the mark on the wall 解析

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《the mark on the wall 解析》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《the mark on the wall 解析(5页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、The Mark on the WallVirginia Woolf (1882-1941)此篇文章为 Woolf 意识流的代表作,Woolf 的文字也并不简单直白,因而要读懂她的文章一定要紧跟 Woolf 的发散思维,抓住其中的内在逻辑。此篇文章的主旨可以理解为追求男女平等,作者追问了生命的神秘。并且文章巧妙的运用 Mark on the wall 来作为文章的线索,其本身也具有深刻的象征意义。如下,笔者尝试理清 Woolf 的行文逻辑:首先,mark 是钉子吗?是用来挂画像吗?但是不像钉子-事情一旦发生就没人知道发生原因-生命神秘而偶然。来世,人们依然说不清什么是男人和女人,或者是不是存在

2、这样的东西。作者希望能自由的思考,找思路,批判真诚地相信自己不爱听别人赞扬的谦虚而灰色的人们头脑,未来小说家把现实把现实排除在作品之外。也许很多人都这样想,这是一种概括,可是概括是没有意义的。概括让人想起一整套事物,人们在儿童时期就认为这些事物是正统,是标准的、真正的事物,人人都必须遵循,否则就得冒打入十八层地狱的危险。而不相信它们的人所得到的处罚只不过是一种非法的自由感。作者奇怪现在到底是什么代替了它们,代替了那些真正的、标准的东西?也许是男人,如果你是个女人的话;男性的观点支配着我们的生活,是它制定了标准,订出惠特克(尊贵等级的列表) 。其次,mark 摸起来像小小的古冢,其中有白骨。古物


4、卑序列表!可是,上一条思路不对。因为谁又能对惠特克的尊卑序列表妄加非议呢?排在坎特伯里大主教后面的是大法官,而大法官后面又是约克大主教。每一个人都必须排在某人的后面,这是惠特克的哲学。最要紧的是知道谁该排在谁的后面。惠特克是知道的。大自然忠告你说,不要为此感到恼怒,而要从中得到安慰;假如你无法得到安慰,假如你一定要破坏这一小时的平静,那就去想想墙上的斑点吧。大自然暗中怂恿我们采取行动以便结束那些容易令人兴奋或痛苦的思想。我们也不妨注视墙上的斑点,来打断那些不愉快的思想。最后,看 mark 像在大海中抓住了木板。产生了把大主教和大法官逐入虚无幻境的现实感,mark 证明除了我们自身以外还存在着其

5、他的事物。它产生于一棵树,树木会生长。我还喜欢去想这棵树怎样在冬天的夜晚独自屹立在空旷的田野上,树叶紧紧地合拢起来,对着月亮射出的铁弹,什么弱点也不暴露,像一根空荡荡的桅杆竖立在整夜不停地滚动着的大地上。这棵树还有一百万条坚毅而清醒的生命分散在世界上。单词1. cavalcade ,kv()lked; kv()lked n. 行列,队伍;骑兵队 Cavalcade: 气壮山河 | 乱世春秋 | 骑兵队 2. carnations n. 园艺 康乃馨(Carnation 的复数形式) Carnations: 康乃馨 | 石竹 | 荷兰石竹 3. canister knst n. 筒;(放咖啡,茶

6、叶,烟等的)小罐;防毒面具的滤毒罐 4. turnips n. 园艺 芜菁(turnip 的复数) ;红萝卜;大头菜 turnips: 红萝卜 | 芜菁 | 萝卜 5. bagatelle ,bgtel n. 琐事,小事;弹子球戏的一种;轻快小曲 n. (Bagatelle)人名;( 法)巴加泰勒 Bagatelle: 音乐小品 | 小品 | 轻快小曲 6. iron hoop 铁箍 iron hoop: 铁箍 | 铁环 | 铁环 7. scuttle skt()l vi. 逃避;急促地跑 vt. 使船沉没;破坏 n. 天窗;煤桶;筐 scuttle: 舷窗 | 小舱口 | 天窗 8. opa

7、ls n. 蛋白石;纺 轧光细棉布;猫眼石;澳宝石(opal 的复数形式) opals: 轧光细棉布 | 蛋白石 | 澳宝石 9. quiescent kwes()nt; kwa- adj. 静止的;不活动的;沉寂的 quiescent: 静止的 | 安静的 | 寂静的 10. awning n n. 雨篷;建 遮阳篷;甲板等上的天篷 awning: 遮蓬 | 遮阳篷 | 遮篷 11. tumulus tjumjls n. 坟墓;古墓;冢 tumulus: 古墓 | 钟状火山 | 小的熔岩丘 12. antiquary ntkwr n. 古文物研究者;古董商人;收集古文物者 antiquary

8、: 古文物研究者 | 古董商 | 古董商人 13. clod kld n. 土块;笨蛋;牛颈肉 vt. 对掷土块 clod: 土块 | 土粒 | 泥块 14. indite ndat vt. 创作;写成文章 indite: 创作 | 赋诗 | 写创作 15. Quarterly Meeting (基督教教友会的)季会例句 I thought of the cavalcade of red knights riding up the side of the black rock. the miniature of a lady with white powdered curls, powder-

9、dusted cheeks, and lips like red carnations. A fraud of course 当然是赝品 , for the people who had this house before us would have chosen pictures in that wayan old picture for an old room. Then there were the bird cages, the iron hoops, the steel skates, the Queen Anne coal-scuttle , the bagatelle board

10、 , the hand organ all gone, and jewels, too. Opals and emeralds, they lie about the roots of turnips . Thus, waking from a midnight dream of horror, one hastily turns on the light and lies quiescent, worshipping the chest of drawers, worshipping solidity, worshipping reality, worshipping the imperso

11、nal world which is a proof of some existence other than ours. sun themselves upon the thin green awning of the leaves If I ran my finger down that strip of the wall it would, at a certain point, mount and descend a small tumulus, a smooth tumulus like those barrows on the South Downs which are, they

12、 say, either tombs or camps. What sort of a man is an antiquary, I wonder? Retired Colonels for the most part, I dare say, leading parties of aged labourers to the top here, examining clods of earth and stone, and getting into correspondence with the neighbouring clergy It is true that he indites a

13、pamphlet which he is about to read at the quarterly meeting of the local society美文 so he said, and he was in process of saying that in his opinion art should have ideas behind it when we were torn asunder, as one is torn from the old lady about to pour out tea and the young man about to hit the tenn

14、is ball in the back garden of the suburban villa as one rushes past in the train . 这种情形就像坐火车一样,我们在火车上看见铁道旁的一个郊区别墅里,有个老太太正准备倒茶,有个年轻人正举起球拍打网球,火车一晃而过,老太太和年轻人被抛在后面,我们与他们就分开了。 because once a things done, no one ever knows how it happened. Oh! dear me, the mystery of life; The inaccuracy of thought! The i

15、gnorance of humanity! To show how very little control of our possessions we havewhat an accidental affair this living is after all our civilization. Why, if one wants to compare life to anything, one must liken it to being blown through the Tube at fifty miles an hourlanding at the other end without

16、 a single hairpin in ones hair ! Shot out at the feet of God entirely naked! Tumbling head over heels in the asphodel meadows like brown paper parcels pitched down a shoot in the post office! With ones hair flying back like the tail of a race-horse. Yes, that seems to express the rapidity of life, the perpetual waste and repair; all so casual, all so haphazard 偶然的,随便的,无计划的.


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