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1、第 1 页 共 5 页牛 津 初 中 英 语 考 点 总 结 ( 2012 版 )Unit3 Welcome to our school(编 撰 人 : 童 老 师 ) 2012.09一、语法基础知识 (详见牛津英语语法规则)1、人称代词的用法(复习+新授) 2、学习辅音音标( 复习+ 新授) 3、形容词的部分用法(复习) 4、There be 结构(复习 ) 5、不定代词 one 的用法(新授) 6、连词 so, but 等的用法(复习) 7、方位介 词( 复习) 8、all, only等词的用法( 新授 )二、重点短语,要求熟读、会背会默1、 welcome to our school 欢

2、迎来到我们学校2、 have two cakes 有两个蛋糕3、 School Open Day 学校开放日;on the School Open Day 在学校开放日4、 the parents meeting 家长会5、 at two oclock in the afternoon 在下午两点6、 watch two of our lessons 听两节课7、 meet at the school gate 在学校门口会合;meet sb at the school gate 在校门口见某人8、 be ready to do sth 乐意做某事9、 look beautiful 看起来很漂

3、亮; look modern 看起来很现代;look young 看起来年轻10、so big 这么大;so small 这么小11、show you around our school 带你参观我们学校;show sb around sp 带领某人参观某地12、in front of the classroom building 在教学楼前面13、on the ground floor 在一层;in / on the playground 在操场上;on the ground 在地面上14、clean and bright 又干净又明亮;big and modern 又大又现代化15、hav

4、e an art room, a music room, and two computer rooms 有一间美术室、一间音乐室和两间电脑房16、over there 在那边;over here 在这边17、go to the school hall 去学校礼堂18、have parents meetings 开家长会;have meetings 开会第 2 页 共 5 页19、that man in a white shirt 穿白衬衣的那个男人20、all about sth 关于的一切情况 E.g. I want to know all about your school life in

5、 Nanjing.21、on this day 在这一天22、the pictures of my friends on the wall 墙上我朋友的照片23、in the school football team 是校足球队的成员24、tell sb about sth 告诉某人关于某事25、like to play with sb after class 喜欢课后和某人一起玩26、Isat home?某人在家吗?27、want to say hello to sb 想要跟某人问好( 打招呼 )28、on the phone = over the phone 通过电话;在电话里29、a l

6、ong way 一段很远的路30、from my home to the school 从我家到学校31、live near our school 住在我们学校附近;live far away from the school 住的离学校很远32、get to school = go to school 去上学 E.g I get / go to school on foot every day.33、be open 开放的 (反义词) be closed 不开放,关闭的 (注意:open 和 closed 是形容词,放在 be 之后)34、all kinds of book(s)各种各样的书籍

7、;a kind of book 一种书;the kind of book 这种书;different kinds of books 不同种类的书35、borrow books from the library 从图书馆借书36、make up 组成,构成37、practise doing sth 练习做某事38、sing English songs 唱英语歌39、have a few classrooms 有一些教室;a reading room 一间阅览室40、about an hour 大约一小 时;about half an hour 大约半小时三、重点句型,要求熟读、会背会默,能正确理

8、解语法现象(粗体) 。1. Which of the subjects do you like best ? 你最喜欢哪些课程?第 3 页 共 5 页2. I have two cakes and you have one. So I can eat three.你有两个蛋糕,我有一个。所以,我能吃三个。3. Tomorrow is our Open Day.明天是我们的学校开放日。4. Whats the date today? 今天是几号?5. The parents meeting begins at two oclock in the afternoon.家长会下午两点开始。6. Le

9、ts meet at the school gate at 1:30.一点半校门口见。7. Your school looks beautiful. The playground is so big.学校看起来很漂亮。操场很大。8. Let me show you around. 让我带你参观一下我们的学校。9. This way, Mum. 妈妈, 这边走。10. You have a library too.right? 你们有一个图书馆,对吗?11. Whos that man in a white shirt? 那个穿白色衬衣的男人是谁?12. There are 18 classro

10、oms in the classroom building. 教学楼有 18 间教室。There are lots of books in the school library.学校图书馆有许多图书。13. Is this Daniel? Yes, it is. 这是丹尼尔吗? 是的, 这是。 Is that Tom? Yes, it is.14. This is Kitty, I think. 我觉得这是凯特。 (介绍他人的问句)15. I like to play with my friends after class. 我喜欢课后和朋友们一起玩。16. Is Grandma at hom

11、e now? 奶奶在家吗?17. Pardon? Daniel, I cant hear you well on the phone. 再说一遍?电话里我听不清楚你说的话。18. How do you get to school every day? On foot / By bus. 你明天如何上学?19. How long does it take? 花费多长时间?-It takes me about an hour to get to school.每天上学花 费大约一小时。( 句型:It takes +某人+ 时间+ to do sth 花费某人多少时间做某事)20. It is a

12、long way from my home to the school.从我家到学校有很远的路程。21. When is the library open? 图书馆什么时候开放?-It is open from 8 a.m to 5:30 p.m.but the reading room is only open in the afternoon. 图书馆 从早上 8 点到下午 5:30 开放,但是阅览室只在下午开放。22. Do you borrow books from the library? Yes. Look at this one. Its interesting. (one =

13、this book)23. Look left ,then right, then left when you cross the road.过马路时,向左看,然后向右看,再向左看。第 4 页 共 5 页24. Bring me a birthday cake on your way back.回去的路上给我带一个生日蛋糕。25. Thanks for your letter./ writing to me.谢谢你的来信 / 谢谢给我写信。26. We do not have a library but we have a reading room.我们没有图书馆,但是我 们有一间阅览室。27

14、. I take a bus to school.我乘车去学校。I walk to school.我步行去学校。四、语法操练 (人称代词)1、我们常常使用人称代词来代替表示人或物的_。2、人称代词不仅可以指代人,还可以指代_及_。3、人称代词如果在句子中做主语,用_;做_用宾格。主格常位于_,宾格一般在_或_之后。4、代词填空训练1 Lucy and I are twins. _are from the USA.2 Look at these flowers. _are beautiful.3 Jack is a lovely dog. Everyone likes _.4 Helen is

15、my cousin. I often play with _.5 Simon loves football. _is in the football team.6 Kitty is cute. _loves dancing.7 This is our new library. _is big and modern.8 I am Daniel and this is Amy ._are classmates.9 Do _know the teacher over there, Simon and Sandy?10 I have many new friends. _are all very nice.11 All my friends are really nice! I love _.12 My school is beautiful. I like_very much.五、英文写作训练-My school. (See Page 40 Useful expressions)课时作业:一、翻译下列重点句子第 5 页 共 5 页1. 你最喜欢哪些课程?2. 你有两个蛋糕,我有一个。所以,我能吃三个。


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