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1、第三章 代词一人称代词主格 I you he she it we you they宾格 me you him her it us you them物主代词形容词性 my your his her its our your their名词性 mine yours his hers its ours yours theirs反身代词 myself yourself himself herself itself ourself yourselves themseves试体会下列人称代词的用法:(1 ) He seated himself at the back of the classroom.(反

2、身代词只作宾语、同位语和表语)(1 ) Please help yourself to some fish.(2 ) Sometimes he doesnt believe in himself.-(3 ) -Who is knocking at the door? -Its me.(4 ) The poor boy was himself.(5 ) This book is mine, not his.(6 ) Hes an old friend of mine, not hers.(7 ) You, he and I have worked together for ten years.(

3、注意人称代词的顺序)(8 ) -Nice to see you here. -Me, too.(这里不能用 I:我也如此。 )(9) All of us should learn from them all.考点 1.人称代词, 物主代词的常用考点:1.人称代词用作为表语时,与动词前的代词或名词同格:eg.1.Do you think the thief to be .A.I B.his C. him D.man2.I thought it was (D) .A.him B.himself C.his D.he2.在名词双重所有格里的物主代词用法3.(C).The man you met in

4、 the street is a friend of _.A.I B.my C.mine D.me 3.在比较时注意前后对称4.(D).Our classroom is larger than _.A.you B.your C.yous D.yours 4.人称代词在并列使用时的顺序为:“第二人称,第三人称,第一人称”。如:You, she and I all enjoy the music.但是,复数应为“第一人称,第二人称,第三人称” 。Eg.We,you and they are friendly to one another.考点 2.反身代词的常用考点 1. 掌握其固定结构:enjo

5、y oneself=have a good time (过得很愉快) learn sth. by oneself =teach oneself sth. (自学)devote oneself to 献身于come to oneself 苏醒过来; 醒悟过来 ; 恢复理性speak to oneself 自言自语teach oneself 自修help oneself to sth(随便吃/喝 些.) Help yourself to some meat!请自己吃点肉吧!for oneself 为自己; 代表自己; 独力地; 亲自地 One should not live for oneself

6、 alone.一个人不应只是为自已活着。(all)by oneself=alone 单独地,独自of oneself 自动地, 自发地 The door opened of itself.2. 注意 oneself 与 ones own 的区别eg.I myself dont know how to express myself in my own words.同位语 宾语 定语三 。相互代词each other(两者) each others 彼此的one another(三者 or 以上) one anothers 彼此的eg. We should help each other/one

7、another ,learn from each other/one another.四。指示代词this-thatthese-those考点 3.such-sosuch+noun, so+adj. or adv. 但是 只说 so many/much/few/little+noun不说 such many/much/few/little+nounsuch a good boy 可转换成 so good a boysuch as eg.Hes such a good student that all the teachers like him.=Hes so good a student th

8、at all the teachers like him.He s surprised that such liittle animals can eat so many things. (这里的 little 指“小” )He knows so little English that he cannot understand the native speakers at all.(这里的 little 指“少” )I have never heard of (C ) as he is.A.such great man B.such great a man C.such a great man

9、 D.a such great manIt is (D ) day.A.so beautiful the B.so a beautiful C.such beautiful a D.such a beautifulHe cried out,” (C ) careless man before!”A.Never I met with such a B.I never met with such aC.Never have I met with such a D.Never have I met a suchthe same aseg. He is the same age as his wife

10、.五.疑问代词谁 who,whatWho are you? Its me.What are you? Im a teacher.考点 4.什么 what(范围确定) which 哪个(范围不确定)_do you like better, cofee or tea?A. which B. what考点 5.如何 how 三个“如何“不用 how,而用 what 的句型:1.What is +S+like? Whats the weather like today?2.What do you do with +sb/sth? What do you do with the old bike?但是

11、How do you deal with+sb/sth?3.What do you think of +sb/sth?但是 How do you feel+sb/sth?年龄 how old考点 6.距离 how far长度 how long for+时间段; since+时间点How far is it from here to the station? A twenty-minute walk.How long does it take to fly from Beijing to Shanghai? Two hours.Hoe long have you been in Beijing?

12、 For two years.考点 7.频度 how often 多快 how soon+将来时(用 in+时间段回答 )eg. How long does it take to fly to Beijing?Take the medicine 3 times a day.(how often?)The bridge will be completed in a week.(how soon)时间 when 几点钟 what time原因 why地点 whare考点 8. 关联词的用法主句 定语从句 先行词+ 关联词+主+ 谓人 that or 主 who 宾 whom/who(或省略) 定

13、whose物 that or 主 which 宾 which(或省略) 定 whose先行句+ 关联词+主+ 谓as(象一样)可放主句前which 不可放主句前eg. I was late again, which made my teacher angry.He is a top student in our class,as is known to us./As is known to us,he is a top student in our class.七.替代词eg. Our classroom is larger than your classroom.=yours=your on

14、e 替代词考点 9.(1)one,ones,that,those 的用法one 替代上文出现的可数名词的单数形式ones 替代上文出现的可数名词的复数形式the ones=those eg. The ones(=Those) who are League members will take part in the activity.that 替代上文出现的不可数名词; that=the oneeg.The population of China is larger than that of USA.A. This story is more interesting than that one.

15、B. The population of China is larger than that of India.C. The culture and customs of America are more like_of England than of any other country.A. that B.those C.ones D.these(分析:that 只能用来代替上文提到的单数名词;ones 前面必须有修饰语;those 可以替代前面提到的复数名词,但不能用 these,所以答案应该是 B。 )D. These trees look healthier than_along the road.A.those B.other C.another D.ones(2) oneones 和 thatthose 是指同类而不同物,itthem 指同类而且同物。A.


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