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1、 发现自己不知不觉的步入了教育领域的无人地带 to find oneself in an educational no-mans land 得了高分 to score well 学费资助 tuition aid 尚无法承担四年沉重的经济负担 To be not ready for the heavy financial burden of 4 years 学业上跟不上 To be not ready / prepared academically 开设综合性大学层次的高级核心课程 to offer an advanced, university-level core curriculum 提高

2、某人的技能 to fine-tune / hone / whet / sharpen / boost / enhance ones skills 填少数民族招生配额表 to fill a minority enrollment quota 有把握知道 to know for sure 接受要求 to take on requirements 一所大众化的蓝领的教育机构 a democratic, blue-collar institution 学杂费 tuition and fees 为优等生开设的课程 an honors program 资金短缺的州 cash-strapped states

3、 设定招生上限 to cap enrollment 公立大学 public university government-sponsored public school? a private boarding school 平均年龄 the median age 学术声誉 academic cachet 补习的本科生 a remedial undergrad 换职业的中年人 a midlife career switcher 令人羡慕的学生教授比 an enviable student-professor ratio 正式注册的学生 a regular student 主要是白人女性 predo

4、minantly white females 将社区学院限制在传统的角色 to restrict community colleges to the traditional role 研究型大学 research university 积极的行为榜样 motivational role model 平均绩点 GPA = grade-point average 难度大的优等生层次的课程 challenging honors-level courses 直接录取在大三年级 acceptance right into the junior classes 让学生来源多元化 to diversify

5、the student populations 对未来有明确的想法 to have a clear vision of ones future 得到高薪工作 to land a well-paying job 成功的标准 benchmark of success 对某人没有任何吸引力 to hold zero allure for sb. 对.有信心 to put stock in 老派的理念,老观念 old-school notions 公司礼规 corporate protocol 一时心血来潮 on a whim 与对抗 to knock heads with 被赋予 to be end

6、owed with 一种居高临下的权利意识 a commanding sense of entitlement 很有影响的大专院校 high-powered colleges and universities 在日复一日的赞扬声中长大 to be raised on a daily regimen of praise and flattery 信奉能提高学生自尊的课程 to embrace a self-esteem-boosting curriculum 这种不断的强化 this constant reinforcement 使生气 to drive nuts / crazy / mad 各

7、种不同的人群 a range of demographic groups 创新高 to reach new highs 让很多很好的企业陷入瘫痪 to drive many a good business directly into the ground 饱受诟病的一代人 this much-reviled generation 要感谢 to owe a debt of gratitude to 要追溯到希腊神话的古老思想 an ancient idea that dates to Greek mythology 疯狂地爱上了水塘中自己的倒影 to fall madly in love wit

8、h his own reflection in a pool of water 从将自己的目光移开 to avert ones eyes from 华盛顿的商务顾问 a business consultant based in Washington, D.C. 公司管理的权威 the bible of corporate management 内部运作方式 the inner workings 摆脱传统看法/思想 to shrug off conventional wisdom 传递信心 to project confidence 构思雄心勃勃的计划 to formulate hyper-am

9、bitious plans 让投资者与部下都喜欢你 to charm the pants off investors and underlings alike 综合了这些特性的人 a person with this combination of traits 首席技术官 chief technology officer 感到有能力干大事 to feel empowered to do great things 关键时刻 the pivotal moments 自由思考类型的人 freethinking types 大错特错 to be dead wrong 向正南方向走几英里 a few m

10、iles due south 参加由主办的课程 to participate in a program that is sponsored by 顾客的典范 an iconic customer 苗条的身姿 willowy figure 匆忙记笔记 to scribble down notes 一位大个子的害羞男孩 a shy giant of a boy 采取主动 to take the initiative 一阵掌声 a round / storm of applause 充满自信、自强不息的青少年的典型 to be the prototype of the self-assured, s

11、elf-empowered teen 削弱自尊心 to lower ones self-esteem 不让失败,也不让唱反调的人影响到她 not to let failure or naysayers get to her 眼都不眨一下 without batting an eye 在具体细节上 on a nuts-and-bolts level 固守这份易碎的自信心,直到二十大几,三十大几的时候 to hold onto that brash self-confidence well into her 20s and 30s 朴实的孵化器 an idyllic incubator 重新开始

12、to start with a clean slate = start afresh = start from scratch 宽容的态度 a forgiving set of attitudes 推销自己的思想 to push ones own ideas 高度自信的企业家 a hyper-confident entrepreneur 房贷还没还清 to have a mortgage on ones house 找到他进行采访 to track him down for an interview 管理由资助的一个慈善项目 to run a philanthropic project fun

13、ded by 在中积聚怨恨 to build resentment among (尤指首次)露面/出场/现身,暂露头角 to arrive on the scene 没有投入时间,但又要走捷径 to take the fast track without putting in their time 可取之处 saving grace 认识到内在的天分 to realize the genius in their inner self 在全国数得上的辩论家 a nationally ranked debater 雄心勃勃的哈佛企业家 aspiring Harvard entrepreneurs

14、最初是非正式的聚会 to start off as an informal gathering 为了公司的更大利益 for the greater good of the corporation 迷失自我 to lose touch with their egos and themselves 截然对立 the diametric opposite 街头装束 street apparel 无知而自负 ignorant and arrogant 欺负下属 to bully subordinates 看到这种情况多次发生 to see this scenario play itself out m

15、any times The history repeats itself. 构成相当复杂、进退维谷的难题 to pose quite a conundrum 在面对同伴、师长和整个社会的怀疑时相信自己 to believe in oneself in the face of skepticism from their peers, mentors, and society at large 浪费资源 to squander resources 不断需要新的挑战 to constantly need new challenges 容忍这种看法 to stomach the notion 万事俱备,只欠东风 to be groomed 在努力工作 to be hard at work 招聘主管 an executi


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