./umost of + us/you/themMost of the students would like to stay.I spend most of my free time playing football.Most of them think English is very important.(3) adv.“最”:like sth mostI like playing basketball most.6. beside = next toId like to live next to a restaur

6、ant.There is a football field behind my house and a swimming pool beside it.【词组】1.Id like to live next to a restaurant. would like sth.= want sthwould like to do sth = want to do sthWould you like some water?= Do you want some water? Yes,please./ No, thanks.Would you like to go with us? Yes, Id love

7、/ like to. Good idea. All right. / Id like to, but next to =besidee.g. Toms house is next to mine.Jack wants to sit next to me.2. Learn about homes in different countries. learn about 学习有关的知识I want to learn more about the world. learn from 向学习We should help each other and learn from each other. diff

8、erent same;be different frombe the same asin different classes in the same classIts really different from the flats in Beijing.be different frome.g. Your pen is different from mine.City life is very different from Country life. different(adj.) difference(n.)the difference betweenande.g. There are ma

9、ny differences between English and Chinese Names.3.We sit on the big floor cushions and look out at the beach and the sea.look out (of)at =see from Look out ! =Be careful! = Take care!当心/ 小心e.g. Dont look out of the window in class.look at / look around / look for / look like / look forward to / loo

10、k after / look up4. I share a bedroom with my sister.7B 英语知识点(自整理) U1 初一(5)班 张沐3share sth with sbe.g. The boy shared his toy with other childrenshare in sthe.g. We should share in our sorrows as well as joys.5.Simon wrote down the meaning of some of the words.write + n. +down=write down +n. write it

11、 /them downe.g. Can you write down the words on your book ?= Can you write the words on your book?OK, Ill write them down.meaning (n.) mean(v.)e.g. Whats the meaning of “quick?= What does “quick” mean?6. ask sb to do sth 叫某人做某事Can you ask him to call me back?否定结构有:ask sb not to do sth类似的结构有:tell sb

12、to do sth7. be full of 充满 Your garden is full of flowers.The room is full of smoke.My grandmother visited my home with a basket full of vegetables.8. have an area of = in area(size)Red Square in Moscow is about 91,000 square metres in size.France has an area of over 260,000 square miles. = France is

13、 260,000 square miles in area.【语法】(一) Cardinal numbers 基数A.基数词的写法:“几十几” 十位和个位之间用“ ”。e.g. 32 thirty-two101 999 百位和十位间加“and”.e.g. 928 nine hundred and twenty-eight1000 以上的数,从后往前每三位一段,倒数第一个数读 thousand,倒数第二个数读 million,依次类推。e.g. 8,542,601 eight million, five hundred and forty-three thousand, six hundred

14、and oneB .基数词的运用:1. hundred, thousand, million, billion 等前有数字修饰表示“精确数” 一般用单数,但表示不定数目用复数:hundreds of; thousands of; millions of注意区别:three hundred students; hundreds of students;three hundred of the students2. 表示“几十” 的数词,其复数形式可以表示年龄或年代。e.g. in his twenties in the thirties the 1990s3. 表示房间号、公共汽车号、电话号码、

15、页数、年龄等用基数词,如:Room 801; No. 1 Bus; Page 44; two oclock; a twelve-year-old girl4.一些计算或分数、百分数等,如:Two plus two is four.7B 英语知识点(自整理) U1 初一(5)班 张沐4Five times six is thirty.a half; a third; a quarter; three quarters; one-eighth; seven-eighths;thirty percent5. 年月日中,年用基数词;日用序数词January 18, 2014; 18th January

16、 20146. 基数词表0 zero 9 nine 18 eighteen 90 ninety1 one 10 ten 19 ninteen 100 one hundred2 two 11 eleven 20 twenty 1,000 one thousand3 three 12 twelve 30 thirty 10,000 ten thousand4 four 13 thirteen 40 forty 100,000 one hundred thousand5 five 14 fourteen 50 fifty 1,000,000 one million6 six 15 fifteen 60 sixty7 seven 16 sixteen 70 seve


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