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1、牛津英语 7Bunit2 教学案 1Unit 2 ele t Sunshine Tn(Integrated Sills)【学习目标】1 听取细节,提炼信息。2 了解有关故宫的知识。3 学会介绍环境。4 学会会出行做安排。【前自主学习】一讲下列词组翻译成英语1故宫博物馆_ 2 艺术品_3 很有趣_ 4 玩一整天_中国画_ 6 在学校见你_7 没赶上公共汽车_ 8 听起很棒_要点点拨:1Dnt iss the great shiss 动词,意为 “错过,没赶上”eg Hurr up, r ull iss the bus意为“想念 ”eg Ill iss ther all the tie2 rs f

2、 art 意“艺术品”rs 表示“作品,著作” ,为复数,作为“工作”时,是不可数名词,而 b 做名词“工作” ,是可数名词。r 也做动词“工作”。3lts f fun 很有趣fun 做名词“乐趣”是不可数名词 eg hve fun = have a gd tie4 a full da 一整天full 是形容词“满的,饱的”be full f “满是/装满 ”I full I dnt ant t eat an re【堂检测】一、用所给词的适当形式填空1 Therell be an e _ at the Palae useu 2e an see fine _f art trr3ell see a

3、 stne _ in Bahe Palae 4G t visit the glden _ (宝座)in Taihe Palae T see re _ (纪念物) ,u an g t Bahe Palae6 _ e _ (将要离开)shl at 8 a trr?【后作业】一、完成下列对话:A: _u _ t g t Beiing Z trr? B: es, _ lie t _ an e see there?A: e an see lts f large anials B: _ e leave trr rning?A :At 7:00 a B: es, thats _ I _ u at 7 a t

4、rr二、用所给词的正确形式填空:1here _ the _ (n) eah ther last ear?2hen _ u _ (be brn)?I _ (be brn)in 19883It s 12 l The Siths_ (have) lunh4heres a? He_ (be) in the reading r He_ (tal) ith his friendsh _ (sing) best in ur lass? I thin Lu _ (d)6an u dane? N, I ant But ar _ (dane) ell7There _ (be) an exhibitin at Be

5、iing Z Trr8hat tie _ e _ (start) trr rning?9e _ (be) there at 9 a trrUnit 2 ele t Sunshine Tn(ain Tas)【学习目标】1学习在写作前搜索信息的方法。2通过调查研究获取相关信息。3组织语言以吸引特定读者群。4熟悉一种新的体:录像字稿。【前自主学习】一用所给词的适当形式填空1It s a fine da h nt_(g)ut fr a al2Everne in hina_(be) friendl t freigners3here is rLi?-He_(sit)n the hair,_(hat) it

6、h se parents4 e ill visit Unle ang if it _(nt rain)trrL The bus_(e)6 Stp_(drin) Its bad fr ur health7 The teaher ass us _(lean)the lassr8 It s eas_(learn)h t ride a bie9 Is that_(Lu and Lil)des? es,it is10I ill tae_(the)t the _(shp) all堂要点点拨:1sh sb Arund sehere =tae sbt visit sehere带领某人参观某地eg Ill sh

7、 u arund he tnsh sb sth = sh sth t sb 给某人看某物2It taes sb se tie t d sth 做某事花某人多少时间eg It taes e t hurs t finish her3 hpe t d sth / hpe that +句子不可以说 hpe sb t d sth【堂检测】一、根据首字母或中提示写出单词的正确形式:1 I ging t sh u a shl 2It s a ar and s da3She lies ging t tn n her b 4There is nt uh p in the tne ften eet friends

8、 at the (青少年活动中心)6It taes an hur t get t the n tn 7I ften tal ith friends (附近的)xb18hat (别的) an u tell e abut ur he tn?【后作业】句型转换:1It has lts f different buildings it ?2e g t restaurants at nn(划线提问) hat u at nn?3utside the garden is a bus stp(同义句) a bus stp the garden4I ging t sh u arund he tn(一般疑问句)

9、t sh e arund ur he tn?I thin it is a nderful plae(否定句)I it a nderful plaeUnit 2 ele t Sunshine Tn(heut) 【学习目标】1、对本单元教学内容进行回顾。2、复习 H uh 和 H an 的使用用法。3、复习物主代词和名词所有格的用法。4、复习定冠词的使用方法。【前自主学习】一、翻译:1、多少听的狗食 2、订一份比萨 3、坐地铁4、空气污染 、几大盒牛奶 6、在青少年活动中心7、城镇中心 8、带你参观我的家乡【堂检测】一、句型转换:1I thin hinese is eas(改否定句) I hine

10、se eas2A ls lie her father(否定句) A lie her father3I ent t Beiing tie a nth(一般疑问句及否定回答)u t Beiing tie a nth? N, 4He is ging t Shanghai trr(对划线部分提问) he shanghai?【后作业】一、选择题:( )1There are lts f things tda Ad Bdid ding Dt d ( )2If u dnt lie hien, u an have beef Ainstead Binstead f f Din( )3H uh il is ther

11、e in the bttle? There is An Bnne nt Dan( )4The ne bie e 260 uan At Bspent st Dleft( )I have ne ith e Anne Bn nt Dan( )6It taes 30 inutes a bile fr he t shlAride Briding t ride Drde( )7The shed us their ne shl Aarund Bver in Dt( )8H an bs are there n the table? AN BNne Nbd DDnt二、完成下列中译英:1、昨天李明带领我们参观了

12、故宫博物馆。esterda Li ing the 2、他有许多 Ds,但我一张也没有 He has Ds, but I 3、他花很多时间帮助我做家务。 He spends lts f tie e the huser4、地球比月球大得多。The earth is than the n、我不会说日语,也不会写。 I ant and ant rite it, Unit 2 ele t Sunshine Tn(Graar1)【学习目标】1 学会用 H an 和 H uh 谈论数量2 正确运用名词所有格s 的表达方式【前自主学习】一、用 h uh 或 h an 填空。1_students are the

13、re in ur shl?2_bread d u need? A little3_hips are there in that bx?4_des the at st?_ties d u al ur dg ever ee?6_sheep are there n the hill?二、用括号内所给词的适当形式填空。1 This b is _(Lu)2 These bs are the _ (tin)3 The bedr is _ (i and a)4T he flers are _(i and a)知识要点点拨:大家都知道 h an 和 huh 是用提问多少,的意思,那么 h an 和 huh 有

14、什么区别吗?1 所修饰词的不同h an 用修饰可数名词的复数,它的句式是:H an+复数名词+一般疑问句?h uh 用修饰不可数名词,表示数量,也可单独使用。2 h an 的用法(1)对 there be 句型中主语的数量如:se, five, nl ne 等提问时,如果主语是可数名词,不管主语是单数还是复数一般都用复数形式提问,因为问话人不知道具体的数量是多少,而且 an 只能接可数名词复数形式,所以 be 一定要用 are 即用 H an+可数名词复数+are there+地点/时间状语?的句型结构例如:1 There is a b n the des (用 h an 改为特殊疑问句)H an bs are there n the des?2 There are seven das in a ee (对



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