
上传人:艾力 文档编号:30618920 上传时间:2018-01-31 格式:DOC 页数:11 大小:27KB
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1、大学英语四级词汇训练 500 题 4大学英语四级词汇训练 1200 题test 41even thugh he has lived in hina fr an ears, ar still an nt _ hiself t the hinese ustsaadpt badust adapt daept2he tried t _ ith the anager fr has salaraevaluate bbet bargain dpause3t se _, ar still des nt understand this unit but she herself des nt believe sa

2、extend bpart extent dntent4great britain and frane ill hld a _ regarding se eurpean eni prblesanferene breferene nversin dperatinsine he ften travels n business, he an _ hiself t sleeping in an plae he an findaae baust fre dlet6he has _ uh tie and energ fr his inventinantained bpreeded nsued dpaid7a

3、 gd teaher alas tries t _ students t as questinaenurage bbe reall dspread8if u ant t see the hairan f the departent, ud better ae an _ ith his seretar firstaadissin bagreeent appintent dalphabet9the sa the ne fil is a(n) _ piture s the nt g t see ita internal bdd interesting ddull10the udge _ the ur

4、derer t tent ears in prisnarequired brdered indiated dsentened11this universit has _ a great deal sine ur last visitaappeared baltered apprahed dadired12she is narr inded and alas _ hat ther peple havea ealus bes isses denvies13hen he e up fr his drea, the frightened b tried t _ his thers aragrape b

5、gre grip dgrave14ar has never been _ a shipaabrad babard abve dabsrb1the dern aera lens a be ated ith re than ten _ fr eah piee f its glassa levels bstries laers dfratins16the thief as _ b the plie at the raila statinaarpet bined aptured dunted17in fat, there is n _ libert in an untraadequate babslu

6、te private dpratial18there is t uh nise utside i an nt _ attentin n rannet bflat fill dnentrate19hile studing at ula,rang _ his ld friend, h he has nt seen fr nearl tent earsaenuntered bhispered sung daid20the _ prdutin f engines in ur fatr has dubled this earaanual bannual aunt dalie21the freign in

7、ister ade an exellent _ n the urrent internatinal situatinaittee band ent dissin22the _ attle ainl fr the internatinal aretaarpenter bdistrit x dbreed23he ent t the dane last night but uldnt find a _ beause f his strange lthesapnd bsaddle partner dsalad24her father ill never _ f her ging t stud in t

8、he united states alneaprve bagree adit dapprve2i ish i uld _ u seh fr ur indnessastra bissue reard dn26ur teaher as _ b the funn stranaed bielded aused dexpanded27the ung peple ade a ne _ t the gvernraprpsal bsuberge tenden dthread28in the fil e sa last night, the her _ his ife t death ith his srdat

9、hrat bthrust trust dthread29if there is n ther a t save a _ persn in a tall building n fire, fire fighters a spread a net int hih the persn an upavlt brapped trapped ddeserted30sine 1978, an ne _ have been develped in ur universit t eet the inreasing deands f the studentsadisiplines bentranes hes df

10、laes31h an e finish the r in the _ f an ther helpers?aera bhaste spare dabsene32the unded sldiers bld _ the grund red at the frntadied bduped draed dded33there are t gvernents in this untr but neither f the is regarded as the _ ne b the therapanel blegal purple drepubli34the questin then _: hat are

11、e ging t d hen e graduate fr the universit?araises baruses arises drises3the _ beteen the t plaing perids f a ftball gae is nl a fe inutesa internal breserve interval dradiu36hat e need t learn is h t put ther int _ hen e begin ur fieldr hereaappearane bappliatin aplish dahieveent37it is a _ truth t

12、hat an is the nl anial that has the per t spea and reasnarth bvirtual universal dindefinite38his speeh _ the ung peple t ntinue their studaglaned bdelaed inspired dreated39the grund arund here is stl _ and nt ver gd fr faringabard bla id dax40se peple sa that eduatin is the best _ fr hildrena invest

13、igatin brganizatin investent drigin41she lies the _ fler instead f the natural nea artile badventure anient dartifiial42this higha runs _ t the railaa idential bsuitable parallel ddistributin43the rent fr this huse is $ 20 but u need als pa $0 first as the _adepsit bunil desired dsubitted44the rebui

14、lding plan as _ t the itteeataped baditted desired dsubitted4a lndn red ver hard and finall he _ suessaade bfund sught dahieved46its ust _ bite there is nthing t rr abutaa vessel ba teple an inset dan arbitrar47a is _ f stealing the bs fr the libraraaused bitnessed strained dfund48etals expand hen t

15、he are heated and _ hen leda indiate beliinate nquer dntrat49in rder t _ a gd nledge f english, he gave up his b and ent t stud in an english shlarequire binquire aquire daddress0he heed arefull t _ the pssible errrs in his designaeliinate bexeed enlarge dvibrate答案:1 2 3 4a b 6 7a 8 9d 10d 11b 12d 13 14b 1 16 17b 18d 19a 20b 21 22d 23 24d 2 26 27a 28b 29 30a 31d 32d 33b 34 3 36b



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