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1、译国之标准,译民之标榜译国译民翻译服务有限公司专心翻译,做到极致第三届“译国译民杯”翻译大赛说明:1、 我司郑重承诺对所有参赛人员相关资料予以严格保密,请放心填写。2、 两个比赛类别中,您可以选择其一参加,也可以同时参加两个类别。请直接将译文填在原文下方“您的译文”提示之后。3、 请将文件于比赛截止日期(2015 年 10 月 31 日 24:00)前发回邮箱jingsaiygym.org。主题格式请务必改为“姓名-所在省市-参赛项目” ,如:刘冰武-北京-中英,程倩-福建厦门-英中,Eros-澳洲悉尼-中英和英中,否则没办法收到您的文件(我们在电子邮件接收时进行了设置) 。第一部分:报名表“

2、译国译民杯”翻译大赛报名表姓名 性别出生年月 联系电话QQ 电子邮箱参赛类别(中英、英中或中英/英中)职业工作单位/学校、专业现居住地译国之标准,译民之标榜译国译民翻译服务有限公司专心翻译,做到极致第二部分:比赛原文一、中译英 (整篇翻译,675 字)新华时评:丝路旅游先要打通“断头路”近日召开的丝绸之路旅游部长会议,主题是丝路旅游市场一体化,就是要重点解决丝路旅游“断头路”问题。不同地区、不同等级公路之间不接通叫“断头路”。京津冀协同化发展战略,强调交通先行、先解决“断头路”。旅游就要互联互通,“一带一路”,旅游先通。作为开放性产业,旅游要在“一带一路”战略中发挥先联先通优势,关键就在“通”


4、游市场不统一、旅行不便利、流向不平衡等现象突出,市场潜力未得到有效发挥。在打通丝路旅游“断头路”的过程中,还要充分发挥市场的作用,鼓励航空公司增加跨境航班,充分利用跨境铁路和公路资源,提升国家间旅游交通条件。要实施更便利的签证政策,简化通关手续,推动更多国家间实行落地签、过境签、团队免签等,不断提升旅游便利化水平,使丝绸之路旅游成为带动沿线经济发展、改善当地民生的强劲动力。译国之标准,译民之标榜译国译民翻译服务有限公司专心翻译,做到极致2015-06-21 13:41 编辑: 刘娇 来源: 新华网您的译文:译国之标准,译民之标榜译国译民翻译服务有限公司专心翻译,做到极致二、英译中 (整篇翻译,

5、853 单词)Buckling Down: How Beijing is Implementing its “One Belt, One Road” VisionThe “One Belt, One Road” (1BR) has quickly emerged as Chinese president Xi s signature foreign policy concept. An expansive effort anchored in planned infrastructure projects stretching across the Eurasian continent and

6、 even into Africa, the strategys scope and ambition has earned it comparisons to the Marshall Plan. However, implementing such a grand and complicated vision, potentially involving the coordination of trillions of dollars in investment across dozens of countries, will be a major challenge. As is oft

7、en the case in Chinese policymaking, the “Belt and Road” remains more of a “vision statement with a to-do list” than a hard-and-fast blueprint. Hence, Beijings implementation strategy bears close watching.Since aspects of the 1BR were first announced in late 2013, it has received an enormous amount

8、of top-level attention, including being featured as the central topic of discussion at a November 2014 meeting of the top-level Central Economic and Finance Leading Small Group (CFELSG) chaired by Xi . He has since referenced it in numerous public speeches, including a major address at the March 201

9、5 Boao Forum. This was followed by the release of a new Belt and Road action plan by the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) on March 28. The concept has also received increasing attention in the past two government work reports and the last two Central Economic Work Conferences.More r

10、ecently, the leadership established a new “Advancing the Development of the One Belt and One Road Leading Group” (LG) in February 2015. This group will be vital to overseeing and coordinating implementation of the 1BR strategy over the coming years. Hence, its composition, first revealed in early Ap

11、ril, provides useful insight into the leaderships thinking. Chairing the group is first-ranked Vice Premier Zhang Gaoli, a member of the elite Politburo Standing Committee who holds primary responsibility for finance, reform and development, and the environment. The group also has four vice-chairmen

12、: third-ranked Vice Premier Wang Yang, responsible for agriculture, trade, tourism policy, and the economic track of the U.S.-China Strategic and Economic Dialogue (S Wang Huning, head of the Central Committee Policy Research Center, a key policy advisor to President Xi, and the head of the office o

13、f the Comprehensively Deepening Reform Leading Small Group (CDRLSG); Yang Jiechi, a state councilor and career diplomat, who chairs the strategic side of the S and Yang Jing, who serves in a vital coordinating function as both the secretary of the Communist Partys Central Committee Secretariat and s

14、ecretary-general of the State Council. Jing and the other vice-chairmen will likely play an important role in coordinating Chinas fractious policymaking apparatus.The inclusion of both officials with responsibility for economic issues and those holding aspects of the foreign policy portfolio is cons

15、istent with the dual purpose of the 1BR strategy, which is designed to stimulate and better integrate Chinas domestic economy as well as enhance Beijings influence abroad. Meanwhile, the high level of 译国之标准,译民之标榜译国译民翻译服务有限公司专心翻译,做到极致the leaders and their direct access to President Xi will be vital t

16、o driving implementation forward. Three members of the 1BR LGs leadership Zhang Gaoli, Wang Huning, and Wang Yang are not only Politburo-ranked, but are members of what is effectively “mission control” for Chinas overall reform process: the CFELSG and the CDRLSG, both chaired by Xi .Beneath the leadership level, a coordinating office for the 1BR LG has been established within the NDRC, which is the lead agency for implementing the



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