必修4 unit 4 词汇

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《必修4 unit 4 词汇》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《必修4 unit 4 词汇(6页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Statement n. 说法 , 表述 Are the following statements true or false ? 下面的说法对不对 ?指正式的 陈述,声明 A government spokersperson made a statement to the press . 政府发言人向新闻界发表了一份声明。State n. 状态,状况,情况 in a state of 处于状态 At that time , the whole country was in a state of war . 那个时候整个国家处于战争状态。greet . vt 问候 She greeted hi

2、m with a smile . 她微笑着向他打了个招呼。greet vt. 对作出反应 greet sb. with/as sth. 以某种方式对作出反应 greet sth. with /as sth. 以某种方式对作出反应 (某事、某人)People greeted the news with loud cheers . 听到这消息后,人们热烈欢呼。映入的眼帘 When she opened the door she was greeted by a scene of snowing . 当她打开门,一派下雪的景象呈现在她眼前。greeting n. 问候 招呼 They exchang

3、ed greetings and sat down to lunch . 他们互相致意后便坐下吃午饭。represent vt. 代表 I represented our committee to attend this important meeting . 我代表我们的委员会参加了这次意义重大的会议。represent vt. 描绘,展现 The picture represent a hunting scene . 这幅画展现出一个狩猎的场景。正式提出 (意见,抗议等)Ill represent to him the risks that he is running . 我会向他说明他所

4、冒的危险。representation n. 代表 描绘representative n. 代表 a student representative 一个学生代表adj. 典型的,有代表性的 Is a questionnaire answered by 500 people truly representative of the population as a whole ? 由 500 人参加的问卷调查能真正代表所有民众吗?association n. 协会 社团 Do you belong to any professional or trade association ? 你参加了专业学会

5、或行业协会没有?association n. 联合 ,合伙 ,联系 ,交往 与 with 连用 She became famous through her association with several poets . 她通过与几位诗人的交往而出名了。联想 Scotland has all kinds of happy associations for me . 苏格兰给我各种各样的愉快的联想。associate v. 联想 ,联系 with I have never associated you with this place .我从来没有把你和这个地方联系在一起。 curiously a

6、dv. 好奇地 The little boy looked at the box curiously .小男孩好奇地盯着这个盒子。curious adj. 好奇的 古怪的 be curious about .对好奇be curious to do sth . 渴望做某事 She is always so curious about my work . 她总爱打听我的工作。curiosity n. 好奇心 ,求知欲 out of curiosity 出于好奇He asked these completely out of curiosity . 他问这些完全是出于好奇。satisfy ones

7、curiosity 满足某人的好奇心 Parents sometimes find it hard to satisfy childrens curiosity . 有时父母发现很难满足孩子们的好奇心。approach vt. vi. 走近,接近,靠近He cautiously approached that house . 他小心翼翼地靠近那个房子。approach n. 靠近 ,接近,临近 ,通路,入口,方法,方式 toAll the approaches to the town were blocked . 通往这个小镇的所有的道路都被封defence n. (美 defense ) 防

8、卫,防备 Uin defence of 为了保卫 Many soldiers died in defence of our motherland in the war . 在战争中,许多战士为了保卫我们的祖国而牺牲了。in sbs defence 为某人辩护 Tom stood up in Johns defence . 汤姆站起来为约翰辩护。defence n. 防御物 C The town walls were built as a defence against enemy attacks .城墙是为防御敌人袭击而修建的。defend v. 防御,保护,辩解,辩白 from/agains

9、t He picked up a stick to defend himself from the dog . 他捡起一根棍子防卫,免得被狗咬。major adj. 大的 We have encountered major problem .我们遇上了大问题。n主修课程,专业课,主修学生,少校 Her major is English .vt. 主修 major in I majored in French at university. 我在大学主修法语。close adv.很近地,紧挨着 同 near Stand close to me .靠近我站着。adj. 密切的,接近的 She has

10、 close relationship with her students.他和她的学生关系密切。adv. 接近地 语气较强,相当于 very near The boy students came first , the girls following closely . 紧随其后。密切地,亲密地,仔细地 Look at this closely and you can find an idea .仔细研究一下这个,你就能够想出办法。dash v. 突然而急促地往前冲 ,急奔The children dashed out immediately the bell rang .铃声刚响过孩子们就

11、冲了出去。n. 猛冲,急奔 for When the door opened , there was a mad dash for seats .门一开,人们便蜂拥地朝座位奔去。on the contrary 正相反 It wasnt a good thing ; on the contrary , it was a huge mistake . 那不是一件好事,相反,那是个巨大的错误。as well 也,又,还 Are they coming as well ? 他们也来吗 ?He is interested in painting and composing as well .他不仅喜欢绘

12、画,还对作曲感兴趣。avoid v.避免 + 名词,代词,动名词 作宾语Try to avoid carrying too much cash when you are traveling .旅行的时候尽量避免带太多的现金attack n. 袭击 攻击 a series of racist attacks 一连串的种族袭击行为attack v.袭击,攻击 A woman was attacked and robbed by a gang of youths .一位妇女遭到一伙年轻人的袭击和抢劫。attacker n.攻击者,袭击者,进攻者 She didnt really see her at

13、tacker .她没有看清楚袭击她的人。function n. 作用,功能 Youd better make full use of this plan and let it perform a useful function . 你最好好好利用这个计划,使它起有益的作用。vi. 运转,发挥作用 function as 起作用 作用The sofa can also function as a bed . 这沙发还可当床用。ease n.舒适 安逸,悠闲 at ease 心定气闲,放松Singing songs can help you feel at ease . 唱歌能帮助你放松。n. 轻

14、松 with ease 轻松地,容易地 He passed the exam with ease . 轻而易举地v 减轻(痛苦,忧虑)缓和 I gave him some medicine to ease the pain .我给了他一些药来减轻他的疼痛。truly adv. 真实地,确实地 There was a truly beautiful view from the bedroom,.从卧室望出去,风景确实很美。anger n .怒气,怒火 with anger 生气地 burst into anger 勃然大怒The workers reacted with anger to the

15、 closure of the factory .工人因工厂关闭而感到气愤。vt. 使发怒,激怒 The question clearly angered him .这个问题显然激怒了他。angry adj. 生气的,发怒的 be angry with sb . be angry at sth .turn ones back to 背对 You shoulnt turn your back to others when they are talking with you . 当别人和你谈话时,你不应该背对着他们。turn ones back on 不理睬,拒绝帮助turn against 与反

16、目成仇,变得敌对turn sb. away 不准某人进入turn down 把声音调低turn in 上交 退还turn inside out 吧里面的翻出来,彻底搜索turn into 转变,变成turn off 关掉turn on 打开turn out 结果是,证明是turn over 移交,仔细考虑 turn to 翻到页 求助于turn up 把声音开大turn a blind eye to 视而不见turn a deaf eat to 充耳不闻agreement n.同意 Youll have to get your parents agreement if you want to go on the trip . 你想要去旅行就必须征得你父母的同意。n. 协定,协议 reach /come to /a


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