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1、节约用水英语演讲稿节约用水英语演讲稿ater, s, grund, sea, rivers and laes are Fr ater nservatin, the students alas feel as setin Save sething else less iprtant Se students n the tap, ft, suring, se students a drin f ater, but the uth faing the fauet t drin tap ater, sund f rushing ater, and des nt feel bad ater line r

2、eall rth it? ater nservatin is reall uniprtant? Nt the rlds ater 93% is salt ater, nt drin Aunted fr nl 7% f fresh ater, and drin ater nl aunts fr eight per ent f zer Billin peple arund the rld, e depend n it aunted fr nl 08% drining fresh ater, athing, ater and re valuable ah! Althugh there are thr

3、ee liters f ater per persn per da ill be able t aintain life, but in fat f urban residents per persn per da ing, ashing, ashing vegetables everthing an nt d ithut ater, ater up t several hundred liters In additin, the faring and industrial prdutin an nt d ithut ater Peple an live several das ithut e

4、ating a fe das ithut ater an nt an nt affrd t huanit is t survive aa fr ater, shing h iprtant it is t save ater ater nservatin “is nt liited t ater, but nt let ater In fat, peple save ater is a reasnable use f ater, effiient use f ater Save ater des nt affet ur qualit f life Everne has the value f r

5、esures asted t rret thers 水 bligatins The idea that “as lng as I pa the ater, u an hi, aste ater is n business, thers ut f ind” pint f vie is rng, ur untr, “ater La” that ater resures belng t the state , that is, the hle peple prvide fr untries arund the rld, ater is publi prpert Therefre, everne sh

6、uld have publi ater aareness per resures are ver preius, unite the hard r f an peple Everne shuld lve the ater, saving ater against pllutin f ater and aste ater “alendar vie frerunners state and fail, as the thrift failure b the extravagane “Qinianhiia, diligene and universities, this is a ralit, is

7、 a virtue Students, e are a sall hst untr, fr sall ater nservatin shuld develp gd thining habits hether in shl r in utside the shl, shuld pa attentin t ater nservatin e ust tae pratial atin t be a gd b t save aterhairan, distinguished ebers f the teahers, dear lleagues:Hell, everneTda I share ith u

8、the tpi is: rprate sial respnsibilitrprate sial respnsibilit ( rpratesialrespnsibilit, SR) refers t the enterprises t reate prfits fr sharehlders, bear legal respnsibilit at the sae tie, als undertae t eplees, usters, unit and envirnental respnsibilit rprate sial respnsibilit requires the enterprise

9、s t g bend the prfit as the nl gal f the traditinal philsph, ephasis n the prdutin press f the value f huan attentin, ephasis n nsuer, envirnental, ntributin t sietReeber that e have ust ved int the building, regardless f the eeend, r at 10: 00 t the pan, u ill find ur this building alas lights, as

10、bright as da I thin at that tie, the preier fr his annual unit GDP energ nsuptin redued b 4% gals; and ur late night nbd hen lighted, h ant e d se ntributin fr the preier gal?I thin ba and frth t neself, tss and turn restlessl, then president Ga Ruibin rte an eail, attahed the pht, suggested, e shul

11、d find better energ-saving easures t redue energ nsuptin fr untries t ae ur ntributin High ttal in his bus shedule t see essages, prptl frarded t an assiated rganizatin and lleaguese thin, in hih after hat has hanged?S lng, I see ever night 9: 00, 10: 00, in ur building ill be the prpert f staff t i

12、nspet eah flr, per ffT this ear ul 10th, ur ffie at 7 : 30 after lighting ill be autatiall lsed See the satisfatr hange, I gave a high ttal rte an eail, attahed 2 phts, ne is at 11 : 00 then e trla ansin; it shs ur lighting per suppl have been alst pletel lsed, ith the last piture reall is nt Anther

13、 pht f ur neighbrs, a anadian pans ansin; displaed abve their lighting lie e ere building a ear ag that a, as lear as dalight High ttal gave e the repl that the nae is rprateSialRespnsibilit SR, rprate sial respnsibilit, nt ust the pan, as ell as eah eplee s respnsibilit nl e r tgether, e ill ntinue

14、 t uphld the pan f equalit, pen, inlusive, innvative spirit, innvatin in siene and tehnlg ntinue t frge ahead n the rad; ur siet ill be re harniusS hat I a ging t d, is t Nrtel E rite, tell the t the attentin f setin pass redutin In the hpe that this tie next ear, in this plae, t reprt prgressThan u

15、!hen I as ung,I alas dreaed that I lived in a beautiful untr There ere an flers and trees arund ur ite unld hear the birds singing and see the hildren daning The streets ere lear and the the air as ver fresh! H nie it as!But that nl as a drea f ine!H I ish that it uld be e true! S I thin e shuld d s

16、ething t prtet ur envirnent Everne shuld ae a ntributin t prtet the envirnent Taing are f ur envirnent is ver iprtantherever u live,u an d sething arund ur neighburhd Have u ever thrn an litter nt the grund?Have u ever dran pitures n publi alls?Have u ever spat in a publi plae?Have u ever ut dn trees?If ur ansers are “N”,it eans that u have alread helped prtet ur envirnent It is ur dut t eep ur envinent lean and tid u ight as urself,”Have I ever pied up se rubbish a



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