新标准大学英语 网上作业答案2

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1、sentences.1. Watch-making and tourism are the chief _ of that country.(C project 方案,计划,项目 campaign 运动;战役 enterprise 事业;企业 investment 投资)A. projectsB. campaignsC. enterprisesD. investments2. The newspaper devoted a _ to the discussion of the development of the suburbs.(A column 栏,专栏 corner 角落 queue (

2、人或车辆的)行列,长队 row (一)排, (一)行)A. columnB. cornerC. queueD. row3. He wanted her to believe that he was _ in what he had told her.(B generous 慷慨的,大方的 sincere 真诚的 empirical 经验主义的,经验的 acceptable 可以接受的)A. generousB. sincereC. empiricalD. acceptable 4. The major read the order and then passed it _ to the com

3、mander.(C pass away 去世 pass off (as) 充作,被看作 pass along 传递)A. awayB. offC. alongD. apart5. I caught my shirt on a nail and nearly had it torn _.(A tear off 撕掉 tear up 撕毁 tear down 拆除,弄倒)A. offB. upC. awayD. down6. The policeman _ his shoulders as if to say there was nothing he could do about the matt

4、er.(B shrug ones shoulders 耸肩(表示怀疑、冷漠、不知等) )A. switchedB. shruggedC. liftedD. folded7. Our club _ seven new members at the last meeting.(A enroll 招收,吸收 ensure 确保 enrich 充实,使丰富 entitle 给权利,给资格) A. enrolledB. ensuredC. enrichedD. entitled8. Her humorous remarks seemed _, but were in fact carefully pre

5、pared beforehand.(C precise 精确的,准确的 blank 空白的,spontaneous 自发的,自然的 bold 勇敢的)A. preciseB. blankC. spontaneousD. bold9. Janes _ for gardening is evident by all of these beautiful flowers.(D acquaintance (with) 认识,了解 familiarity (with) 熟悉,通晓 achievement 成就 enthusiasm (for/about) 热爱,对的兴趣)A. acquaintanceB

6、. familiarityC. achievementD. enthusiasm10. My wool sweater _ when I washed it.(C tolerate 忍受,容忍 withdraw 收回,撤退 shrink 起皱,收缩 flood 大量涌入)A. tolerated B. withdrewC. shrankD. flooded11. I caught a _ of the bus before it disappeared around the corner.(B catch a glimpse of 一眼瞥见 )A. visionB. glimpseC. gui

7、seD. view12. He is _ to getting up early and doing morning exercise in the nearby park every day.(B be accustomed to (something/doing something)习惯于)A. intendedB. accustomedC. probableD. related13. Robinsons photographs are _ by the intense contrasts of dark and light areas, and the consequent loss o

8、f detail.(D evoke 唤起,使人想起 savor 品尝,体会 dedicate (to) 把(一生等)献给,把(时间、精力等)用于 characterize 是的特征)A. evokedB. savoredC. dedicated D. characterized14. This _ sight attracts the camera enthusiasts to Swanland from where excellent photographs of the bridge can be taken.(A impressive 给人印象深刻的 delightful 令人愉快的 i

9、nspiring 鼓舞人的 expressive (有关)表现的,表达的)A. impressiveB. delightfulC. inspiringD. expressive15. He was rather _ about the reasons why he never finished school.(D vivid 生动的,栩栩如生的 rude 粗鲁的,无理的 tough 粗暴的;困难的;坚强的 vague 含糊的,不明确的)A. vividB. rudeC. toughD. vague16. It seems I _ you an apologyI was supposed to

10、phone you on Saturday night.(A owe 欠 earn 赚得,挣得 deserve 应受,应得)A. oweB. earnC. paidD. deserve2. Directions:Complete the following sentences with the appropriate form of the words in the brackets.1.The conversation was limited by my (imperfect 不完美的)Spanish. (perfect)2.The couple shared a romantic (int

11、imacy 亲密(关系))that they decided was love. (intimate)3.I stopped for gas twice during the (lengthy 很长的) car trip. (length)4.It is wise to use (grammatical 符合语法规则的)sentences in formal situations, such as when interviewing for a job. (grammar)5. And all this praise just because the poor man has dieddoes

12、nt it strike you as (insincere 不真诚的 strike somebody as. 给某人留下某种印象)? (sincere)6. The film has some very powerful (visual 视觉的) imagery. (vision)7.People travel for miles to see these (poetic 有诗意的) sunsets. (poet)8.She wasnt very (complimentary 表示称赞的) about your performance, was she? (compliment)9.You

13、will need (permission 允许,许可) from the council to extend your garage. (permit) 10.Psychologists have been studying (perception 感知(能力),觉察) in rats in an attempt to discover more about human mental process connected with sight. (perceive)11.My calculations were based on the (assumption 假设,假定) that hous

14、e prices would remain steady. (assume)12. He believes that a certain amount of (rebellious 反抗的,难控制的,叛逆的) behavior is normal among teenagers. (rebel)13.We have been given (reassurances 安慰,安慰的话) that the water is safe to drink. (reassure)14. It is my fondest (expectation 期望 fond expectation/hope 热切而又不

15、大可能实现的期望或愿望) that all of my children will go to college. (expect)3. Directions:Complete the following sentences with the appropriate phrases from the box.1.My piano playing has improved (significantly) since I have had a new teacher. (significant)2. A jurys decision in a court must be made (objectively). (objective)3.Childrens (acquisition) of their native tongue is still a mystery to many linguists. (acquire) 4. There is little _ that the protesters will leave the building peacefully. (indicate)(indication)5.All she was interested in was the _ of her own career. (advanc


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